
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many industries took an unfortunate hit. However, several of those industries have picked right back up in the last year or so. Specifically, the world of professional services and administration has been booming, from both the hiring side and recruiting side. At Green Key, the Professional Support team has grown with talented new recruiters and more jobs to fill.   

Stephanie Wetton, Principal at Green Key and one of the heads of Professional Support in New York, reiterates the expansion of the team. “Our team has grown tremendously over the past year. Once vaccines and mandates were in place, human resources and professional support hiring saw a strong increase beginning in Q2 of 2021. It hasn’t slowed down! We are now a team of ten recruiters, mostly NYC based, focused on the candidate experience. We place professionals across all industries, from entry level through director level. Our team is incredibly motivated, caring, and knowledgeable about the fluctuating market demands.” 

Flexibility and compromise

While the professional support market is flourishing, there are still obstacles recruiters must navigate. Candidates, who have gotten accustomed to working from home, are fighting hard for remote or hybrid positions. However, many companies, especially those requiring front desk or executive assistant roles, would prefer their employees to work on-site. Because of this, recruiters in the industry have to urge their clients to be flexible, while also encouraging their candidates to go into the office. 

Clare Wright, Principal at Green Key and one of the other heads of the team, says, “Professional support and human resources candidates today want it all. They want a strong salary, excellent benefit coverage, generous PTO, and a flexible work schedule. And why shouldn’t they? One of the main takeaways from the pandemic is that most people want to be able to balance work and their home life. It’s still a candidate-driven market and they’re willing to wait rather than accept the wrong opportunity that doesn’t fit their needs or lifestyle.” 

The challenge comes in the compromise. In big cities such as New York, many professionals are hoping to ditch the daily commute, which allows for more time with family and fewer safety concerns. Clients are realizing if they don’t budge on this concept, they risk losing quality candidates and even increased productivity. Alternately, being in-office helps to build relationships and potentially make more money. 

Team growth

Despite the new hurdles, Stephanie and Clare have facilitated their team growth and development over the last couple of years. Many of their new recruiters came from different industries, such as talent & casting agencies, with transferable skills. Some have even worked as executive assistants before, which gives them unique insight into the needs of their candidates. Paired with Stephanie and Clare’s combined 25+ years of experience, they’ve been able to train their team to be invaluable resources to their candidates. The client database has expanded to a more national presence, allowing them to fill more jobs and put those skills to the test.  

“A lot of candidates are trying to make a career switch right now,” says Clare. “That applies to recruiting too. There are tons of jobs to fill and we are always looking for new talent.” 

If you’d like to learn more about the Professional Support division at Green Key, or you’re interested in a career in recruiting, visit our Join Green Key page to connect with us today! 

Job Trends Are Slowly Headed In the Right Direction

Strong hiring by the staffing industry helped employment continue its upward trend in July, the third consecutive month The Conference Board’s Employment Trends Index (ETI) has improved.

In July, staffing firms in the US added 143,700 new jobs. The growth was second only to the half-million workers brought on by restaurants and bars. The majority of those workers were laid off when businesses were ordered to close.

The Employment Trends Index is now at 50.89, a rise over June of almost 9%. In February, a month before the government all but essential business to close and people to stay home, the Index was at 109.22. In March, the Index fell to 42.39, a low not seen even during the height of the Great Recession.

A second Conference Board measure, its Help Wanted OnLine (HOWL) index has improved by almost 16% since hitting a six year low in April. The Index, which measures changes in advertised online job vacancies, is now at 90.2. In February, the month before the government ordered businesses to shutdown, the index was at 109.4.

This shows that more employers are looking to hire.

EMSI, a provider of labor market analytics, suggested the job market might be even stronger. It’s analysis of new job postings, released earlier this month, says the number of jobs advertised online in July was 3% higher than at the beginning of the year.

“New job postings are inching back to normalcy in a highly abnormal time,” EMSI said.

In another positive sign, new claims for unemployment last week fell below 1 million for the first time since March.

“Even though we’re exiting the worst of the current crisis, we’re still above the worst of the Great Recession,” Daniel Zhao, senior economist for the career site Glassdoor told The New York Times.

Though slow and erratic, the reopening of businesses points to an improving, if fragile, economic climate. Continued improvement, however, depends on multiple factors, especially the success at controlling the spread of COVID-19. There are more than

Offering a gloomier outlook, Gad Levanon, head of The Conference Board Labor Markets Institute, cautioned, “Despite increasing again, the ETI’s July results mark a small improvement compared to the gains made in May and June.”

He sees a slowdown in job growth in the coming months as the boost the indices received from business reopenings begins to taper off.
