
As the calendar turned from 2023 to 2024, thousands of Americans in more than 15 states have found themselves confronted with an unexpected and formidable challenge – the spike in respiratory viruses. This surge, characterized by the concurrent circulation of COVID-19, the seasonal flu, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), has ushered in a new wave of complexity for public health officials, healthcare providers, and the general population.

CNN stated that, “During the week ending December 23, there were more than 29,000 patients admitted with Covid-19, about 15,000 admitted with the flu and thousands more with respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

Additionally, the CDC reported that, “Multiple indicators of influenza activity including test positivity, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations are elevated and continue to increase. Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 is the predominant influenza virus circulating…COVID-19 activity remains elevated overall and is increasing in many areas. Emergency department visits for COVID-19 are highest among infants and older adults. Based on the biweekly period ending 12/23/2023, JN.1 is predicted to be the most prevalent…RSV activity remains elevated in many areas of the country, though decreases have been observed in some areas. Hospitalization rates remain elevated, particularly among young children and older adults.”

Tips to Stay Safe and Avoid Respiratory Illnesses

  • Stay up to date with the CDC’s weekly respiratory illness updates.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes when around others.
  • Stay away from others who are sick, if possible.
  • The CDC notes, “Masks can help reduce the spread of respiratory viruses. Wearing a high-quality mask while you travel, for example, can help protect you and others.”
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Wash your hands often with soap to help remove germs.
  • The CDC also highlights that, “Viral particles in the air spread between people more easily indoors than outdoors. Any way you can improve air quality, such as opening windows or using air purifiers, can help reduce the amount of virus you are exposed to.”
  • You can also take other measures such as boosting your immune system with lemon and ginger shots or taking a vitamin C supplement.

As the nation grapples with this spike in respiratory viruses, a collective effort from individuals and healthcare professionals is essential. By staying informed, taking preventive measures, and supporting vaccination initiatives, we can navigate this surge and work towards a healthier, more resilient future in the face of respiratory virus surges.

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Green Key
Feb 13, 2024

Leveraging LinkedIn Polls: A Strategic Tool for Business Insights

In today’s dynamic business landscape, understanding market trends, customer preferences, and industry insights is essential for staying ahead of the competition. Organizations should continuously explore multiple avenues to gather insights and engage with their audiences. Among the arsenal of tools available to organizations, LinkedIn Polls stands out as a solution for harnessing valuable feedback and fostering meaningful connections with their networks.

LinkedIn Polls offer a unique opportunity for businesses to tap into the knowledge and opinions of their network. With 1 billion users worldwide, LinkedIn provides a vast and diverse audience of professionals from various industries and sectors, making it an ideal platform for conducting polls and surveys.

What sets LinkedIn Polls apart is their ease of use and accessibility. With just a few clicks, you can create and share polls with your network, allowing you to quickly gather feedback and insights from your audience. Moreover, LinkedIn polls foster engagement and interaction within our network, helping us build stronger connections with our audience.

Neal Schaffer, has provided a comprehensive article on LinkedIn polls in which he states, “LinkedIn is a powerful tool for marketing, and one of the most underrated features of LinkedIn is the ability to create polls… For example, you can use LinkedIn polls to find out what your target audience thinks about a certain issue or to get their opinion on a new product or service you’re considering launching. You can also use LinkedIn polls to generate leads or to get feedback on a recent campaign.”

Furthermore, the article provided ways to use LinkedIn polls and best practices for the polls. A few best practices listed included:

  • “Don’t just Ask a Question for Its Own Sake. Ask It for a Reason.”
  • “Keep Your Polls Short and Sweet”
  • “Make Your Polling Strategy a Part of a Larger Campaign to Drive Engagement”
  • “Be Sure to Answer Questions Quickly and Provide Context to Help People Understand What You’re Asking Them”
  • “Don’t Ask too Many Questions.”
  • “If You Receive Any Negative Responses, Address Them as soon as Possible”

In summary, integrating tools like LinkedIn Polls has become essential for organizations, enabling them to gather crucial insights, interact with their audience, and maintain a competitive edge.

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Green Key