
If you haven’t heard about the newest technology in AI, look no further than ChatGPT. First launched in November 2022, the platform is a large language model (LLM) used to generate conversational responses and information based on the dialogue you provide. The automation tool, which is owned by tech company OpenAI, brought in more than a million subscribers within its first few days.

What is ChatGPT? 

Used as a chatbot system, ChatGPT allows you to ask any question or request followed by an immediate answer. For example, one could type, “Tell me a story,” and the program will produce a story for you within seconds. You could then tell it, “Make the story funny,” and be promptly met with a funnier story. 

ChatGPT is not perfect, however. The model was created against billions of data points, with the intent to understand enough human information to generate complete sentences and information. But the tool itself has limitations. Wrong or misleading facts and information can occur. OpenAI is encouraging users to provide feedback on the quality of the interface, saying, “We are particularly interested in feedback regarding harmful outputs that could occur in real-world, non-adversarial conditions, as well as feedback that helps us uncover and understand novel risks and possible mitigations.” 

Building a resume using ChatGPT

That being said, ChatGPT still has several beneficial strengths. For instance, it can be used to help build a resume during the job-hunting process. Once you log into your ChatGPT account, you will be met with a textbox, where you can type and send your question. To begin the process, type “Build a resume for me.”  

ChatGPT will respond by requesting basic information from you, including your full name and address, previous job titles and company names, and your education. Once you provide this information, the system will provide a basic resume for you, including an objective, key skills, and responsibilities. While the resume will not be perfect, and you may have to tweak some verbiage, it allows you to create a foundation to reference while job seeking. If you ask the bot, ChatGPT can even adapt the resume to focus on a specific area or job type. 

If you’re interested in using ChatGPT to build your own resume, but would also prefer the assistance of a talent recruiter during your job search, don’t hesitate to connect with Green Key on LinkedIn or browse our open jobs today!

Tech Execs Optimistic About Returning to Normal

While many businesses across the country are struggling in the face of COVID-19 required shutdowns, tech executives are more positive with nearly two-thirds expecting to see the start of a return to business as usual by mid-summer.

CompTia, the trade association for the tech industry, says 46% of tech leaders are “upbeat and optimistic.” Another 46% say their companies are “hanging in there.” A mere 8% report being in difficulty.

Much of the optimism may stem from the demand for tech services from companies whose employees are increasingly working from home.

When CompTia first surveyed its community and advisory council members in March, three-quarters said they were getting new business and inquiries. The larger share of the new opportunities (38%) came from businesses shifting from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud. In the latest survey, conducted at the end of April, the largest share of business opportunities came from communications, collaboration and video technologies.

For the managed services providers, CompTia’s April survey discovered their new business was shifting to cybersecurity, which grew from 39% in March to 44%. Meanwhile, new opportunities in consulting inquiries and outsourced and managed IT had dropped, the latter by 10 percentage points.

Overall, 83% of the responding tech firms were getting new business.

Tech firms, however, haven’t been immune from the disruption caused by COVID-19. The most recent survey found 58% of tech firms had customers cancel or postpone spending.

Still, barely 20% have laid-off staff or contractors or cut hours. In fact, the survey found 40% had taken no staffing action and more were hiring. The percentage of firms adding staff increased from 9% in March to 13% at the end of April.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
