
We chatted with Jenny Rehkugler, Executive Director on the Accounting & Finance Temp New York team. Jenny had previous experience in staffing and recruiting prior to joining Green Key, but has truly thrived in the finance environment in the last six years.   

Are there any changes or trends you’re noticing in temp hiring?  

Pre-covid, we were hiring for strictly temp positions, but now we’re focusing on a mix of both. Like the market, our team has evolved, and we are now able to support candidates in all aspects of their job searches for both temp and direct hire roles. Clients are becoming more flexible, and it’s been amazing to expand our team and be able to help a variety of candidates in a variety of ways.   

How did you get your start in temp recruiting?  

I studied Public Relations and Marketing  in college and when I graduated, I was looking for a direction in my job search. My cousin worked in recruiting, and she suggested I look into recruiting as a career because she knew how much I loved working with people. I took some calls and interviews and started my career in temp recruiting within the banking industry. After a little over a year at my previous firm, Green Key reached out for a conversation, and I decided to make the move and take on a new challenge with Finance & Accounting. I’ve been here for almost six years now and I’m so fortunate to have the work culture that senior management at Green Key has fostered. People stay here for long periods of time because their work truly doesn’t go unnoticed.  

Are there any roles in-demand right now?  

We work with a lot of law firms and legal billing positions are definitely in-demand. We’re always looking for these types of professionals. On the temp side, we see a mix of everything – Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Accountants, etc. As with any industry, the market ebbs and flows week by week.  

What are some advantages or perks of working temp jobs, specifically in finance?  

It gives us the ability to help unemployed candidates find work immediately while also assisting them in their long-term search for permanent roles. We are truly able to help candidates in a well-rounded capacity.   

What are your goals for the last quarter of the year?  

Within the team, we just want to finish the year off strong. Having the ability to work remotely, I would love to expand our reach to other markets outside of the New York area.

May 14, 2024

Navigating the ATS Maze

In the digital age of recruitment, applicant tracking systems (ATS) play a pivotal role in determining which resumes make the cut. These automated gatekeepers sift through countless applications, making it essential for job seekers to optimize their resumes for ATS compatibility.

In this article, we’ll explore practical strategies to ensure your resume not only survives the ATS scan but also stands out to recruiters. Let’s dive into the details!

According to Indeed, “Nearly 40% of employers use an ATS to screen candidates for their job openings. Applicant tracking systems save employers time by applying filters, parsing every resume submitted and forwarding only the most relevant, qualified candidates to a hiring manager or recruiter. The technology uses both the way your resume is written and the information it includes to decide.”

Tips for Outsmarting the Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Choose Your Format Wisely

   – Stick with the chronological format—it’s ATS-friendly and familiar to recruiters.

   – Avoid fancy designs or unconventional layouts that might confuse the system.

Section Labels Matter

   – Use standard headings like “Work Experience,” “Skills,” and “Education.”

   – Clear labels help ATS software categorize your qualifications effectively.

Customize for Each Role

   – Tailor your resume to match the job description.

   – Identify relevant keywords and sprinkle them throughout your resume.

 Keep It Simple

   – Headers, footers, and complex formatting can trip up ATS systems.

   – Stick to a clean, straightforward layout.

Highlight Relevant Information

   – Focus on job-related skills, certifications, and accomplishments.

   – Quantify your achievements wherever possible.

 Test Your Resume

   – Use online ATS scanners to ensure compatibility.

   – Adjust as needed based on the results.

By mastering the art of creating an ATS-friendly resume, you’ll increase your chances of landing interviews and moving closer to your dream job. Remember, your resume is your first impression!

If you’re looking to transition into a recruiting career and become more familiar with the ATS process, be sure to check out our jobs page to view the latest postings to become a part of Green Key.