
We’ve recently discussed employee retention and the parameters companies are navigating in order to keep their staff happy. Due to the Great Resignation, these tactics are necessary more than ever. Because whether it’s due to flexibility, benefits, or salary, many working adults are sitting in exit interviews and moving on. 

But what about the people who stay? Chatting with employees who stick around can give any company an upper hand. It can help better understand which business processes are working and which are not. 

Enter the stay interview

Similar to an exit interview, stay interviews are the new strategy to learn what is influencing employees and their decision to remain with their company. These interviews should be informal and comfortable. CNBC says, “Workers will only share how they feel about work honestly if they feel a sense of psychological safety, or that they can speak freely without fear of retaliation and knowing their feedback will be fully accepted.” Basically, it should feel more like a conversation than an actual interview. You want your employees to know that their work is appreciated and their perspective will be considered.  

When conducting these stay interviews, be sure to ask the right questions. For instance, rather than directly asking why they are still there, inquire what condition could possibly cause them to quit. NBC News advises to always ask open ended questions “about what they like most about their jobs, what they dislike, and under what events or circumstances they might leave.” Thinking proactively is key and urges a sense of preventative maintenance. 

How to stay accountable

CNBC stresses the importance of not just listening, but taking action. They advise, “Follow a few simple steps to close a stay interview on a strong note: Thank the employee for their time, summarize the feedback you’ve heard, relay what your next steps will be and provide a clear sense of what the employee can expect will be different following the discussion.” These conversations should also take place within departments. Managers and directors can facilitate open communication with their teams, creating a safe place for employees to provide feedback whenever anything may arise.   

On the significance of the stay interview, Forbes says, “Creating an open and judgement-free environment can help by giving people the courage to admit when they’re struggling and ask for help. It’s also important to set boundaries and encourage employees to look after themselves.” 

Providing this resource to your employees benefits both them and the company. During this great reshuffle, and especially in the long run, these conversations and actions will prove to pay off. 

Jun 6, 2023

YOLO Is Sparking Riskier Career Moves

Has the pandemic pushed you to re-evaluate your professional priorities? You’re not alone. The phrase you only live once (YOLO) seems to be inspiring some workers to quit stable jobs to take a chance on riskier professional endeavors – pursuing passion projects or entrepreneurial adventures.

A recent New York Times article dove into this phenomenon reporting that the hardship of the last year made some millennials think again about pursuing a “typical” career trajectory.

As the article reminds us, the pandemic is not over and there are plenty of people still struggling and mourning from job losses and losing loved ones during the pandemic. But for some people with financial cushions and competitive skillsets, the anxiety and devastation of the past year is giving way to fearlessness when it comes to their careers.

For those taking new professional risks, one theme seems to be consistent – after years of feeling burnt-out from “the hustle,” the pandemic altered their priorities.

They spent the last year evaluating how they lived “before” and whether this life is the one they wanted to be living. Living through a pandemic made many people think, I could die tomorrow – why waste my time doing something I don’t love. YOLO!