
Could a cure for COVID-19 come from llamas?.

Researchers are guarded in their optimism, but in a paper for the journal Cell, they report using a type of antibody called a nanobody produced by llamas to develop a treatment that prevents the virus from invading human cells.

Scientists have long known that llamas and other camelids not only produce antibodies like those made by humans but also create a much smaller, second type, called nanobodies.

Research on these nanobodies began several years ago, when scientists at University of Texas at Austin, the National Institutes of Health and Ghent University in Belgium began studying how they might be used to fight other coronaviruses.

From a llama named Winter, they harvested nanobodies she had produced in response to virus proteins they exposed her to. The results against SARS CoV-1 were effective. Since SARS CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is so similar, they used copies of those llama nanobodies to engineer an antibody to fight it.

Tested against the virus in laboratory cultures, it proved effective. Now they are testing it on rodents and primates. If it works there, the next step would be human trials.

“This is one of the first antibodies known to neutralize SARS-CoV-2,” said Jason McLellan, associate professor of molecular biosciences at UT Austin and co-senior author.

“Vaccines have to be given a month or two before infection to provide protection,” McLellan said. “With antibody therapies, you’re directly giving somebody the protective antibodies and so, immediately after treatment, they should be protected. The antibodies could also be used to treat somebody who is already sick to lessen the severity of the disease.”

Because nanobodies are so small – about a quarter the size of human antibodies – treatment could be delivered by inhalation.

Observed Daniel Wrapp, a graduate student in McLellan’s lab and a co-author of the paper, “That makes them potentially really interesting as a drug for a respiratory pathogen because you’re delivering it right to the site of infection.”   

Photo by Chris on Unsplash 


#WeAreGreenKey: Spotlight on Christina Kinchen

Welcome back to #WeAreGreenKey, where we shine a spotlight on our powerhouse recruiting team.  

Recently, we met up with Christina Kinchen, Senior Recruiter on the Pharmaceutical team at Green Key. Christina is a seasoned professional who has nearly two decades of experience. For the past seven years, she has been a part of the pharma team, leveraging her extensive expertise to attract and secure top talent for our clients.

How did you first get started in Pharma recruiting?

I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and was not ready to get my master’s. I saw an opening for a biometrics recruiter and applied and this is what I’ve done ever since. I felt the job was a great opportunity for me to use what I learned in school and help people at the same time. I started working at Green Key seven years ago working on the pharma team recruiting with a focus on biometrics temp positions and now I work on both the temp and perm sides of the business.

What have been some of the most rewarding aspects of your career?

Helping people find jobs, especially during difficult times like in 2008-2009, which was a challenging time for the country.  It is also rewarding to see a career advance and grow over the years.  When they thank you for helping them, that is the most rewarding of all.

What advice would you give to candidates looking to stand out in the Pharma job market?

In a competitive job market, you need to be persistent with your job search, make sure to do your homework, and leave a good impression. Clients want to know that you like their company, and you are genuinely interested in their company, that you have done your research. Personality is a big part of leaving a lasting impression. I always advise candidates to smile because I do believe if you are too worried, you’re not really going to be present and show your personality. Companies want to make sure you are a good fit and will get along with other people on the team. I know interviews can be hard because you are focusing on so many distinct aspects but remember to take a deep breath and just let your personality come through and enjoy the process as much as possible.

How do you stay updated on industry trends and developments to better serve your clients and candidates?
I subscribe to various newsletters that update me on what is happening in clinical research. I also read a lot of articles on LinkedIn, and I speak with my candidates about any changes or new technologies. I learn a lot from them, for instance they are the ones who help me better understand new terms or technologies so I can do a better job for my clients and candidates.

What are some key factors that clients typically consider when selecting candidates for Pharma positions?

A lot of my positions are very technical, so the technical skills are going to be number one. They want candidates who have worked on clinical trials. They may need additional skills or experience, like oncology, python, or R programming language. Another factor is communication skills, clients want to know that you’re able to communicate with a variety of people. But industry experience is usually the first thing they look for.  

As Green Key approaches its 20th anniversary, how would you describe your experience since starting here?

Oh, I love it! I love the people at Green Key, from my coworkers to my managers. Everyone is given the space and resources to be successful. Everyone is very supportive and collaborative, they are all just really good people.  It does not matter if you are an admin, account manager, or a recruiter, you are just as important, and it makes everybody feel valued and truly part of a team. Not every company can do this.

Jun 6, 2023

A Lifesciences Lab Where Robots Do All the Experiments

In the heart of Silicon Valley is a biotech laboratory run by robots. They carry out experiments ordered by scientists anywhere in the world who simply login to the lab, describe their project, set options like the cells to use or the types of analyses to perform, and go on to do other things while the robots do the rest.

The Strateos lab in Menlo Park, California is as sophisticated as many research facilities and it becomes more so all the time. In partnership with Eli Lilly, Strateos opened a second robotic cloud laboratory in San Diego this year that focuses on the drug discovery process.

Lilly is using part of this Life Sciences Studio for its own projects. The remaining capacity is available to startups in the biosciences to run their own experiments, providing them access to tools and processes few of them can afford on their own.

Though still rare, fully robotic, remote laboratories like these are the future of drug development and biological research. They’re a clear sign of just how much laboratory automation has advanced. From the early days of handling routine and basic functions like blood chemistries, immunoassay and urinalysis, the cutting edge Life Sciences Studio can synthesize, test, and optimize compounds in pursuit of new drug therapies without human help.

At the Texas Medical Center (TMC) Innovation Institute in Houston, concept automation is tested and demonstrated. One of the most futuristic is YuMi, a product of ABB Robotics, which has a research hub there. Already in use in a handful of facilities, YuMi manages viral antigen testing in one lab and handles tissue, bone, and sterile fluid samples at another.

ABB predicts that by 2025, 60,000 nonsurgical robots, many as versatile as YuMi, will be in use in healthcare. 5,000 deployed in laboratories.

Robots,says Robin Felder, PhD, professor of pathology and associate director of clinical chemistry and toxicology at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, are “beginning to swallow up all of the manual parts of the laboratory.”

But more than that, with the rapid advances in artificial intelligence, Ben Miles, PhD, head of product at Strateos, sees a future where the robots will analyze data to initiate experiments on their own.

We’re not there yet. But as Dr. Dean Ho, Provost’s chair professor of biomedical engineering at the National University of Singapore, said, “At some point, we’ll be able to move beyond solely relying on pre-existing data and algorithm training and prediction making.”

Photo by Daan Stevens on Unsplash
