
Already undergoing challenging and sometimes painful changes, the global healthcare sector can expect more of the same in 2020 and for some time beyond. But these changes also present opportunities says a 2020 outlook from Deloitte.

The drivers of the the sector’s transformation are many: “A growing and aging population, rising prevalence of chronic diseases, infrastructure investments, technological advancement, evolving care models, higher labor costs amid worker shortages, and the expansion of health care systems in developing markets.”

The Deloitte outlook examines four broad categories of change:

  1. Financial operations and performance improvement
  2. Digital transformation and interoperability
  3. Care model innovation
  4. Future of work

While each of these is already in play, some pose greater difficulty. Globally, and especially in the US, “health systems are struggling to maintain financial sustainability in an uncertain and changing environment.” While righting the financial picture will be different from country to country, Deloitte notes “a few of the options could be payment reform, universal health coverage, pricing controls, population health management (PHM), and public-private partnerships (PPPs). Industry consolidation and a changing regulatory landscape also are seen as influencing factors.

“Health system leaders will likely need to employ a balanced mix of these levers in 2020 to deliver high-quality care and achieve financial sustainability.”

Employers will continue to deal with a shortage of healthcare professionals. “A widening demand-supply gap of skilled professionals is creating immediate challenges for public and private health system,” says Deloitte, describing rising demand in developing countries and shortages almost everywhere.

Deloitte especially sees no easing of the demand shortfall of nurses and doctors, calling it “particularly acute.” If anything, the report suggests the shortage in the US and in Europe has the potential for getting worse.

Countries are experimenting with different approaches to easing the shortages including adoption of AI-enabled diagnostic tools, free medical school tuition in exchange for working in underserved areas and broader and faster adoption of remote medicine technology and even repatriation incentives.

Ultimately, “Health systems need to consider new methods to source, hire, train, and retain skilled workers to achieve.

Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash


Jun 6, 2023

In Recognition of Perioperative Nurses

You may never have heard of a perioperative nurse, but if you’ve had surgery, that’s who cared for you before, during and after the procedure.

These healthcare professionals are warriors and advocates for patients and their families, declares the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses, reason enough to join with them this week in celebrating Perioperative Nurses Week.

In medical dramas, the nurses you see in the operating rooms selecting and passing instruments to the surgeon and jumping in to assist are perioperative nurses. Especially in complex surgeries when multiple practitioners are involved, these RNs will also serve as circulating nurses, managing the nursing care and ready to assist wherever they may be needed.

What you won’t see on TV is the less dramatic, yet just as essential role of perioperative nurses in caring for patients immediately following a procedure, counseling them and their families and educating patients and caregivers on what they need to do to ensure a speedy and safe recovery.

Perioperative nurses work in hospitals, outpatient centers and in doctors’ offices, working with new patients and are in regular contact with surgeons and other members of the surgical team. The Mayo Clinic says that though the work environment is stressful, “many nurses find it a rewarding role.”

Hopefully, you’ll never need surgery, but if you do, know that a perioperative nurse will be there as your advocate.

Join with us at Green Key Resources in recognizing perioperative nurses for the work they do.

Photo by Graham Ruttan on Unsplash
