
As 2023 comes to a close, we want to express our gratitude to the exceptional individuals at Green Key who have truly shaped the memories of this year. Our #WeAreGreenKey series showcased a few exceptional team members, each sharing their unique and positive perspectives.  

To cap off the year, we’re revisiting their impactful thoughts. Looking forward to 2024, we’re eager to embark on the journey with open minds and a dedication to fostering even more innovation! Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!  

Carissa Iacona 

“The company holds strong values that instantly stood apart from other companies I was exploring. I love working for a company that supports the authenticity of every individual on each team. It feels so empowering to bring new ideas to the table and those new ideas are not only embraced but deeply valued.” 

Jason Kien 

“Private Equity and Hedge Funds are a steady space for us, and we don’t see any signs of this industry slowing down.  Strong Fund Controllers and Assistant Controllers should continue to see great opportunities available.  In addition, a few of our Public Accounting clients are experiencing significant growth and will be looking for Audit and Tax professionals of all levels throughout the year.”

Alexis Schumacher  

“Flexible work isn’t just a temporary pandemic response, it’s become a consistent aspect of our everyday, modern working lives. Still, many of our clients are transitioning back into the office on a hybrid basis. They understand the desire for flexibility but want to cultivate an environment for their staff where they’re seeing growth and inclusiveness. Both sides have to be flexible and understand that a hybrid work model is the new norm.”  

Alyssa Durham 

“Being able to concisely answer a question and get your message across is crucial. Candidates should let their interviews run as a true conversation, rather than providing book-long answers or going on a tangent. Speaking professionally is key in this industry and one of the biggest green flags when I meet with candidates.” 

Julian Davis

“For the companies who grew during covid, it’s about maintaining their services, SLA and KPIs to satisfy all of their acquired clients. For the companies who are now trying to build back, it’s about recapturing business and putting themselves in position to be able to take on and go after additional clients. Both scenarios require the proper infrastructure and the personnel to be able to take that on, which is where our team can make a difference.” 

Tish Halle 

“There’s a nice balance of perm positions and temp positions right now. I pride myself on educating clients on the market which allows them to make better decisions based on what we are seeing. It’s nice having the time to really listen to customers without rushing through a conversation. Getting to know exactly what the customer is looking for and why.” 

Chianté Vidal 

“Architecture, Engineering, and Construction recruitment is very technical. Putting in the years in the game teaches you a lot. You have to start small and aim bigger on a gradual scale. For instance, I started in laborers. So, I got to learn the terminology and logistics of professionals who are building these buildings, and then I transitioned to those who are managing those projects. I got the exposure from the beginning. It also helps to create LinkedIn connections, where you’re constantly having conversations with people about the market and learning your territory.”

Halle Sarfin

“It’s been a more targeted search year. Clients are more specific in what they are looking for, whether that’s previous experience in a specific industry or certain database/software knowledge. Clients were more flexible last year, but the market has certainly changed. It’s been challenging, yet fulfilling when we match up the right candidate to the right client. It’s more important than ever to keep in touch with candidates regarding their interview activity and updating each other on what’s going on in the hiring process.”

Krista Zielinski

“I started my recruiting career in 2007 working in a support role on the sales side of staffing. I moved over to the recruiting side in 2010 with Green Key and this is where I’ve been ever since. I love being able to help others through their career journey.  Being able to see them progress through their career, sharing advice, and building long-term relationships is what I find the most rewarding.”

Ariana Ali

“The most rewarding thing for me is being able to work on projects that have taught me new skills. I started this position being open-minded and open to learning new things and it has paid off because I am now exposed to so much that I can explore to grow in my career.” 

Matt Schirano 

“Roles within the cloud space, such as Microsoft Azure and AWS, are very in-demand right now. Companies still working remotely need to move everything into the cloud. Infrastructure is the biggest trend at the moment. No matter the market, companies need IT for their business to run. It increases their abilities and keeps them mainstream.” 

Katie Kressel 

“Client relationships require you to break down doors, which can be difficult at times. But once you get to know a client, you start to form a strong relationship where you get to know about their family lives, their children, their vacations. That’s the best part of it for me, even if it can often be challenging to get to that point. The missteps make the relationships stronger.”

Mia Johnson  

“Many of our clients look for a public AND private background. They will specifically ask for this, and sometimes they won’t want to see a public only candidate. They want a mix of experience, versus only public. Having both provides such a good background to diversify their career. After a few busy seasons, it’s best to transition in order to continue growing.” 

Judy Holt 

“Understanding a client’s culture is also vital – we need to know about culture from both the client’s and candidate’s perspectives. This sort of cultural fit – are they laid back or more driven, more flexible or more structured, and so on – is really important in finding a long-term match.”

Jack Staub

“I was able to take the mentality and skillset from my first employer but use the resources that makes Green Key so amazing. I was able to voice my opinions to the Partners and create my own approach. Business development takes a while to cultivate clients, but now that I have 3-4 years of experience, it’s all about leveraging relationships and aiming for referrals.”

Rory Valan

“Technology will shift the way we work because it’s integrated into everything. AI is popular right now. Companies are able to gain a lot of data by utilizing machine learning. Target marketing and procedures are more automated now; overall, businesses have become more efficient and aware of what to spend their time and money on.”

Melissa Sanchez

“This industry is never boring because it never takes a pause. Temp HC has branched out more into the travel world as well. That’s been my focus – to expand my healthcare travel experience on a national basis.”

Leanna Gallagher 

“When hiring recruiters, you want to know personalities are going to mesh well across team members, it’s not just about experience and billing numbers. It’s fun and interesting to get a feel of how each team runs day-to-day. Building each team is like trying to put the puzzle pieces together, it keeps the job interesting.” 

Jenny Rehkugler

“Like the market, our team has evolved, and we are now able to support candidates in all aspects of their job searches for both temp and direct hire roles. Clients are becoming more flexible, and it’s been amazing to expand our team and be able to help a variety of candidates in a variety of ways.”

Justin Nadelman

“Cloud technology and business intelligence are very hot right now. Clients are in the process of migrating to cloud platforms (AWS/Azure/GCP) and Cloud/DevOps Engineers are in high demand. Companies are also building out their Business Intelligence presence to review internal metrics and data that are important to the business.”

Trisha Hankins 

“I work hard to develop a good rapport with my clients, and by doing this I have built friendships with many hiring leaders. I call my clients on a regular basis to see what’s going on in their world, they really are my eyes and ears on updates in the industry. I also utilize news journals, newspapers, websites, and LinkedIn.” 

Tim Coonan

“Get to know your clients, visit them face-to-face often, find out what makes them tick, build as many relationships with top talent as possible, and don’t try to sell everyone you talk to the best job on earth while they don’t exist. People respond to people, let your personality shine through on both sides of the coin, especially in this industry. Clients want to work with you, not your fee structure or your business card headline. So, find the right balance of being enjoyable to work with, but also know that your intangibles can only get you so far.”