
In the fast moving world of alternatives, one of the challenges is not just staying on top of the financial news, but trying to be ahead.

There’s no shortage of information. Fund managers employ highly-paid analysts using sophisticated computer programs and artificial intelligence to sift through the firehose of news and data to detect actionable patterns and trends.

But when professionals (and more than a few investors) look for news about what others are doing, how they’re performing, competitors, and trends and developments in the world of alternatives, they rely on the many online blogs and publications to stay up-to-date.

Especially for newcomers to field, knowing which are the best, which are the must reads, is not easy. Just identifying blogs specific to alternatives is time-consuming. Fortunately, a few sites have done the work.

From the various lists, we pulled five that appear among the top on each of the sites we consulted. We’re not saying these are the best or the top sources for information about alternatives or hedge funds – though each is newsy, current and well trafficked. Make that decision yourself.

  • CNBC – Provides breaking and other news of the sector. Though many posts are limited to paid subscribers, articles are exclusive and detailed.
  • HedgeWeek – Part of the Global Fund Media Ltd. network focusing on hedge funds. Oriented toward providing industry news with multiple daily updates. Other features: newsletter, special reports, webinars.
  • Opalesque – In-depth and detailed news and commentary on hedge funds and alternatives. Well-regarded and highly knowledgeable, sponsors roundtable discussions among fund managers and investors discussing issues and trends. Limited free subscriptions.
  • Preqin.com – Not a traditional blog, but a data and research provider covering the full range of the alternatives sector. Some of the research is free to registered subscribers. Especially useful are quarterly reports and Preqin Insights posts.
  • Hedgeco.net – Its primary value lies in its database of hedge funds which includes detailed, if not always completely current, information about thousands of funds and managers. The sites includes some news of funds and managers. Free subscriptions are available.

Some others to review:

  • The Hedge Fund Journal – An online magazine of the industry.
  • Risk.net – Not exclusively about alternatives, the site covers risk management, derivatives and regulation with a section devoted to hedge funds.
  • AllAboutAlpha – This is the blog of the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association. Not a news site, the blog includes a broad range of issue-type articles, analysis and commentary by a variety of industry professionals.
  • ManagedFunds.org – The blog of the Managed Funds Association, a trade group.
  • Hedge Fund Law Blog  A service of the Cole-Frieman & Mallon law firm.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


Green Key Unlocked: Why Green Key?

“We are always inviting new, innovative ideas,” says Brooke Stemen, Director of Talent Acquisition at Green Key. As the person responsible for interviewing and onboarding new recruiters at the agency, Brooke has several reasons why someone should want to work and grow here. If you are looking for a different recruiting experience, or simply trying to switch career paths entirely, Brooke has provided a handful of motivating reasons to consider Green Key Resources. 

1. Commission structure 

The industry standard for commission structures is 5%, but at Green Key, *it typically starts* 12%. As this is more than double, the earning potential is unmatched. We also have zero threshold to earning commission, meaning you will make commission on your very first placement. You will never have to hit a spread quota or achieve a number of placements before unlocking strong earning potential. In addition to a competitive commission structure, Green Key also promotes from within. “We push our management teams to develop their internal teams,” says Brooke. “We are very growth-focused and invested in the success of our recruiters.” With a tech-focused mission and access to industry leading sourcing techniques, employees at Green Key have unlimited opportunities to succeed

2. Flexibility 

Green Key was founded on empathetic leadership, where you are treated like an adult and granted full autonomy to build your own day and optimize your time. Brooke reiterates, “We are not driven by arbitrary numbers, like how many calls you make. We’re a results driven firm and focused on net and production, which is a system that cultivates efficiency.” Green Key is also a give and take environment. Remote and hybrid schedules allow for a trusting relationship and higher productivity. We are always centered on quality of work over quantity. 

3. Mentorship 

Because Green Key promotes from within, managers across the organization are more motivated to mentor their recruiters and facilitate growth. Hierarchies tend to break down in these relationships and promote open communication. Mentorship within various teams is a unique aspect that makes Green Key successful. The opportunity to trust and learn from seasoned recruiters leads to goals being met and a healthy work environment.  

4. Diversity & inclusion 

“Prior to Green Key, I didn’t really see myself represented in leadership,” Brooke mentions. “As a woman who wants children one day, I was thrilled to see so many mothers holding leadership positions here.” Brooke emphasizes that Green Key is a place where you can make a substantial life for yourself, both professionally and personally. If you have to attend to personal matters outside of work, that will never hinder your success or growth here. “All we ask is that when you’re here, be present and try your hardest. At the end of the day, Green Key is an agency made by recruiters for recruiters.” 

Contact us 

If you’re considering a career change, do not hesitate to connect with Brooke on LinkedIn or visit our Join the Green Key Team page. With so many opportunities for growth and advancement, this just might be the perfect place for you! 

#WeAreGreenKey: Spotlight on Mike Bosco

Welcome back to #WeAreGreenKey, where we shine a spotlight on our powerhouse recruiting team.  

Recently, we met up with Mike Bosco, Staffing Director on the Accounting & Finance team at Green Key. Mike started his career at Green Key about 10 years ago, first as an intern out of the Long Island office, and quickly climbed the ranks to where he is today. He currently still works out of the Long Island office, supporting both the perm and temp sides of the business.

What do you enjoy the most about Accounting and Finance recruiting?

I really enjoy how fulfilling it is both personally and professionally.  I’ve been doing this for over 10 years and still encounter new situations and challenges.  At the end of the day, we’re the intermediary between our clients and candidates. Besides being able to fill positions for our clients, working with and helping people is very rewarding. Especially when we get positive feedback, or a referral, it feels gratifying knowing you not only made an impact but established a lasting professional relationship.

How do you stay informed about developments in the accounting and finance industry, and how does this knowledge influence your approach to recruitment?

Our team consists of industry professionals. We collaborate a lot as a team, meeting several times a week to discuss various recruitment strategies and target areas.  Particularly within public accounting, we prepare for the natural seasonality of hiring for our clients. Currently in the first quarter of the year, there’s not much hiring in public accounting, so we are more focused on recruiting for clients in the private sector and outside of public accounting. 

What advice would you give to candidates looking to stand out in the accounting and finance job market?

Value every interview you go on and prepare like it’s your dream job.  General preparedness, knowledge of the company, and showing genuine excitement in the opportunity to interview.  I think hiring managers, a lot of the time, are looking for somebody who has a particular interest in their organization, not somebody who’s just looking for a job.  Getting an interview typically shows you are qualified, but how do you stand out?  Personality, enthusiasm, being prepared, and how you can clearly articulate your skills are things that can be worked on prior to an interview that will make a huge impact on a hiring manager’s decision.

Are there any specific certifications or additional qualifications valued by employers in this industry?

As an accounting and finance recruiter, the CPA license is always something that would increase somebody’s marketability for any accounting position.  However, it depends on the individuals and their background. For instance, if I’m working with a payroll individual then perhaps not the CPA, but the certified payroll professional, the CPP certification, or an experienced bookkeeper might just have a certificate in QuickBooks.

2024 marks 20 years of Green Key, how would you describe your experience since starting your career with the Accounting and Finance team?

I started back in 2010, right after the 2009 downturn. I remember being told that things are slow right now, while the year before was a busy market. Fast forward to ten years later, the pandemic happened, and it almost seemed like I was seeing things full circle. Overall, my journey has been really interesting. I started when we only had two offices, the New York and the Long Island locations. We’ve since outgrown the original office space, going from about 5 people to about 40-50 in our current larger Melville office. So even though we were a 10-year-old company, seeing where we are now seems like I started in those infancy stages and now we’re on national basis. I’ve seen not only the growth of the team but also the different transitions of our VMS systems, starting with Encore, then Ultra, and now our newest version of Salesforce. I was able to see these different systems being implemented along with new policies and procedures across the company. I was also able to witness how the team and company adapted to challenges, for instance, through COVID and then have our bounce back year.

So, it’s really been an interesting journey to say the least. I’ve never really felt that the company or I have felt stagnant. It’s been nice to be at a place for as long as I’ve been to always feel personal and company growth. That’s something I’ve really enjoyed about working here and the people that I’ve worked with, I wouldn’t be here as long as I’ve been if I didn’t like who I’ve worked with.

With all that being said, this year we’re aiming to get back on track and continue to grow by cultivating strong relationships with new clients, as well as businesses we’ve worked with in the past.