
It’s National Blood Donor Month, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Across the country, hospitals and blood banks are low on supplies of blood and blood products, some critically. Between the pandemic and last month’s severe weather, donations, which always slow during the holidays, fell even further.

In the fall, the AABB (formerly the American Association of Blood Banks), America’s Blood Centers, and the American Red Cross issued a plea for donors to step forward, declaring “significant declines” in many blood collection centers in the US.

New York City’s blood supply ran so low that on Dec. 2nd, Giving Tuesday, Mayor Bill de Blasio called on residents to donate, offering those who do a chance to win a VIP tour of the Empire State Building, “coaches’ club’’ tickets to a New York Jets football game, and a year’s supply of Krispy Kreme donuts.

The situation has eased some, though just last week New York Blood Center tweeted that “#COVID19 has created a chronic shortage.” Blood centers in the Northeast – from Washington, D.C. to Maine – were so low last week that three had only a one day supply.

Established in 1970 to remind Americans of the importance of blood donations, National Blood Donor Month has grown to honor those who contribute. From these donations, blood banks provide whole blood to hospitals and surgical centers, as well as platelets and plasma.

Many collection sites are especially encouraging contributions from those who have had COVID-19 or whose tests show the presence of antibodies for the virus. Their blood plasma may be used to treat others actively fighting the disease.

To contribute blood, call your local blood bank or the American Red Cross.

Photo by John Benitez on Unsplash


Jun 6, 2023

Healthcare Dominates ‘Best Jobs’ List

Did you miss the newest release of the annual list of “Best Healthcare Jobs” by U.S. News & World Report?

Coming out just after the start of the new year when so much other news made the headlines, the list of all the “Best Jobs,” which includes healthcare, didn’t make its usual splash. Too bad, because the U.S. News methodology makes it more than a popularity contest, taking into account hiring demand, projected growth, occupational unemployment, pay, and measures like stress levels and work-life balance.

We singled out healthcare jobs, even though the list covers all sorts of industries and occupations because of its dominance. Of the top 10 jobs on the list of 100, 7 are in healthcare. Software developer, as is so frequently the case, ranks first, but right behind are dentist, physician assistant, orthodontist and nurse practitioner.

Registered nurse, often among the top 10 on previous lists, came in 13th. That’s only because the demand for several specialties with higher pay and fewer qualified professionals has grown even larger. Far more nurses are needed by 2028 (371,500) than speech-language pathologists (41,900).

As in-demand as these jobs are, Green Key Resources can help you fill vacancies fast. We know where the best people are and how to reach them. So if you are looking to fill a nursing job or have an opening for a physical therapist or other professional, one call to 212.683.1988 will put you in touch with a recruiting specialist who knows the industry and will work with you to get just the talent you want.


Jun 6, 2023

The New ‘Normal’ Is Not 98.6

December 22nd, 2020

When mom took your temperature and decided that at 98.6 F you were fine, she might very well have been wrong.

She was relying on a 150 year old standard that a growing number of studies are finding is too high by about a degree.

It’s not that German physician Carl Wunderlich was wrong. It’s that the average body temperature has declined since he first published the figure in 1868.

“Our temperature’s not what people think it is,” said Dr. Julie Parsonnet, a professor of medicine and health research at Stanford Medical School. “What everybody grew up learning, which is that our normal temperature is 98.6, is wrong.”

She and a group of her colleagues earlier this year published an analysis of body temperature trends in the US since the Civil War. It confirm what other studies found — our body temperature has been going down for decades. They determined the body temperature of men born in the early to mid-1990s is on average 1.06 F lower than that of men born in the early 1800s and that of women of the same time periods is on average 0.58 F lower.

The researcers offered a number of possible reasons for the decline ranging from better hygiene and healthcare to lower rates of inflammation and improved diets. Even modern heating and air conditioning were mentioned as contributing factors.

Now, a study of an indigenous population of forager-horticulturists in the Bolivian Amazon has come up with similar findings.

Published in Science Advances, a multinational team of physicians, anthropologists and local researchers found that over 16 years of study the average body temperature among the Tsimane declined by .09 F a year to a current average of 97.7 F.

“In less than two decades we’re seeing about the same level of decline as that observed in the U.S. over approximately two centuries,” said lead researcher Michael Gurven, UC Santa Barbara professor of anthropology and chair of the campus’s Integrative Anthropological Sciences Unit.

Though the Bolivian Amazon is thousands of miles and a lifestyle away from the US, the researchers suspect some of the same factors may be responsible for the declining body temperature. Health care has improved and infection and inflammation have been reduced.

Said Gurven, “It’s likely a combination of factors — all pointing to improved conditions.”

Photo by The New York Public Library on Unsplash
