
Last year we recognized National Nurses Week at a time when the COVID pandemic had become so critical no nurse felt much like celebrating.

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So the World Health Organization extended the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife through 2021. In the US, the American Nurses Association not only joined in the extension but has now published the online storybook “To Be a Nurse.”

“To Be a Nurse,” says the ANA, “Is a collection of stories and photos from nurses around the world. Submitted during the Year of the Nurse, these stories showcase diverse experiences, inspiration, and reflections.”

Calling it a storybook is a little like calling a Van Gogh a painting. To Be a Nurse is a digital experience that merges a series of vignettes into a compelling understanding of what it means to be a nurse.

Text and pictures and video combine to tell stories of achievement, challenge and calling. And stories so moving you know they come straight from the heart.

“I had never had a patient without family, no less one who was going to pass from this earth at any time,” recalls RN Chris Kowal, of a night many years ago when he was only a few years into working the surgical ICU.

“I did what I never thought ICU nurses did… I closed the curtain to the outside unit, sat in bed next to the gentleman, held his hand and then clung to him, alongside his frail body, and told him, ‘It is OK. You are loved, and you have permission to leave when you feel it right.’

“It was only a matter of minutes after I held onto him that I heard the familiar long EKG alarm, and I noticed he was not breathing anymore. I respectfully wished his spirit well, began to cry uncontrollably, and I turned off the EKG and alarms. It was not my first patient to pass away, but it was one I will never forget. No one should have to die alone.”

No one who reads this storybook can come away unmoved. Not every story is as poignant; many show the joy of nursing. All are inspirational.

Jennifer Bonamer tells of wanting to be a pediatric healthcare provider as a child. She grew up to become a pediatric hematology/oncology nurse. But over time she wanted to do more.

“So I decided to go to school to pursue my PhD so that I could create evidence to improve patient care,” she tells us. Today she is a clinical nurse researcher helping clinicians explore opportunities for better patient care “to ensure we are treating the whole person.

“I am so grateful to be a nurse.”

Photo by Rusty Watson on Unsplash


Jun 6, 2023

Chronic Pain Patients Find Telehealth Cost Effective

Telehealth continues to demonstrate its popularity, this time among people suffering with chronic pain.

At their annual meeting this month, itself held online, anesthesiologists heard that patients who met with their pain specialist remotely were overwhelmingly satisfied with the experience.

Conducted by the UCLA Comprehensive Pain Center in Los Angeles, the survey period began in August 2019, long before the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients at the pain center were given the option of in-office or remote appointments by video or phone. The 1,398 patients who chose the remote options had a cumulative 2,948 virtual appointments.

According to an account of the study by Healthcare Finance the virtual meetings saved patients both time and money. Half saved at least 69 minutes commuting and a roundtrip of 26 miles or more. They also saved a median $22 in gas and parking fees for each virtual visit.

Initial visits for new patients or existing patients with new conditions were best served by in-person office appointments, the report said. Thereafter, follow-up appointments could be conducted remotely. Anesthesiologists participating in the conference estimated that up to 50% of visits could be virtual.


Jun 6, 2023

Influencer is the Hottest New Marketing Career (Sample)

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