
Apple’s iPhone may be the world’s most secure device. Apple designed the operating system and manages the apps it approves in such a way as to create what is widely described in the tech community as a walled garden.

Here’s the problem: Like all defensive walls, only the most sophisticated, most advanced enemy can get it. But once in, those walls make it equally challenging for defenders to root them out.

“It’s a double-edged sword,” Bill Marczak, a senior researcher at the cybersecurity watchdog Citizen Lab, tells MIT Technology Review. “You’re going to keep out a lot of the riffraff by making it harder to break iPhones. But the 1% of top hackers are going to find a way in and, once they’re inside, the impenetrable fortress of the iPhone protects them.”

He says that as Apple makes the iPhone ever more secure and difficult to hack, attackers aren’t just sitting back. They are developing ways to take over an iPhone invisibly.

“These allow attackers to burrow into the restricted parts of the phone without ever giving the target any indication of having been compromised. And once they’re that deep inside, the security becomes a barrier that keeps investigators from spotting or understanding nefarious behavior,” writes article author Patrick Howell O’Neill.

According to O’Neill, Apple’s security measures force defenders to look for indirect clues to the safety of a device. iVerify, one of the few Apple-approved security tools, looks for anomalies such as unexplained file modifications to detect breaches.

Now, the security Apple has designed into its iPhone ecosystem is spreading to other of the company’s products, notably the Mac.

Says security researcher Patrick Wardle, “Apple saw the benefits and has been moving them over to the Mac for a long time, and the (special) M1 chip is a huge step in that direction.”

Though Apple’s rules are intended to protect users’ privacy and prevent malicious intrusion, the article says hackers are “creating code that exists in a place where Apple doesn’t allow outside security tools to pry. It’s a game of hide-and-seek for those with the greatest skill and most resources.

‘Security tools are completely blind, and adversaries know this,’ Wardle says.”

O’Neill tells us there is no likely fix to the problem. Apple, he says, “Argues that no one has convincingly demonstrated that loosening security enforcement or making exceptions will ultimately serve the greater good.”

Photo by Tyler Lastovich on Unsplash


Tech Pros with Certifications Earn More

If you’re an IT professional and want to double that raise you got (who doesn’t?) learn a new skill or earn a certification.

That’s what Global Knowledge discovered when it surveyed tech workers around the world. The training firm won’t release its 2020 IT Skills and Salary Report until later this summer, but it gave everyone a preview of some of the key findings. Among them is the financial impact of training.

Global Knowledge found the average raise for tech professionals this year is right around 6%, which translates to a bump of just about $5,000. But those who learned a new skill earned nearly $12,000 more and those who obtained a new certification got almost $13,000 more.

“The reason for a raise impacts the amount of the raise,” says Global Knowledge. “Twelve percent of individuals who received a raise attribute it to developing new skills that were of added value. Those same individuals earned nearly $12,000 more this year compared to 2019.

“IT professionals who attribute their raise to obtaining a new certification experienced a salary bump of nearly $13,000.”

This isn’t just a one-survey wonder. Global Knowledge has surveyed tech workers since 2008 finding that those with new certifications nearly always are rewarded with a bigger than average raise. In North America tech pros with at least one certification typically earns 8% more than those with no certifications. Those with 6 or more certifications get an even bigger pay bump, earning $13,000 more than those with just one.

The reason for the difference is simple: The more skills a person has, the more productive they can be and thus more valuable. This is especially significant in tech where, as Global Knowledge says, two-thirds of IT decision-makers believe the lack of necessary skills – the skills gap – is costing between 3 and 9 hours of productivity a week.

That explains why this year Global Knowledge found a 36% jump in managers approving IT training. When training is available, 80% of managers are now giving workers the OK. On the other hand, 20% are still saying “No” to training.

According to Global Knowledge those 1-in-5 managers worry that taking time to train will negatively impact work and cause a loss of productivity. But, as the company’s report preview points out, that dip will be short-term, while not having people with all the right skills is a long-term impact.

Trying to fill the skills gap by hiring talent is so difficult that 69% of IT managers have multiple open positions. Nearly all have at least one opening.

Photo by Wes Hicks
