
When it comes to severance agreements for CEOs, the gender gap works against men. Women who lead publicly held companies negotiate severance packages more than half as rich as their male counterparts.

Good news? Not really, say researchers, who not only studied the size of these agreements, but also the reasons for the disparity.

“Pre-employment severance agreements reflect the heightened concern of prospective female CEOs that they are more vulnerable to being dismissed,” says Pierre Chaigneau, one of the three researchers whose study was published in November in the Journal of Management.

Writing about their findings, Chaigneau notes the statistics support women’s fears of being terminated.

“Female CEOs are 45% more likely to be fired than their male counterparts,” he says. “Previous research has shown that a man’s competence is often assumed in leadership roles while a woman’s competence is generally questioned. And female CEOs are more likely to be blamed when their organizations struggle, and are much more likely to be targeted by activist investors.”

To protect themselves, women negotiate higher severance agreements. For struggling organizations, their severance payout is higher still. Men got no premium for taking on a company with flagging performance.

The researchers found one exception: The severance gap was smaller in industries where women CEOs were more numerous or where there were women on the board.

“The takeaway for boards is that if they really want to bring women into the executive suite, they can use the severance agreement as a recruiting tool to compensate women for the obstacles that they will inevitably face,” Chaigneau says.

Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash


Employers Need to Prepare For Virus Spread

While the US has so far seen few cases of the coronavirus, employers need to plan should the situation change, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a recent briefing.

“Now is the time for businesses, hospitals, community schools, and everyday people to begin preparing,” said CDC spokesman Benjamin Haynes. Employers should “begin to respond in a flexible way to differing levels of severity, to refine their business response plans as needed.”

Among the suggestions, the CDC urged businesses to “replace in-person meetings with video or telephone conferences and increase teleworking options.”

Officially designated COVID-19, the virus has killed almost 3,000 people, mostly in China, and has been detected in several dozen countries. In the US there has been one death among the 60 confirmed cases (as of late last week). Most of those were among passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship and those repatriated from China.

Last week the California Department of Public Health reported the first case of person-to-person transmission in which the infected person had not traveled abroad or was known to have been in contact with an infected person. Since then at least one additional case of unknown origin has been discovered.

It’s important, however, to put the situation into perspective. According to the CDC, since October, at least 32,000,000 Americans have come down with the common flu, killing 18,000. Flu has a fatality rate of less than 0.1%.

The coronavirus has a higher death rate, now estimated to be 1.4%, but that’s down from initial reports putting it at 2%. Even that may overstating the rate, infectious disease experts say.

What’s different is that the coronavirus appears to be more contagious, plus so much less is known about how and when infected persons can transmit it to others. The CDC warned of the uncertainty in its briefing Feb. 26. “During an outbreak with a new virus, there is a lot of uncertainty. Our guidance and advice are likely to be fluid, subject to change as we learn more.”

Companies in Europe have sent thousands of workers home and a British TV company has begun screening visitors at some of its European offices, barring those who recently visited countries where the virus has gained a foothold.

Few companies in the US have yet taken such extreme measures, though so many companies pulled out of the annual Games Developer Conference in San Francisco later this month that it was cancelled.

Should the virus spread – and the CDC said to expect it will — businesses could be ordered to close. Travel restrictions likely would be imposed.

“We are asking the American public to work with us to prepare with the expectation that this could be bad,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the CDC told reporters.

Joseph Deng, an attorney with Baker McKenzie in Los Angeles,told the Society for Human Resource Management employers should appoint a team to deal with the possibility the virus will disrupt operations. He recommends including HR, legal and IT.

If the company already has a disaster preparedness plan, the team should use that as a starting point, Deng said. Many disaster plans assume a short term event. With a pandemic, the impact is likely to be much longer, as we’ve seen in China. Thus it is essential employers plan both for the short and long term.

Attorney Mark J. Neuberger with Foley and Lardner has a list of specific steps businesses should already be taking. Besides banning travel to virus hotspots, he recommends appointing someone to check the CDC website daily for the latest news on the virus’ spread.

As important as developing or updating a response plan is communicating it to employees. Reassure them the company is taking appropriate precautions and have managers explain the plan and how it will work.

This is also a good opportunity to remind workers of basic sanitary practices including thoroughly washing hands and avoiding close contact. More specific details are available on the OSHA website.

Photo by Anton on Unsplash


Tech Execs Optimistic About Returning to Normal

While many businesses across the country are struggling in the face of COVID-19 required shutdowns, tech executives are more positive with nearly two-thirds expecting to see the start of a return to business as usual by mid-summer.

CompTia, the trade association for the tech industry, says 46% of tech leaders are “upbeat and optimistic.” Another 46% say their companies are “hanging in there.” A mere 8% report being in difficulty.

Much of the optimism may stem from the demand for tech services from companies whose employees are increasingly working from home.

When CompTia first surveyed its community and advisory council members in March, three-quarters said they were getting new business and inquiries. The larger share of the new opportunities (38%) came from businesses shifting from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud. In the latest survey, conducted at the end of April, the largest share of business opportunities came from communications, collaboration and video technologies.

For the managed services providers, CompTia’s April survey discovered their new business was shifting to cybersecurity, which grew from 39% in March to 44%. Meanwhile, new opportunities in consulting inquiries and outsourced and managed IT had dropped, the latter by 10 percentage points.

Overall, 83% of the responding tech firms were getting new business.

Tech firms, however, haven’t been immune from the disruption caused by COVID-19. The most recent survey found 58% of tech firms had customers cancel or postpone spending.

Still, barely 20% have laid-off staff or contractors or cut hours. In fact, the survey found 40% had taken no staffing action and more were hiring. The percentage of firms adding staff increased from 9% in March to 13% at the end of April.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
