
Conducting an interview well is a sign of a great recruiter or hiring manager. But to take it one step further, it’s even more important to know how to identify an awesome, qualified candidate. This can take practice, of course, but with a few of our tips and skills to remember, you’ll be spotting perfect candidates for every position.

Determine what they know about the company

A prepared candidate will have always done their own research and learned about the company prior to arriving at the interview. Be sure to test what they know about the company, as this will prove their interest and dedication to the role. Additionally, according to Indeed, the candidate’s answer can determine their professionalism. They say, “A well-prepared candidate is likely ambitious and committed to developing their career. These traits are sought out in job applicants because they typically signify an individual who will display appropriate, professional and intentional conduct.” 

Ask about their past mistakes and what they’ve learned

No candidate is absolutely perfect. Everyone professional has made mistakes within their career. A good candidate will admit to these past mistakes and elaborate on how they overcame them. Not only is this a sign of honesty, but it proves their proactive nature to solve problems and move forward, which is an considerable trait in any profession. It’s even advisable to provide them with a fictional scenario and ask them to approach or solve it, which will help identify their skills in working independently.  

Take note of the questions they ask

You shouldn’t be the only one asking questions in the interview. Grove HR recommends listening to the questions your candidates ask. They say, “A good candidate will be curious to ask questions and ask the smart questions. They will want to know more about the position, the company, and its goals. Listening to their questions will also let you understand the way they diagnose problems and how they process data.”

Determine their communication methods

The way a candidate communicates will likely translate to their productivity and professionalism in the workplace. Take note of their communication skills during the interview, including their rhetoric, physical stance, eye contact, and rapport. A strong candidate will communicate effectively, while also expressing their excitement and anticipation. However, it’s important to understand that personality and communication should always match the role at hand. Not every position will require the same type of communication. Keep this in mind while conducting your interviews. 

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Green Key is always hiring! To put these interviewing skills to test, check out our open internal positions and start your recruiting journey today.