
Chief Financial Officers have been playing an ever greater role in business management and strategy since the title was first used in the 1960s.

The evolution of CFO from keeper of the records and reporter of numbers to strategist has been underway for years, accelerated by the Great Recession and now the COVID-19 pandemic.

A report on this evolution says the pandemic has expanded the role of CFOs as businesses struggle to maintain their equilibrium in the face of unprecedented changes. While CFOs believe their role is growing in significance, CEOs are even more certain.

The survey that forms a key part of the report by the Institute of Management Accountants and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants found 72% of financial managers at all levels saying the CFO role will “increase or increase significantly” over the next few years. 82% of CEOs see that happening.

The pandemic, the survey respondents said, has had an impact on that evolution and on how it has altered their view of the role. Curiously, CFOs themselves see the effect as more modest compared to CEOs. Where just over a quarter of CFOs perceived the impact of COVID as changing their views of the CFO role completely or significantly, over 50% of CEOs said that.

Indeed, the survey participants said that for CEOs, leadership, strategic insight and ethics and trust are the most valued characteristics of CFOs. While the CFO respondents agreed these with the CEOs, they didn’t score them as high.They also saw characteristics such as customer centricity and global experience as much more valuable than did the CEOs.

In discussing the report with AccountingToday, IMA Vice President of Research and Policy Raef Lawson said that the survey and multiple roundtables with business leaders bears out the predictions made a decade ago about the changing role of financial leaders.

“We had predicted that the role of the CFO would be transitioning from financial reporting and stewardship to more of the strategic business partnership role, more engaged through external stakeholders. That’s all taken place. The interesting thing is that the pandemic seems to have just accelerated this change.”CFO of the Future chart.jpg

Photo by Tyler Franta on Unsplash


Pay Is Only Part of Attracting and Retaining Accounting Talent

While the rest of us may be having sugarplum dreams, accountants are seeing stacks of spreadsheets and tax forms and year end reports in their future.

For accounting professionals at firms across the country the end of the year brings the beginning of their busiest months. The long hours, routine, if important, tasks and the lack of flexibility that marks these next three months puts traditional firms at a disadvantage, says a whitepaper from Thomson Reuters.

Though the COVID pandemic may have cooled the intense talent wars of the last few years, it won’t last. “Competition is bound to only intensify,” the report says. And compensation is only part of the formula. Firms, need to “focus on more intangibles like employee engagement, and nurturing a positive and inclusive workplace culture.”

As its title says, the whitepaper details 4 Ways to Elevate Your Accounting Firm’s Talent.

The first step is to elevate the firm’s visibility among those professionals you want to hire. Recruitment marketing is as essential as marketing to attract new clients, says the report.

“Change begins with developing and raising awareness of your firm’s reputation as a place to work,” says the paper. “The visibility and awareness of your ‘employer brand’ among prospective candidates is important.”

The place to start is with the firm’s website. Think more like a candidate, than an employer when crafting the careers pages. What is it your firm offers? What makes your firm unique and a good place to work?

Most of the report focuses on building a strong culture to retain and attract talent. You do that, says the Thomson Reuters paper by emphasizing career development and learning, by focusing on engagement and developing a positive work environment.

“What is the ideal culture? For many associates, a positive corporate culture is one rich in diversity, inclusion, and flexibility. This is especially true among younger associates.”

For many diversity is associated with “a forward-thinking mindset that involves tolerance, inclusiveness, and openness to different ideas or ways of thinking.” In addition, empowering associates and providing a path to a better work/life balance through flexible work schedules, telecommuting, compressed workweek, etc. helps promote a positive workplace culture.

“Attracting and retaining top accounting firm talent is challenging for many firms. Shifts in employee expectations, greater competition from tech players, and a constricting pipeline of accounting graduates means that the job market will only intensify,” the report observes.

A competitive paycheck is important, the report concludes, but “earning the loyalty and commitment of your employees is about so much more.”

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash
