
If you worry about your appearance before an interview, you’re not alone. A new survey says most of us do. We spend at least an hour deciding on an interview outfit and still 54% of us worry there’s some part of how we look that could cost us the job.

The survey of 1,997 workers found 86% believe it’s important to look attractive to an interviewer; 63% believe they’ve benefited from their appearance. Clothing and weight are two things both men and women worry about most.

As it happens, there’s some truth to thinking appearance is a factor. Making a good first impression does help, researchers have found. No one wants to start an interview having to overcome a negative caused by inappropriate dress or a frumpy appearance.

But should it happen — and it can — don’t despair. Another more detailed study of when interviewers form a hiring opinion tells us it occurs after at least 5 minutes; 40% make a decision about hirability after no less than 15 minutes.

One other finding from the recent worker survey to consider is that 86% of job seekers would prefer to be seen as competent more than likable. That’s truer for men (69%) than women (58%).

Feeling that way would seem to make sense, and certainly, no one thought incompetent is going to get a job offer regardless of how likable they may be. But with teamwork and collaboration so critical in today’s workplace, hiring managers and recruiters are looking for talented people who are also a good fit with the organization and its people. In that way, likability does factor in to a decision.

It’s important, therefore to spend at least as much time — more even — on how you present yourself as you do on what to wear. Check our article on the soft skills candidates need to demonstrate. The ability to communicate clearly and possessing emotional intelligence is what will decide which of two equally skilled people gets the job offer.

Photo by Nimble Made on Unsplash


Why Is Hiring So Difficult?

With unemployment at a historic high, filling jobs shouldn’t be difficult. Yet employers say it’s hard to find qualified people to hire.

The National Federation of Independent Business says a third of its members report having jobs they couldn’t fill. In the organization’s June survey, 84% of business owners hiring or trying to hire workers reported finding “few or no qualified applicants.”

The Federation’s members are small business owners who, in good economic times, typically have more difficulty filling jobs than large organizations that offer better pay, benefits and opportunities for advancement. Yet, more owners have at least one unfilled job today than they did at the height of the Great Recession a decade ago.

What accounts for this difficulty?

Multiple factors, according to Gad Levanon, VP of labor markets for The Conference Board. Writing in Forbes recently, he says the largest share of workers expect to return to their job once their business reopens.

Many others who might otherwise be job-hunting aren’t because of a generous COVID-19 unemployment supplement. Some hesitate because they fear becoming infected. Still others have no childcare with schools and summer camps closed.

“In sum,” he writes, “While the number of unemployed workers is historically high, the number of unemployed people who are seriously trying to find jobs is much smaller. Jobseekers are competing against a much smaller number of people for new spots than the unemployment rate suggests, making it easier to get a job.”

Of the17.8 million Americans counted as unemployed, 10.6 million say they are only temporarily laid off and expect to be called back to work once their business reopens.

Many of the other 7 million-plus aren’t actively looking, at least until the special $600 unemployment supplement expires at the end of the month.

“Two-thirds of [unemployment insurance] eligible workers can receive benefits which exceed lost earnings and one-fifth can receive benefits at least double lost earnings,” the National Bureau of Economic Research estimated in an analysis released in May.

Levanon expects the job picture to change significantly in the coming months.

With COVID-19 cases surging, states are reconsidering decisions allowing businesses to reopen. For some workers, that will mean their temporary layoff will become permanent, he says. Others will be motivated to start looking once their unemployment benefits are reduced.

Says Levanon, “The unemployment rate overestimates the slack in the US labor market. But not for long.”

If you’re having trouble finding just the right person for your opening, give us a call at 212.683.1988. You’ll talk with a recruiter who specializes in your industry and knows where the best people are.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash
