
As scientists race to develop a vaccine and cure for the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, a remarkable collaboration has emerged among pharmaceutical and bioscience firms that in other times compete fiercely with each other.

Promoted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation weeks before the virus was declared a pandemic, the initial 15 companies — Novartis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly and Gilead among them — began sharing proprietary information about compounds that showed some promise. Now calling itself COVID R&D, the group has added additional members and prompted other bioscience and research groups into similar collaborative arrangements.

The Wall Street Journal detailed the story (subscription required) of the cooperation among pharmaceutical competitors in a commentary by Safi Bahcall.

It isn’t the first time pharmaceutical firms have come together, but the speed with which the collaboration developed, as well as the financial investment and the potential revenue sacrifice of marketing a successful vaccine or cure is what makes the arrangement so unusual.

It is, however, just one of the ways the pandemic is changing the industry.

In an article on the Association of Clinical Research Professionals’ blog, Noelle Gaskill, senior vice president in research operations at SignalPath, points to the speed at which COVID-19 related clinical trials were opened. The article says “she believes industry has an opportunity to make lasting changes inspired by seeing what worked so well to launch COVID-19 trials under pressure-filled conditions.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the clinical trial industry can move quickly when so inspired, Gaskill notes. ‘Now it’s time to use those lessons we learned’ to speed trial start-up in the future.”

Her comments echoed what speakers at a session of the association’s Virtual 2020 conference said. “It’s ironic, but this negative disruption is propelling vision and innovation,” said Leanne Madre, director of strategy with the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative.

While it’s far too soon to predict what lasting changes will be made, Karen Lindsley, with the Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Alliance, told attendees the future of clinical trials will be different. The clinical trials of last year are not the clinical trials of next year.”

Photo by Mat Napo on Unsplash


Jun 6, 2023

Seattle’s Biotech Is Desperate For Workers

One of the nation’s premier biotech centers is finding it so hard to fill jobs the state’s trade association has launched an ambitious marketing campaign to lure workers to Washington state.

“Our industry has jobs. We have jobs at all levels,” said Leslie Alexandre, CEO of the trade group Life Science Washington. “We eagerly welcome people to come and join our ecosystem or to be trained from our schools and colleges.”

The organization hopes to entice workers with a flashy campaign designed to sell the Seattle lifestyle and promote the industry. Life Science Jobs in Washington State, launched last week, with the tag line: “Do your best work. Live your best life.”

In photos, videos and text, the site showcases the Seattle area’s environment and its life sciences industry. The videos have biotech workers telling their stories, extolling the significance of the work they do and the livability of the state. The idea is to introduce the rest of the country to what the state and especially the Puget Sound area has to offer.

Outside the Northwest, said Alexandre, people “simply do not know what Washington is about it.”

The site’s FAQ reinforces the sell. Discussing the cost of living, the site says it’s lower than in “many other life science clusters.,” Industry pay is competitive. The site pitches strongly to families, declaring, “high-ranked schools, abundant parks and excellent healthcare make it one of the best states in the country to raise happy, healthy children.”

Among the initial 217 jobs, the majority are at a senior level, requiring an advanced degree and several years of experience in life sciences. There are, however, several jobs for IT professionals and others, including some mid-level opportunities.

Meg O’Conor Bannecker, public affairs consultant working with Life Science Washington, told the Puget Sound Business Journal the area has a “a growing need for these middle-skill workers.”

She said entry-level jobs in biomanufacturing pay about $42,000, rising to as much as double after only a few years.    

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash
