
As we bid farewell to another year, it’s time to reflect on the wealth of insights and wisdom our agency team has contributed to Green Key Unlocked. From their expert advice, to the trends they found most rewarding, our journey through the diverse tapestry of experiences has been both enriching and inspiring. Here’s to a year of shared wisdom, unique perspectives, and experiences that defined our agency in 2023.

Green Key Unlocked: The Effect of Tech Layoffs

While the recent layoffs at Spotify, Meta, and Amazon might seem daunting for those working in the industry, this isn’t to say tech opportunities are fading.

“Technology reaches far beyond the big names and is needed in almost every other field. These companies over-hired during COVID, and even with the layoffs, they are still larger than they were pre-pandemic. The IT workforce remains strong,” said Matt Schirano, a newly named Partner leading the Information Technology practice area at Green Key Resources. “Healthcare, finance, hospitality, retail, and other industries all require tech professionals to aid in their online presence and digital platforms.” 

Green Key Unlocked: Data Roles in IT

“Many companies are going to go through migrating their data to different databases and cloud services. This is bringing in roles focusing on security, analytics, and data science. Companies are looking for this expertise,” said Zach Miller, Technical Recruiter on the Information Technology team at Green Key. “The in-demand roles within data analytics and insights used to be more focused on A/B testing, statistical analysis, and tools like Excel. Now, the ability for an analyst to utilize languages like SQL and Python, are what our clients are looking for.” 

Zach suggests that prospective data candidates keep up with these industry trends. The healthcare sector, for instance, has the highest need for privacy and security, and is actively hiring for these roles. In terms of education, anything related to business, computer science, or mathematics is generally required…

Green Key Unlocked: Benefits of Travel Nursing

Victoria Ceballos, Recruiter on the Healthcare New York team at Green Key, mentions that travel nurses are less likely to experience burnout, while also gaining new experience to build their resume. “Every hospital and city functions differently, so they have to able to roll with the punches. But they also get exposed to a variety of different software, demographics, and caseloads as they float between floors.” 

Jon Danko, Director of the Healthcare New York team specializing in case management consulting, adds, “Hiring travel nurses eliminates the need to train someone new. They are seasoned and confident in their skills and are less likely to receive training. Adaptability is the most important trait in a travel nurse.” 

Green Key Unlocked: The Story of Green Key

When Matt KutinAndrew Chayut, and Robert Kahn, first founded Green Key Resources, they knew they didn’t want to name their staffing firm after themselves. “It was so much bigger than us,” Matt mentioned. “We wanted to separate ourselves from other firms where the owners are the face of the company.” 

After much deliberation, they settled upon the color green, which reflected success and freshness. The “key to success” and “resources” idea came naturally, as their goal was to support everyone’s needs at the firm, not just one person’s. 

Green Key Unlocked: Celebrating Pride in Recruitment

It’s important to remain proactive when recruiting potential new hires. For instance, if a candidate has questions on how their identity might effect their experience in the workplace, you must be ready to answer those questions appropriately…According to a survey by Handshake Network Trends, 53% of respondents in Generation Z agree or strongly agree that “they would not apply to a job or internship where they find an employer lacks diversity.” 

Director of Talent AcquisitionBrooke Stemen, elaborates on a crucial way that Green Key employs this practice. “We have woven equality into the Green Key Resources fibers by having nongendered parental leave policies,” she says.

Green Key Unlocked: The Future of Telemedicine & Virtual Healthcare

On May 11th, the COVID-19 pandemic Public Health Emergency (PHE) was declared over. Throughout the pandemic, the healthcare industry adapted to the many transitions and struggles needed in order to sustain emergency responses. One of many was the demand for new digital strategies, which has since resulted in telemedicine, at-home testing, and prescription deliveries. Digital health held a record-breaking year in 2021, banking $21.9 billion, but now that the PHE has come to an end, what is in store for telehealth?

Green Key Unlocked: Interview Tips & Etiquette

Dara Webman, Executive Director in Legal Support at Green Key, says, “Listen carefully, only answer the questions you’re asked and maintain clear, honest communication throughout. It is important to be truthful and present both strengths and weaknesses.  It is not necessary to embellish your skills. Clients are attracted to candidates who present capabilities or expertise as well as areas for growth.” 

Don’t be afraid to ask your own questions. This is important to encourage additional conversation and find out answers to questions that will help the decision-making process.  

Green Key Unlocked: How to Succeed in Payroll Management

As National Payroll Appreciation Week continues on, we wanted to outline the trajectory and career path it takes to succeed in Payroll Management. Many begin as a Payroll Clerk and work their way up to Payroll Manager or Supervisor. But what are the necessary skills and experience needed to grow in this field? We listed what employers are truly looking for when hiring Payroll professionals:

Bachelor’s Degree or certificate

Payroll systems and experience

Compliance knowledge

Additional hard and soft skills

Green Key Unlocked: Mastering Your Healthcare Interview

Staying in the same vein as preparing for success in a tech interview, let’s take a look at how to prepare for a Healthcare interview. Like in the tech industry, landing your dream job in the competitive world of healthcare can be challenging. However, with the right mindset, and through preparation, you too can emerge victorious… Elizabeth Stoler, Principal at Green Key leading the Healthcare New York team stressed the importance of thoroughly preparing for interviews by saying, “The best approach I always tell my candidates to use is to look at the job description for the position you are applying for and have ways you know you have done this job ready to go.” She went on to say, “If you haven’t done every aspect, have examples of similar responsibilities to highlight your skills. Study for every interview!”

Green Key Unlocked: Navigating a Career Transition to Analytics

In the ever-evolving job market, career transitions have become increasingly common. Many professionals have been exploring opportunities for career transitions to the dynamic and high-demand field of data and business analytics. But what does it take to successfully make this career change? Well, we caught up with Justin Nadelman, Director on the I.T., New York team to get some insight into the skills needed to successfully switch careers… Justin noted, “Clients are looking for professionals who have a mix of analytical, technical and soft skills. Additionally, knowledge of cloud-based technology is now in demand.”

Green Key Unlocked: Soft Skills Recruiters Should Have in the Age of AI

There’s no doubt that AI has transformed the recruitment industry by streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency. However, it highlights the importance of recruiters being able to connect and evaluate candidates on a human level. In this article, we explored some of the soft skills that recruiters need to amplify in the age of AI.

Jun 6, 2023

Dramatic Changes Are Transforming the Legal Profession

The business of lawyering is undergoing a transformation that is as dramatic as it is still little recognized even by many in the profession.

As has been the case with so many other sectors of the economy, the COVID pandemic accelerated changes already occurring. Most obvious has been the rapid deployment of technology in ways that few in the field would have predicted even as recently as the beginning of this year.

Court appearances, hearings and chambers’ conferences that just months ago had to be conducted in person, are now routinely handled by video and phone. Legal filings are accepted online. Clients meet with their lawyer remotely. Law schools are teaching entirely online.

“The pandemic has liberated the legal industry from compulsory attendance at legal sanctuaries — offices, schools, and courthouses,” writes lawyer, legal entrepreneur and law professor Mark Cohen. “In a matter of weeks, the legal ecosystem became more agile, fluid, collaborative and efficient. This transition occurred with remarkable speed, pervasiveness, absence of resistance, and overall effectiveness.”

These innovations were born out of necessity. Courts couldn’t simply shut down completely, so judges and lawyers and their support staffs switched to the online model many other businesses did.

Now that the experiment has, as Cohen notes in his commentary on Forbes, “illuminated the opportunity for reimagining and improving upon old ways of delivering legal services, learning, and resolving disputes,” a complete return to tradition is unthinkable. “The genie is out of the bottle.”

The transformation, though, is not purely technological. Cohen points to Arizona and Utah, where the high court in each state approved sweeping programs to change law’s business structure and open the door to admit non-lawyers to the practice.

In August, the Utah Supreme Court unanimously authorized a pilot program to test changes enabling “individuals and entities to explore creative ways to safely allow lawyers and non-lawyers to practice law and to reduce constraints on how lawyers market and promote their services.”

Later that month Arizona’s high court removed a long-standing rule that prohibited non-lawyers from owning a law firm and other alternative business structures. The court’s order also permits the licensing of non-lawyers as paraprofessionals who will be able to provide some legal services to clients, including representing them in court.

The courts in both states established committees more than a year ago to study ways to improve access to legal services, so the two announcements didn’t come as complete surprises. Anticipating a loosening of the legal rules and recognizing the transformation of the profession, Deloitte, PwC, EY, and KPMG began enhancing their legal consulting practices.

Cohen says The Big Four “are each supplementing their legal talent pools by hiring well-known lawyers and business of law experts in an effort burnish their ‘legal’ credentials.”

As CEO of The Digital Legal Exchange, Cohen has a stake in promoting the transformation, especially the digital transformation, of the legal profession. Still, the evidence he cites and the articles he references, many written by him, makes a compelling case.

“Law,” he concludes, “Is not solely about lawyers anymore, and digital transformation, accelerated by COVID-19, will transform it just as it has its customers.”

Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash
