
As the talent acquisition landscape evolves, recruitment agencies are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to stay competitive. To fully harness the potential of AI, agencies need to invest in continuous learning, strategic planning, and the creation of valuable resources.

LinkedIn shared the highlights of an audio event titled, AI in Action: Practical Applications for Recruiters where the panelists shared ways to use AI in recruitment. Let’s dive into a few of their main points, a few other ways to use AI as well as key areas to implement AI.

“Create an AI playground where employees can learn”

To keep pace with AI advancements, recruitment agencies should establish an AI playground where employees can experiment and learn. This environment allows recruiters to explore various AI tools, understand their functionalities, and gain hands-on experience. By fostering a culture of continuous learning, agencies ensure their teams are well-versed in the latest AI technologies and can leverage them effectively.

Faye Walshe, director of innovation and AI at Robert Walters, highlighted how the company implemented their playground, “We started thinking, ‘What are the tasks that take the most amount of time?’” she said. “And for us, one of them was job ad writing.” Faye estimated that it took their recruiters at least 45 minutes to an hour every time they wrote an ad. So, Robert Walters started experimenting with GAI in 2023, before LinkedIn introduced its AI-assisted features in Recruiter. They tapped into the private ChatGPT available to them through their Microsoft products (Microsoft now offers Copilot with its accounts). And they created an open AI playground, where employees could experiment and practice a new way of working. Within the first six months, nearly 40% of Robert Walters’ global workforce — “not just the funky youngsters who get the tech, but all levels of our organization,” Faye said — joined the playground.”

The implementation of the playground ultimately led to a boost in productivity as Faye highlighted what took recruiters four days to complete started to take only 90 minutes.

“Using AI to Level Up Recruitment Processes”

AI can enhance recruitment processes significantly, from automating routine tasks to providing deeper insights into candidate suitability. By incorporating AI into everyday operations, agencies can streamline resume screening, improve candidate matching, and gain predictive analytics capabilities. These improvements lead to more efficient processes, allowing recruiters to focus on strategic activities and relationship-building.

“Create a prompt library, where employees can share their best prompts”

A well-curated prompt library is essential for maximizing the utility of AI tools. Recruitment agencies can develop a repository of effective AI prompts tailored to various recruitment scenarios, such as candidate sourcing, initial engagement, and interview analysis. This library serves as a valuable resource for recruiters, enabling them to quickly access and deploy the most effective prompts for their needs.

“Writing Better Prompts to Get Better Results”

The quality of AI output is heavily dependent on the quality of the input prompts. Training recruiters to write clear, concise, and contextually relevant prompts is crucial for obtaining accurate and useful AI responses. By focusing on prompt optimization, agencies can ensure they get the best possible results from their AI tools, leading to more precise candidate matches and better hiring outcomes.

When writing prompts, be sure to:

“Tell your AI who it is, tell it what you are going to give it, tell it what you want it to do, tell it what tone you want it to use and who the audience is…”, mentioned Faye.

Additionally, remember to be polite, to get the best possible results.

“Create a company strategy regarding GAI use on the job”

A comprehensive strategy for generative AI (GAI) use in recruitment is essential for aligning AI initiatives with business goals. Agencies should outline clear objectives, define key performance indicators (KPIs), and establish guidelines for ethical AI use. This strategy should also include regular training and updates to keep the team informed about new developments and best practices in AI technology.

Implementation of AI in Key Recruitment Areas

Automated Resume Screening: AI can quickly scan and analyze resumes, identifying key skills and qualifications. This automation reduces the time spent on initial screenings and allows recruiters to focus on more strategic tasks.

Intelligent Candidate Sourcing: AI tools can identify potential candidates across various online platforms, broadening the talent pool and uncovering passive candidates who may not be actively seeking new opportunities.

Enhanced Candidate Matching: AI algorithms consider a range of factors, including cultural fit and career aspirations, ensuring a more accurate match between candidates and job roles.

AI-Powered Chatbots: Chatbots can manage initial candidate interactions, answer queries, and conduct preliminary screenings, enhancing the candidate experience and streamlining the recruitment process.

Predictive Analytics for Better Decision Making: AI can analyze historical hiring data to forecast staffing needs and trends, enabling agencies to plan their recruitment strategies more effectively.

Reducing Unconscious Bias: AI promotes diversity and inclusion by using objective data and standardized criteria for candidate evaluation, minimizing the influence of unconscious bias.

Video Interview Analysis: AI-enhanced video platforms provide deeper insights into candidate suitability by evaluating verbal and non-verbal cues, supporting more informed hiring decisions.

Streamlining Onboarding: AI tools can personalize onboarding programs, ensuring new hires receive relevant training and resources for a smoother transition into their roles.

For recruitment agencies, embracing AI is not just about adopting new technologies but also about fostering a culture of continuous learning and strategic planning. By creating an AI playground, developing a prompt library, optimizing prompt writing, and establishing a clear strategy for GAI use, agencies can significantly enhance their recruitment processes. As AI continues to evolve, these initiatives will position recruitment agencies to deliver superior talent acquisition services and stay ahead in the competitive job market. If you’re interested in working with a team that utilizes AI in their recruitment processes, be sure to check out our website.

Jun 18, 2024

Forbes Names Green Key on Lists of America’s Best Executive Recruiting & Temp Staffing Firms 2024

Forbes has yet again recognized Green Key Resources on two prestigious lists: America’s Best Executive Recruiting Firms 2024 and America’s Best Temp Staffing Firms 2024. These accolades highlight Green Key’s unwavering commitment to talent acquisition and placement.

To determine the best staffing and recruiting firms, Forbes partnered with Statista, a market research company, to survey over 9,300 recruiters, HR or hiring managers, and employees.

If you’re seeking top talent or looking for your next role, reach out to us to connect with one of our seasoned recruiters.