
In a report scoring the efforts of 20 global pharmaceutical companies in providing access to their medicines the industry came in for some rare praise, as well as a bit of scolding for too often putting poor countries last.

“After years of encouraging access planning, we are now seeing a strategic shift in this direction [of inclusion] by pharma companies,” said Jayasree K. Iyer, executive director of the Access to Medicine Foundation.

“This could radically change how fast access to new products is achieved – if company leadership is determined to ensure people living in low- and middle-income countries are not last in line.”

Iyer’s comments came in connection with the foundation’s release of Access to Medicine Index 2021, its biennial report ranking the largest pharma companies on how well they are doing to make drugs and vaccines accessible to the world’s poorest nations.

GlaxoSmithKline came in first, as it has in the previous 6 reports.

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Close on its heels is Novartis. It ranked 2nd in the 2018 report, and 2nd again, but this year edged closer to the top spot on the strength of its product delivery. Of Novartis the report says, “Leading consistently across access strategies, it is the only company that applies equitable access strategies in low-income countries (LICs) for all its products.”

GSK, a mere 0.05 points ahead of Novartis, held onto the top position on the strength of its R&D performance. “Performance in R&D is a significant factor in its retention of the top spot,” the report explains. “It has access plans covering the largest proportion of late-stage projects.”

The highly detailed, 236 page report digs deep into each of the 20 companies, scoring them in three areas:

  1. Governance – The area looks at the governance, planning, implementation and integration of access to medicine initiatives into corporate strategy and the extent of staff incentivization towards fostering access. It also considers marketing and disclosure practices.
  2. R&D – Focus is placed on product development, access planning, and R&D capacity building. Affordability, accessibility, and availability are crucial aspects to be considered for the pipeline. Companies also need to contribute to local R&D capacity building, empowering local researchers to address relevant needs.
  3. Product Delivery  The report assesses post-development actions on the ground to ensure companies offer equitable access to their products and overcome any local barriers in accessing hard-to-reach markets and patient populations.

The purpose of ranking each company, explains the foundation, is to spur them “to compete and collaborate on priority access-to-medicine topics, while identifying best practices, areas of progress and gaps where more action is urgently needed.”

The report observes that the industry “continues to inch forward,” but laments that progress is largely due to a handful of companies that “account for the bulk of the R&D projects that the global health community considers a priority, underscoring a worrying dependency on just a few large players.”

Image by Arek Socha

Jun 6, 2023

What’s the Difference Between the COVID Vaccines?

With the approval last month of the Moderna vaccine by the Food and Drug Administration, we now have two COVID-19 vaccines available. Two more – one from Johnson & Johnson the other from AstraZeneca – are on the way and could be approved as soon as February.

Healthcare workers, residents of nursing facilities and some first responders have already received the Pfizer vaccine, the first one approved by the FDA. Moderna has begun shipping its vaccine with the first of the 25 million initial doses administered last month.

People eager to be immunized have inundated doctors’ offices and clinics asking when the vaccine will be available. The best answer is soon.

Which one, though, will you receive? And does it make any difference?

The answer to the first question is whichever vaccine can be obtained the quickest or, in some cases, whichever your health plan recommends. It really doesn’t make any difference to you.

Both vaccines require two separate doses to reach maximum effectiveness 21 days apart for Pfizer and 28 days for the Moderna version. Both protect about equally well. The FDA data shows Pfizer is 95% effective after both doses. Moderna is 94.1%.

Unlike most other vaccines, these two vaccines use pieces of protein from the SARS-CoV-2 virus to prompt the body to create antibodies. Conventional vaccines, like the annual flu shot, are manufactured from viruses typically grown in chicken eggs. These chicken grown viruses are then killed or weakened to become vaccines.

The COVID vaccines employ messenger RNA (mRNA), a newer technology. These vaccines “teach” the body to replicate the little bit of the CoV-2 protein, which, in turn, creates an immune response causing the body to make the antibodies that provide the protection against the virus.

The most significant difference between the Moderna and the Pfizer vaccines is how they must be stored. Both can survive for a few days in standard refrigeration. For longer periods, the less stable Pfizer vaccine must be kept in ultra-low temperatures below -94 F. That makes shipping and storing Pfizer’s vaccine somewhat more complicated, especially outside urban areas where the low temperature refrigeration is not easily available.

“At the end of the day, these two vaccines are pretty similar,” Dr. Thomas Russo, professor and chief of infectious disease at the State University of New York, tells Health. “Grab it while you can.”

Photo by Hakan Nural
