
In a world where change is constant and opportunities abound, professionals in accounting and finance are increasingly seeking new paths to channel their skills and expertise. Transitioning from a traditional accounting and finance role to a career in accounting and finance recruitment offers an exciting opportunity to embrace change and chart a new course towards professional fulfillment and success. We caught up with Antonia Piazza, Recruiter on our Accounting and Finance team to discuss her journey of transitioning careers and share advice for other professionals who might be considering how their experience can transfer into a recruiting career.

Antonia shared a little on how she got into Accounting and Finance recruiting, saying, “I was looking to relocate to Pittsburgh, so I spoke with a GKR recruiter about accounting openings in Pittsburgh, and, after speaking about accounting roles, she mentioned the possibility of recruiting. I was honestly surprised I hadn’t thought about that career path sooner, as it seemed like a perfect fit given my accounting foundation and appreciation for working with people.”

Understand the Recruitment Process

“There was definitely a learning curve when I transitioned out of accounting and into recruiting,” said Antonia. So, before diving into recruiting, be sure to familiarize yourself with the recruitment cycle. Understand how recruiters source candidates, conduct interviews, and evaluate qualifications.

Assess Your Accounting Knowledge

When asked how her accounting experience has helped her, she said, “I was excited to learn and grow in these ways, and my foundation in accounting continues to be very useful today.”

Your accounting background is an asset. Use it to your advantage by understanding the specific skills and qualifications needed for accounting roles. This knowledge will help you identify suitable candidates.

Learn About Recruiting

Study the basics of recruiting. Explore topics such as candidate sourcing, resume screening, and interview techniques. Consider taking online courses or attending workshops related to recruitment. Antonia adds, “I had to learn about our clients, the accounting and finance functions across different industries, the markets in different cities across the US, and a lot about sales, especially relating to interactions with candidates.”

Network with Recruiters

Connect with experienced recruiters in the accounting field. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and participate in online forums. Learn from their insights and experiences.

Build Relationships

As an accounting recruiter, building relationships is crucial. Cultivate connections with accounting professionals, both active job seekers and passive candidates. Understand their career goals and aspirations.

Develop Soft Skills

Recruiters need excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills. Practice active listening and empathy. Be persuasive when discussing job opportunities with potential candidates.

Leverage Technology

Use applicant tracking systems (ATS) and social media platforms to streamline your recruitment process. Familiarize yourself with tools commonly used by recruiters.

Understand Job Descriptions

Study accounting job descriptions thoroughly. Know the specific skills, certifications, and experience required for different accounting roles. This knowledge will help you match candidates effectively.

Learn About Industry Trends

Stay updated on accounting industry trends. Understand emerging roles (such as data analytics in accounting) and the skills in demand. This knowledge will make you a more effective recruiter.

Join Recruiting Agencies

Consider working for recruiting agencies specializing in accounting and finance. Gain practical experience in candidate sourcing, client management, and job placements.

Remember that transitioning to a recruiting career requires continuous learning and adaptability. By combining your accounting expertise with recruiting skills, you’ll be well-prepared for success as an accounting and finance recruiter.

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