
An impaired immune system, age, obesity and underlying medical issues are the well-known risk factors for becoming seriously ill with COVID-19.

Genetics, too, play a role, helping to explain why some young and otherwise healthy individuals will have a severe reaction and most others don’t. Variants on one region of the human chromosome are behind the increased risk.

But why do some people have the variant and others don’t? Blame the Neanderthals of southern Europe.

Related genetic variants were previously linked to Neanderthals, so researchers sought to determine if the COVID variant did, too. Collaborating geneticists in Japan, Germany and Sweden traced the variant back 60,000 years to a time when modern day humans and Neanderthals co-existed and interbred.

In a paper published online by Nature, they reported that DNA recovered from a Neanderthal from southern Europe was found to have the variant. Two Neanderthals from Siberia and a Denisovan, another human species that ranged across Asia, did not.

“It is striking that the genetic heritage from Neanderthals has such tragic consequences during the current pandemic,” said Svante Pääbo, who leads the Human Evolutionary Genomics Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University. Those carrying the variant have up to three times the risk of requiring mechanical ventilation.

Hugo Zeberg, first author of the paper and a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and Karolinska Institutet said, “Obviously, factors such as your age and other diseases you may have also affect how severely you are affected by the virus. But among genetic factors, this is the strongest one.”

Why this gene region is associated with a higher risk of a severe COVID reaction isn’t known. “This is something that we and others are now investigating as quickly as possible,” said Pääbo, in an account published on SciTechDaily.com.

Photo by Frank Eiffert on Unsplash


Staffing Firms Can Fill 100% of the Nation’s Essential Jobs

An audit of the nation’s staffing agencies found them ready and able to provide workers for all of the “essential critical infrastructure” jobs listed by the Department of Homeland Security.

Conducted by the American Staffing Association, the audit analyzed 185 essential jobs identified by the government finding staffing agencies able to “source and deploy personnel to fill orders for 100%” of the positions. The list of essential jobs, published March 28, covers 16 broad sectors including healthcare and pharmaceutical, food and agriculture, logistics, technology and financial services.

“From nurses and emergency physicians, to truck drivers, forklift operators, and beyond, staffing agencies are providing the essential workers the nation needs now and as we continue to fight the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Richard Wahlquist, president and chief executive officer of the American Staffing Association.

As a member of the ASA, Green Key Resources has placed a priority on filling essential jobs in hospitals, financial institutions and other critical sectors of the economy.

“Even before the government-ordered shutdown, we reached out to all of our clients to assess their special and anticipated needs,” says Managing Partner Andrew Chayut. “Since the shutdown, we’ve filled multiple, urgent requests from employers in critical and essential businesses, and we continue to give these our highest priority.

“In addition, we’re still providing staff for other businesses that are continuing to operate remotely,” he added.

All Green Key Resources associates across the country continue to work from home. With full access to our company systems, we are able to work as seamlessly as if we were in the office to fill essential and nonessential needs. Give us a call at (212) 683-1988.

Photo by Luke Jones on Unsplash


Jun 6, 2023

Your Mask Might Also Shield Your Seasonal Allergies

More than 50 million Americans experience various types of allergies each year. If you’re among the group that has a fully stocked medicine cabinet with eyedrops, nasal sprays, and antihistamines, a recent HealthDay article stated that wearing a mask in public to prevent the spread of COVID-19 may have another helpful impact – guarding you against severe spring allergies.

According to Dr. Do-Yeon Cho, an associate professor of otolaryngology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, many patients who suffer from seasonal allergies are having an easier time this year because they’re spending more time indoors and wearing a mask when they go outside.

“A study that came out in 2020 showed that allergic rhinitis [hay fever] symptoms among nurses had been significantly reduced with face mask usage during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Cho said in a university news release.

Along with wearing a mask, there are additional ways to reduce seasonal allergy symptoms.

  1. Identifying your allergens.
  2. Monitor the pollen count in your area if you are allergic to pollens and limit outdoor activities when pollen counts are high.
  3. Take allergy medicine before pollen season begins.
  4. Bathe and shampoo daily to wash off any pollens you may have encountered during the day.

With the help of these preventative steps – plus your mask – spring 2021 may be an easier allergy season for those typically affected.

For more information about allergic rhinitis and it’s symptoms and treatment, visit familydoctor.org.