
Just days before the UK announced a coronavirus lockdown, Lloyds Banking Group launched a training program for new line managers.

Even for seasoned managers, moving to an entirely virtual world while working remotely for the first time posed exceptional challenges. For new managers, it could have caused training to fall completely off the priority list.

Fortunately for the global firm, much of the program was online, and with the flexibility of reduced banking hours and few meetings, managers had more time for learning, said Sharon Hutchinson, Lloyds’ senior HR manager for management and leadership development.

Speaking at a virtual conference last month, Hutchinson explained that since the training program was designed in modules – some only 5 minutes; none longer than an hour – managers could access the program between other commitments. “People might have time either side of working commitments at the moment and the whole program is available across personal devices,” she said in report on the HR site PersonnelToday.com.

The program was designed around what Hutchinson said were “moments of truth” managers encountered in their day-to-day interactions. The development team tested the program with subject matter experts, learning representatives within different parts of the business, and with learners themselves.

“We wanted the learning to focus on those new to line management but offer something that would also benefit others. It could also be a springboard for more advanced training,” she said, adding that participation ““way exceeded our expectations.”

Two months into the launch, Hutchinson said 8,433 modules were started and 7,199 have been completed. “Business areas have really taken it on board – they feel now is a great time to raise their bench strength and get this cohort of new managers upskilled.”

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash
