
Welcome to #WeAreGreenKey, where we shine a spotlight on our powerhouse team. 

Last week, we met up with Angela Singh, Office Manager in Corporate Human Resources at Green Key. Angela first joined Green Key five years ago and has since been a key member of the HR team. She details how she came to her position and the care and support she’s receiving from Green Key over the years.

How did you first get your start in Human Resources? 

I joined Green Key five years ago, originally as a receptionist. It was a traditional role working at the front desk, but I saw room for improvement in certain areas. Because I had a background as an Executive Assistant, I was very detail oriented. I took the initiative to change the way things were being organized and executed, which was recognized by the Partners. Eventually I moved my way up to Office Manager, where I am today. 

What does the day of an Office Manager entail? 

The day is never the same. I wear many hats, from facilities to logistics, from accounting to inventory management. But the most important part of my role is supporting my team. When something has to be done for the back office or companywide, I’m there to make sure it gets done efficiently and in a timely manner. There is never a dull day! 

What is your favorite aspect of working at Green Key? 

It’s the people I work with at Green Key. We’re not just a company where you simply come in and work your 9-5. The people here truly build a relationship with you and take your suggestions. Last year, I went through an illness, and everyone has been exceptionally caring about it. They want the best for me both personally and professionally. It’s not just about numbers at Green Key and that makes a huge difference to me. The values of connection and authenticity here are more than just words. 

Anyone interested in the administrative teams at Green Key should know that we invest in you. This is a company that listens to you and helps you move up in your career. 

Why should someone want to work at Green Key? 

Green Key highlights your talent. When they find where you shine, they let you handle and run with it. They allow you autonomy and the wings to fly.  By giving you that space to grow and not keeping you in a box, there is increased productivity and retention. Loyalty and work ethic stem from that quality.  

What are your professional goals going forward? 

I am hoping to go for my MBA one day. I love administration, but I also love numbers and analytics. So, I am hoping to transition to the accounting side and get that ball rolling. 

Mar 21, 2024

Tips for Creating Effective Corporate Videos for Social Media

In a previous article, we explored the definition of corporate video and delved into its numerous benefits for businesses looking to engage with their audience on social media. Now that we understand the importance of corporate videos, let’s dive deeper into how you can create impactful videos that resonate with your audience and drive results on social media platforms.

Know your audience

Building on the foundation of understanding your audience, take the time to delve deeper into their preferences, interests, and behaviors. What type of content resonates with them? What challenges are they facing? Tailor your video content to address their specific needs and pinpoints.

Keep it concise

With the abundance of content vying for attention social media feeds, it’s essential to keep your corporate videos concise and focused. According to LinkedIn, “…less is more. Keep your videos short, and avoid making them too long or complicated. The ideal length of a video is between 30 seconds to two minutes.”

Craft a Compelling Story

Great corporate videos go beyond mere promotion and tell a story that captivates viewers and evokes emotion. Whether it’s sharing a customer success story, highlighting your company’s values, or showcasing the impact of your products or services, storytelling can help forge a deeper connection with your audience.

Prioritize Quality

Invest in high quality production equipment and ensure that your videos are well-shot, well-lit, and well-edited. Quality matters, and poor production values can detract from your message and undermine your brand’s credibility.

Include a Strong Call to Action

LinkedIn notes, “Every corporate video should have a call-to-action (CTA). This could be asking viewers to visit your website, sign up for a newsletter, or follow you on social media. Make sure that your CTA is clear and that it aligns with the goal of your corporate video.”

By following these tips and best practices, you can create effective corporate videos that resonate with your audience, drive engagement, and ultimately, achieve your business objectives on social media. With careful planning, creativity, and a focus on delivering value, your corporate videos can become powerful tools for building brand awareness, fostering customer loyalty, and driving business growth.