
Welcome back to #WeAreGreenKey, where we shine a spotlight on our powerhouse recruiting team.  

We met up with Alyssa Durham, Senior Recruiter on the Accounting & Finance National team at Green Key. With previous experience in recruitment, Alyssa joined the firm six months ago and is already blending with her team and making strides. 

What are the biggest green flags you see in your candidates? 

Anybody who can speak really well. Being able to concisely answer a question and get your message across is crucial. Candidates should let their interviews run as a true conversation, rather than providing book-long answers or going on a tangent. Speaking professionally is key in this industry and one of the biggest green flags when I meet with candidates. 

So, candidates should know how to elaborate on their experiences, while also keeping the conversation flowing seamlessly. 


Are there any major hiring trends happening in Accounting & Finance right now? 

Companies want to go back to the office, which they find is better for collaboration. This can be challenging because candidates still want to work remotely. So, we have to have direct and honest conversations on this topic. Sometimes they choose not to move forward because of that, which is totally fine, but a lot of them are understanding. 

How many days a week are your clients expecting employees in the office? 

I would say we’re truly getting a big push for four and five days back in office. 

What are some major questions your candidates should be asking in interviews? 

Firstly, always do your research on the company. You want to go in educated on their mission and values. Some good questions to ask might be: 

  • “If I’m here six months to a year, what would my production look like?” 
  • “What brought you to this company?” – This question takes down the hiring manager to candidate wall and allows for a personal conversation. 

In terms of their own experience, what should they be bringing up? 

Anything in the job description. Focus on the job specifics. For example, if you’re interviewing for a private equity or hedge fund, use key words pulled from the bullet points of the job description. 

In terms of education, becoming a CPA is how you’ll advance your accounting career. A master’s degree is not necessary; many of these companies want to grow their people organically and on the job. If it’s something an employee really wants to achieve, it can become a conversation with the company on whether they’ll sponsor you to go back to school. 

What are your goals for 2023? 

I want to get a good book of business started back up after previously working for an international agency. I’m newer to Green Key, so I’m starting fresh with all of my clients. The goal is really to place as many people as possible.  

Apr 18, 2024

March Jobs Report: Unexpected Strength

Despite economists’ forecasts of a slowdown in job growth and a weakening labor market due to 11 anticipated interest rate hikes, the latest jobs report for March delivered unexpected results. According to CNN, “Employers added 303,000 jobs in March, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported. The unemployment rate fell to 3.8% from 3.9% the month before.”

CNN, went further to highlight that, “Annual wage gains slowed to 4.1% from 4.3%, a trajectory likely welcomed by the Federal Reserve in its efforts to tame inflation but yet a still-strong rate to help Americans recapture earnings that were decimated by the pandemic and high inflation. “Today’s jobs report raises the possibility that rather than slowing down, job growth might be holding steady,” Nick Bunker, Indeed Hiring Lab’s economic research director for North America, said in a statement. “But this strength is coming from sources that are more sustainable than those that fueled the burst of gains in 2021. March’s jobs numbers were uniformly strong, and upticks in the employment-population ratio and labor force participation in particular suggest that demand for workers is not outstripping supply, like it was a few years back.”

Which sectors added the most jobs?

USA Today stated, “Last month, health care and social assistance led the job gains with 81,000. The public sector, mostly local governments, added 71,000; construction, 39,000; and leisure and hospitality, which includes restaurants and bars, 49,000.” However, its mainly government healthcare and hospitality jobs driving the trend which could lead to, “…a labor market that would downshift dramatically in coming months,” as reported by USA Today.

Why are we seeing this trend now?

Even though it may look like things are tough for candidates, the job market is on its way up. According to Forbes, “The brighter outlook was due to the decrease in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and a significant boost to the stock and bond markets. The decline in the CPI and the potential for inflation stabilization led to investors’ optimism.”

March’s job report defied expectations highlighting resilience of the US labor market and providing insight into broader economic trends. While challenges remain, the data points to a strong foundation for continued growth. If you’re looking for a new role, our team of seasoned experts are ready to partner with you. Be sure to check out our jobs page to check out open roles.

Accounting’s Use of Big Data Will Double This Year

Accountants have always dealt with data, but now their adoption of “Big Data” is set for a break out.

The Institute of Management Accountants says the accounting profession will double its use of big data, exceeding the implementation of other technologies such as data visualization and process automation. The IMA report — The Impact of Big Data on Finance Now and in the Future — foresees big data analytics having its greatest, initial impact in performance management. While this includes employee performance, analytics use will involve organizational processes, equipment and the like.

In the IMA survey, 100% of the responding organizations said they were already using big data analytics in performance management. Three-quarters were also sifting through reams of data to help in formulating business strategy.

“The increased emphasis on data provides an opportunity for finance and accounting professionals — who traditionally are proficient at pulling data from a variety of information systems, manipulating that data, and gleaning insights from it — to build on this core competency and assume a business partnering role with others in their organizations,” the authors of the study write in the report.

Specifically, the report authors say, “To stay relevant, finance professionals must take advantage of opportunities to create value around Big Data.” They identify three areas of focus:

  1. Data governance — Because of the profession’s rigor and discipline in managing confidential data, accountants are well positioned to take a leading role in the security and use of data.
  2. Insights into business trends and operations — With big data, accountants will “provide analysis to help business functions understand the financial implications of their activities or plans. They can help business functions improve the quality of information that goes into financial decision making.”
  3. Risk management — “Finance professionals can leverage the resource of Big Data to help organizations anticipate or preempt risks—and protect performance… By including diverse sets of data in their calculations, accountants and finance professionals can help better identify and mitigate the risks faced by their organizations.”

Before accounting and finance professionals can realize the full value of Big Data, concludes the report, “They will need to develop new skills, including enhanced abilities to organize, structure, and understand data sets; the ability to provide more in-depth, strategic analysis; and the ability to collaborate across the enterprise with other functional teams. Communication and interpersonal and leadership skills will also become even more important for accountants and finance professionals in the new silo-less, Big Data-generating corporate environment.”

Photo by fabio on Unsplash
