
Welcome back to #WeAreGreenKey, where we shine a spotlight on our powerhouse recruiting team. 

This week, we got the opportunity to chat with Julia Augello, Recruiter on the Information Technology team. Almost three years since she first joined Green Key at the Melville office, Julia has actively seized numerous growth opportunities in her role and wholeheartedly embraced the culture of recruiting. 

How did you first get started in tech recruiting? 

I graduated from college with my BSBA and a concentration in Entrepreneurship as I was always interested in running my own business. I wanted to be directly responsible for my success, but I didn’t know how that would translate into the corporate world. While job searching, I came across this position on LinkedIn, and I met with Brooke. She was the one who got me thinking about tech and I did have an interest in it, so she connected me with the IT recruiting team here and after I met everyone, I just knew that this is the right spot for me. 

What aspect of being a recruiter do you find the most rewarding? 

The most rewarding aspect is helping people improve their lives. I speak to candidates daily who aren’t happy in their current situations or are burned out. Being able to connect them with an opportunity that not only just changes their position, but their well-being, is extremely rewarding. 

What advice would you give to candidates looking to stand out in the tech job market? 

I would say just keep learning and getting certifications. Certifications are a great way to show potential employers that you are serious about your career path. It’s also a good way to stay up to date on the new technologies the IT world offers. It’s a financially and time-consuming commitment to get certified in certain areas. At this point, if you’re in cyber security, the CISSP is a good certification to have, and in terms of cloud certifications, there are a ton from Azure, AWS or Google Cloud that can showcase your knowledge on the cloud. 

How do you stay updated on changes and developments within the industry to better serve your clients and candidates? 

I follow a lot of pages on LinkedIn that post articles pretty much on a daily basis about what’s going on in IT, but I also just speak to my candidates. I’m always asking them what they’re currently doing and nine times out of ten, they have absolutely no problem going on a little tangent about what they’re working on or what they are learning. It’s good to hear from them about exactly what they have going on and it helps me understand the industry a little bit better. 

2024 marks 20 years of Green Key, how would you describe your experience since starting your career with the IT team? 

It’s been transformative! I started with absolutely no recruiting or IT experience, so not only have I grown in terms of my career, but my professionalism and my knowledge has done a complete 180 since I joined. It’s also just an awesome environment, I absolutely love my team and my colleagues, and the office culture that we have going here. 

Jun 18, 2024

Forbes Names Green Key on Lists of America’s Best Executive Recruiting & Temp Staffing Firms 2024

Forbes has yet again recognized Green Key Resources on two prestigious lists: America’s Best Executive Recruiting Firms 2024 and America’s Best Temp Staffing Firms 2024. These accolades highlight Green Key’s unwavering commitment to talent acquisition and placement.

To determine the best staffing and recruiting firms, Forbes partnered with Statista, a market research company, to survey over 9,300 recruiters, HR or hiring managers, and employees.

If you’re seeking top talent or looking for your next role, reach out to us to connect with one of our seasoned recruiters.