
Learning a new programming language takes time and money.

With fewer employers springing for the cost of training that isn’t immediately and directly necessary, developers understandably want to ensure that their investment will pay off.

No sense learning a language like Matlab, which had fast rise in popularity when it came on the scene in 2013 only to have a decline almost as quick. That’s what the latest rankings from RedMonk show.

No one is saying Matlab has disappeared. Just the contrary. It’s still being used in a variety of specialty areas. But as far as being discussed and referenced on Stack Overflow or code created on GitHub, it’s popularity has waned.

The chart RedMonk prepares shows that a few languages have strong staying power. JavaScript has held the top spot in all but two of the years between 2012 and 2021. Java, PHP, C# and Python have all been in the top five for years. Python unseated Java a couple years ago to take 2nd place in the rankings.

Explaining the methodology, RedMonk says, “The idea is not to offer a statistically valid representation of current usage, but rather to correlate language discussion and usage in an effort to extract insights into potential future adoption trends.”

That said, an article on the tech careers site Dice.com says the RedMonk rankings are a useful guide to languages that have staying power. “It’s always worth looking at the latest updates,” the article says.

Discussing the top ranking languages, Dice says, “Employers have an incredible hunger for technologists skilled in these languages, both to build new applications and maintain mountains of legacy code.”

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Based on an analysis of millions of job postings last year, the five most frequently mentioned languages in order are SQL, Java, Python, JavaScript and C#.

Citing data from Burning Glass, another Dice post explains that “SQL developers earn a median salary of $92,504, with the profession projected to grow 11.5% over the next decade. Database administrators, who utilize SQL quite a bit, make nearly as much ($89,561) with exactly the same projected growth.”

The RedMonk list, like so many other rankings, is just one bit of intelligence. However, it does show the endurance of legacy languages.

“You can feel safe learning an older language such as Python or JavaScript today, because it’s not going anywhere soon,” says Dice. “Newer languages such as Kotlin attract a lot of buzz, but it might take years for them to become as ubiquitous.”

Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash

Studies, Surveys Tell the Story of COVID’s Cybersecurity Risks

When the COVID-19 lockdown hit, companies worldwide transitioned millions of employees from working in offices to working at home. There were bumps to be sure, but from an IT perspective the process generally went smoothly.

What’s happened since then is enough to keep IT security professionals up at night.

“Once the transition was complete,” says an article on CSO.com, “Organizations found their attack surface had changed immensely and threat actors attempted to seize upon the opportunity. Phishing, brute-force and malware attacks surged while the number of endpoints connecting to corporate networks ballooned.”

We blogged about this subject a few weeks ago when a survey of IT leaders reported that 41% of them had experienced more security attacks than ever.

In light of the collection of surveys and studies in the CSO.com article, that now looks like an understatement.

Though the study we referenced in our post said in the early days of the lockdown companies were spending an extra $15 billion a week on IT, CSO cites a study that helps explain why: 66% of organizations had no pandemic preparedness plan in place. Others, including those that did, failed to account for the sheer scale of having every employee working remotely.

Infoblox’s COVID-19 Challenges for the Borderless Enterprise report said 38% of organizations shifted funds from cybersecurity to provide for remote worker access. 46%, however, shifted IT resources to shore up the security of their networks. Another study cited by CSO.com tells us that 60% of organizations that adopted work-from-home technology accelerated or bypassed their normal privacy/security reviews.

Consequently says CSO.com, chief information security officers “should go back and ensure that any checks that were skipped or accelerated have been redone to ensure all the risks have been accounted for.”

The article cites Zoom’s security issues as one example of a remote tool that was quickly adopted by many without considering security.

The most worrisome part of the article by CSO editor Dan Swinhoe cites a baker’s dozen of studies, surveys and reports of cyberattacks skyrocketing during the lockdown with many continuing unabated since. Here’s a sample:

  • Supply chain attacks rose 38% since the start of the pandemic;
  • Phishing incidents rose 220% at the height of the pandemic;
  • Ransomware attacks spiked more than 100%;
  • Insider-threats increased 27%;
  • RDP brute-force attacks (attempts to remotely control a computer or computer system) grew 400%.

With the majority of companies expecting more employees than ever to work from home even when the pandemic ends, a PwC Insights Survey found 96% of organizations saying they are adjusting their cybersecurity strategy due to COVID-19. 50% said cybersecurity and privacy will be baked into every business decision or plan.

“This focus on security,” observes CSO, “Should provide CISOs with more influence at the most senior levels of the business.”

Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash
