
In almost any industry, strong social media and marketing is going to exponentially grow your business. It’s no different in recruiting. As a recruiter, social media can help to build a community of current and future candidates and clients. To begin this process, you need a definitive social media strategy to boost brand awareness.

Identify which platforms work for you

First things first: you need to know which social media platforms work for you and your brand. In recruiting, LinkedIn is the most well-used channel. A lot of this depends on who you’re planning to market to. Nowadays, the younger generations are using TikTok and find the visual medium to be much more enticing. Many established brands are finding that their Gen Z audience has increased through the use of TikTok. Find what you are most comfortable using, but don’t hesitate to experiment!

Know your audience

Before you begin creating and posting, you have to be aware of your target audience. In recruiting, this is generally professionals working within your industry. To stay on top of your audience, Hootsuite advises, “Monitoring relevant keywords and hashtags reveals what people are saying about you and your competitors online, even when you’re not tagged. Reaching out in response to these social posts is a great way to find your target audience on social media, even if they’re not yet following you.”

Post consistently & know the trends

Posting consistently is what will keep your audience coming back to your page. The more you post, the more likely your content will appear on newsfeeds and attract engagement. Additionally, knowing what trends are currently popular, and hopping on to them, will keep your brand relevant and up to speed. Using trending hashtags, topics, images, and even music will circulate your posts faster. Be sure to stay up to date with what might be on your audience’s mind.

Define your voice & remain authentic

When someone interacts with your page and brand, make sure you are staying honest and authentic with them. Respond as quickly as possible and should a conversation ever escalate, handle them privately. Business News Daily says, “Monitoring social media channels and responding to concerns promptly can help you build strong relationships with customers. Many angry or frustrated customers leave public comments on a brand’s Instagram and Facebook accounts or tweet at a business. Show other customers that you value their input and time by sending an initial response requesting to continue the conversation privately.”

Track your analytics

Tracking the ROI of your social media presence will help you understand what needs to improve and what doesn’t work at all. Once you know your goals and what you hope to achieve through social media, these reports will initiate your next steps. Many of these platforms offer “business accounts” which will track metrics for you using their own tools. Take a look at these numbers and assess your engagement, audience, and reach. Unfollows and drop-offs on certain dates, or after specific posts, will tell you a lot. Remember to always consider “quality over quantity” when reviewing your analytics. If you find that something really worked, hone in on that trend or topic in the future.