
125 years ago this week, William Roentgen made one of the most momentous discoveries in both physics and medicine.

On November 8, 1895, Roentgen discovered x-rays and took the world’s first x-ray pictures, one of which was of his wife’s hand showing the bones and her wedding ring.

This week, National Radiologic Technology Week, we celebrate that discovery and the work of today’s radiology technologists.

R.Ts., sometimes called rad techs, do far more, of course, than simply taking x-rays. They perform a broad range of diagnostic imaging procedures. They may specialize in breast imaging, computed tomography, cardiac-interventional procedures, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, radiation therapy and general diagnostic radiology

Technologists must have at least an associate’s degree, many hold 4-year college degrees. Registered radiologic technologists must pass a national test to become certified. The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists counts over 300,000 technologists.

The leading organization for radiologic technologists is the American Society of Radiologic Technologists, which created National Radiologic Technology Week in 1979.

And just for the record, there is often confusion between the terms radiologic technologist and technician. Though they may be used interchangeably, and some organizations say the difference is that a technologist has somewhat more training and is able to perform more imaging procedures, others insist the difference is that a tech repairs and manages the equipment.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash


Jun 6, 2023

Chronic Pain Patients Find Telehealth Cost Effective

Telehealth continues to demonstrate its popularity, this time among people suffering with chronic pain.

At their annual meeting this month, itself held online, anesthesiologists heard that patients who met with their pain specialist remotely were overwhelmingly satisfied with the experience.

Conducted by the UCLA Comprehensive Pain Center in Los Angeles, the survey period began in August 2019, long before the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients at the pain center were given the option of in-office or remote appointments by video or phone. The 1,398 patients who chose the remote options had a cumulative 2,948 virtual appointments.

According to an account of the study by Healthcare Finance the virtual meetings saved patients both time and money. Half saved at least 69 minutes commuting and a roundtrip of 26 miles or more. They also saved a median $22 in gas and parking fees for each virtual visit.

Initial visits for new patients or existing patients with new conditions were best served by in-person office appointments, the report said. Thereafter, follow-up appointments could be conducted remotely. Anesthesiologists participating in the conference estimated that up to 50% of visits could be virtual.


Jun 6, 2023

New Dietary Guidelines Leave Sugar, Alcohol Limits Intact

For good health eat more fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Get your protein from poultry, beans, nuts, and lean meat. Limit your sugar to less than 10% of your daily calories and don’t have more than 2 alcoholic drinks a day – 1 if you’re a woman.

Sound familiar? It should. It’s what we’ve been told for years, and now will hear for 5 more years.

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Just before New Year’s, the US Department of Agriculture and Health and Human Services issued the latest edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The guidelines are issued every 5 years. This one is not much different from the 2015 edition, though a number of scientists, physicians and dietitians say at least in a few places it should be.

For the first time, dietary guidelines for infants and toddlers, breastfeeding mothers and mothers-to-be are included

Infants should be breastfed exclusively for the first six months. Then, the guidelines say, they “should be introduced to nutrient-dense, developmentally appropriate foods to complement human milk or infant formula feedings.”

The guidelines unambiguously declare that for infants and young children there is “virtually no room in their diet for added sugars.”

Controversy arose, however, over the sugar – and alcohol – limits for everyone else.

Despite a strong recommendation from the government’s advisory committee to limit added sugar to no more than 6% of daily calories and alcohol to one a day, the USDA and HSS decided to retain the 2015 guideline of 10% and retain the 2 and 1 drink limits, explaining in a press release there was “not a preponderance of evidence… to support specific changes.”

Elizabeth J. Mayer-Davis, who chaired the advisory committee’s beverages and added sugars subcommittee, told The Wall Street Journal that rejecting the 6% recommendation was “a lost opportunity for a stronger public health message.”

The decision not to reduce the 2 drink limit for men “is very disappointing,” said Nigel Brockton, vice president of research at the American Institute for Cancer Research . “The evidence for cancer is so overwhelming.”

Throughout, the guidelines do emphasize a need for Americans to limit their sugar intake and in the section on alcoholic beverages the report says, “Evidence indicates that, among those who drink, higher average alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of death from all causes compared with lower average alcohol consumption.”

Beyond those issues, the guidelines detail what a nutrient-rich menu looks like and provides some examples of meals that meet the dietary recommendations.
