Every day, all across the country millions of home care aides, therapists, nurses and social workers make life better for people with chronic illnesses, the disabled and healthy, but frail elderly by assisting them with daily living activities.
Home health aides care for patients who are still living at home, helping to lift the burden from family caregivers. Nurses and therapists make regular visits to their housebound patients to check on their progress and, for those with life limiting illnesses, to provide palliative care.
They go about their work quietly, serving patients and families, providing companionship and comfort to those they serve.
For the work they do, the National Association for Home Care & Hospice asks all of us to recognize November as National Home Care & Hospice Month and November 8-14 as Home Care Aides week.
In honor of these special people, all of us at Green Key Resources say thank you to those who do so much to make life better for so many. We join with NAHC President William A. Dombi who says,
“Home care and hospice nurses, therapists, aides, and other providers choose to use their lives to serve our country’s aged, disabled, and dying. This noble work is deserves our recognition and praise and we celebrate November as home care and hospice month for that very reason.”
Photo by Georg Arthur Pflueger on Unsplash