
What will it take to be a successful chief marketing officer in 2021? Nothing less than having all or at least most of 26 traits, insists a post on the blog of the digital Australian agency, Core dna.

It’s an ambitious list that begins with traits most of us will agree are not just desirable in any leader, but are fundamental. These include being a team player, having a curious mind, being a “communication maestro” and having the skill to see the big picture while managing the details and daily tasks.

Then, writes Sam Saltis, the founder and CEO of Core dna who runs the global firm from Boston, CMOs must also know what’s on the “cutting edge of marketing innovation.” Discerning what’s a fad and what is a worthwhile investment, he says, keeps the company “moving forward instead of being late to emerging trends.”

Successful CMOs “don’t simply follow the crowd but instead push forward to help the company become an early adopter on the trends and platforms that will be huge into the future.”

That requires taking risks. Not impulsive ones. Rather those risks that are “calculated, data and research-backed,” he says. That requires another trait, bravery, because there may be pushback from “stakeholders and superiors, so a CMO needs to be strong-willed and resilient in the face of skepticism.”

As exhaustive a list as it is, there’s little with which to disagree. Open-minded, diplomatic, growth-obsessed, data literate and the others on Saltis’ list all appear in one way or another in other posts and analyses about the transformation of the role of chief marketing officer.

Writing for Deloitte on The Wall Street Journal’s website, Marie Gulin-Merle, global vice president of ads marketing at Google, says the COVID pandemic forced marketers to adapt on the fly to the new challenges and rapid changes.

Already the shortest-tenured of corporate leaders with half on the job fewer than 30 months, CMOs now are expected to be “customer champions, frontline defenders of the brand, stewards of internal morale and culture, and drivers of company growth initiatives.” Yet their main job is growing the business, she says.

Acknowledging marketers “can’t be all things at once,” Gulin-Merle offers Deloitte’s five “archetypes” as a guide:

  1. Customer champion
  2. Growth driver
  3. Innovation catalyst
  4. Capability builder
  5. Chief storyteller

“While CMOs may naturally fit one or two of the archetypes,” she says, “They can learn to prioritize their time and effort across all of the roles depending on the needs of the organization.”

“Most CMOs should focus above all on innovation and growth — on building data and insights-driven marketing organizations that can read customer signals at scale and make them actionable in real time.

“In a dynamic market, that’s where CMOs can help organizations grow and stay resilient.”

Photo by Elio Santos


5 Tips to Ace Your Virtual Interview

Whether you’re preparing for a phone screen or a final stage interview, virtual interviews are now an inevitable component of the hiring process.

Green Key Unlocked: Why Green Key?

“We are always inviting new, innovative ideas,” says Brooke Stemen, Director of Talent Acquisition at Green Key. As the person responsible for interviewing and onboarding new recruiters at the agency, Brooke has several reasons why someone should want to work and grow here. If you are looking for a different recruiting experience, or simply trying to switch career paths entirely, Brooke has provided a handful of motivating reasons to consider Green Key Resources. 

1. Commission structure 

The industry standard for commission structures is 5%, but at Green Key, *it typically starts* 12%. As this is more than double, the earning potential is unmatched. We also have zero threshold to earning commission, meaning you will make commission on your very first placement. You will never have to hit a spread quota or achieve a number of placements before unlocking strong earning potential. In addition to a competitive commission structure, Green Key also promotes from within. “We push our management teams to develop their internal teams,” says Brooke. “We are very growth-focused and invested in the success of our recruiters.” With a tech-focused mission and access to industry leading sourcing techniques, employees at Green Key have unlimited opportunities to succeed

2. Flexibility 

Green Key was founded on empathetic leadership, where you are treated like an adult and granted full autonomy to build your own day and optimize your time. Brooke reiterates, “We are not driven by arbitrary numbers, like how many calls you make. We’re a results driven firm and focused on net and production, which is a system that cultivates efficiency.” Green Key is also a give and take environment. Remote and hybrid schedules allow for a trusting relationship and higher productivity. We are always centered on quality of work over quantity. 

3. Mentorship 

Because Green Key promotes from within, managers across the organization are more motivated to mentor their recruiters and facilitate growth. Hierarchies tend to break down in these relationships and promote open communication. Mentorship within various teams is a unique aspect that makes Green Key successful. The opportunity to trust and learn from seasoned recruiters leads to goals being met and a healthy work environment.  

4. Diversity & inclusion 

“Prior to Green Key, I didn’t really see myself represented in leadership,” Brooke mentions. “As a woman who wants children one day, I was thrilled to see so many mothers holding leadership positions here.” Brooke emphasizes that Green Key is a place where you can make a substantial life for yourself, both professionally and personally. If you have to attend to personal matters outside of work, that will never hinder your success or growth here. “All we ask is that when you’re here, be present and try your hardest. At the end of the day, Green Key is an agency made by recruiters for recruiters.” 

Contact us 

If you’re considering a career change, do not hesitate to connect with Brooke on LinkedIn or visit our Join the Green Key Team page. With so many opportunities for growth and advancement, this just might be the perfect place for you!