
Welcome back to #WeAreGreenKey, where we shine a spotlight on our powerhouse recruiting team.

We’re starting off the new year with an awesome chat with Carissa Iacona, Recruiter on the Marketing Technology team at Green Key. With both technology and recruiting experience in her past, Carissa joined Green Key a year ago ready to jump into the MarTech space and expand her expertise as much as she can. She reiterated how excited she is to develop her team even more in 2023, as well as all the new trends happening in the evolving technology world.

What was your professional experience prior to recruiting?

I was in HCM technology sales, cold calling mid-sized businesses and setting up consultations with c-level executives to evaluate technology services and showing the value of robust HR technology. So, I did have a little bit of tech background prior to recruiting.

I was there for about two years when I started looking for a change during the Covid pandemic. I was looking for an experience where I could make an impactful change during this unprecedented time. A former colleague, who was currently working at a healthcare agency, reached out regarding an open position. I took the call and realized recruiting was the perfect blend of the fast-paced sales environment I enjoy and providing a specialized service.

While I was working in healthcare recruiting, Brooke [Stemen] reached out to me with the intent of having me join the Healthcare divison at Green Key. Because I was no longer interested in the healthcare field, I asked her to describe the other teams at Green Key, which is how I learned about this startup team in the niche space of MarTech. That led me to meeting Ryan [Calpin] and getting the chance to pick his brain about the industry and why it’s the place to be in terms of what I am looking for in career growth. I’ve now been with the team for a year now and I am so grateful for the knowledge and skillset I have gained during my time here.

What do you love about recruiting in the MarTech space?

I love working with passionate and talented people, as well as speaking to potential candidates about their career development goals. One thing I always ask my candidates is how they got their start in MarTech, each story is interesting and authentic.

During this past year in the MarTech division, I’ve learned so much from the experts in this exciting industry, from learning about how they’ve gained success through their roles and how tech is evolving, everchanging and adapting. I like meeting new people and having organic discussions on upcoming trends. This allows me to align the right fit opportunity for the candidate with the client who is working on similar areas of interest. I enjoy acting as that essential, strong link between the candidate and the client.

Are there any trends in MarTech you’ve been noticing recently?

We’ve been noticing a boost in Advertising Technology companies and really innovative ideas that are changing the way we communicate, live and buy. Everything these days is virtual with the shift in remote working environments. We are seeing growth in the expansion of digital marketing and advertising efforts. These types of roles are really exciting to be in, with a significant amount of potential for growth and expansion. We are definitely prepared for that surge to come.

What sets Green Key apart from other staffing agencies?

From my first phone call with the recruiter, I knew this was the place I wanted to be. The company holds strong values that instantly stood apart from other companies I was exploring. I love working for a company that supports the authenticity of every individual on each team. It feels so empowering to bring new ideas to the table and those new ideas are not only embraced but deeply valued.

You’re about to come up on a year at Green Key. What are your professional goals for 2023?

I am so excited for the big plans our team has in 2023, I definitely want to continue on the path of mentoring and career developing my team. Under Ryan [Calpin]’s right wing, I also hope to continue learning about the account management side of the business and attending new trainings where I can continue advancing my skills.

Feb 6, 2024

Essential Strategies for 2024: Remote Training

In the rapidly evolving landscape of work, the necessity of upskilling and reskilling keeps growing. As organizations strive to equip their workforce with the essential skills to thrive in a dynamic environment, remote training emerges as a pivotal solution. Let’s explore remote training and some best practices that can empower organizations to harness their full potential.

What is remote training?

According to the Digital Adoption team, “Remote training refers to any form of training conducted without the necessity for physical presence. This training methodology can take various forms, including synchronous sessions with real-time interaction, asynchronous modules that participants can access at their convenience, or self-paced learning opportunities. The common feature is that participants can engage from disparate locations.”

Remote training transcends the constraints of physical presence, offering a diverse array of learning opportunities accessible from any way. Digital Adoption highlighted, “This training methodology can take various forms, including synchronous sessions with real-time interaction, asynchronous modules that participants can access at their convenience, or self-paced learning opportunities. The common feature is that participants can engage from disparate locations.”

Benefits of Remote Training

Inclusivity lies at the heart of remote training, breaking down geographical barriers and accommodating diverse needs. By recording and sharing sessions, remote training ensures accessibility for all, fostering a more inclusive and diverse learning environment. Scalability emerges as another key advantage, enabling organizations to reach a broader audience without proportional costs increases. Moreover, flexibility reigns supreme, allowing individuals to tailor their learning experience to fit their busy schedules and commitments.

Best Practices for Remote Training

To maximize the effectiveness of remote training, organizations should adhere to a set of best practices. Digital Adoption provided 7 best practices for remote training.

  • Implement appropriate remote training tools: Leverage adaptive learning platforms, communication tools, and learning management systems to deliver dynamic and efficient training experiences.
  • Ensure technology reliability: Prioritize the reliability of technology infrastructure through rigorous testing and robust technical support.
  • Introduce Interactivity: Digital Adoption noted, “If remote learning doesn’t ask for learners to do anything, it will be boring and ineffective. Fortunately, you can enhance the effectiveness of remote training by introducing interactivity.” Organizations can enhance engagement and knowledge retention by incorporating elements such as gamification, testing, and feedback.
  • Use multimedia presentation techniques: Present training material through diverse media formats to cater to different learning styles and preferences.
  • Provide strong learning resources: Develop comprehensive and relevant training materials aligned with learning objectives.
  • Maintain a personal touch: Mitigate the impersonality of remote learning by fostering community and connectivity through regular check-ins and peer support systems.
  • Learn from traditional methods: Draw upon established principles of effective teaching and learning, such as clear objectives, excellent communication, and meaningful feedback.

As we navigate the complexities of the future of work, remote training stands as a cornerstone of organizational success. By embracing the principles and best practices outlined, organizations can unlock the full potential of remote training, empowering their workforce to excel in the digital age.

Feb 26, 2024

The Essence of Marketing Strategy: Driving Business Success

In the intricate world of business, a marketing strategy serves as the cornerstone upon which companies build their path to success. But what exactly is the marketing strategy, what are the different types of marketing strategies, and how does it work? In this article we’ll explore these questions and delve into the essence of effective marketing strategies.

What is Marketing Strategy?

According to Investopedia.com, “A marketing strategy refers to a business’s overall game plan to facilitate the buying and selling of its products or services. A marketing strategy determines how to reach prospective consumers and turn them into customers. It contains the company’s value proposition, key brand messaging, data on target customer demographics, and other high-level elements. A thorough marketing strategy covers the four Ps of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion.”

Types of Marketing Strategy

Types of marketing strategies include:

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Pay Per Click (PPC)
  • Email Marketing
  • Content Marketing

How Does it Work?

A marketing strategy functions as a road map that guides all marketing activities and initiatives. It begins with a thorough understanding of the target market – their needs, preferences, and pain points. Based on this understanding, the strategy defines the positioning of the company’s offerings and determines the most effective channels and messages to reach the target audience.

Key components of a marketing strategy include:

Market Segmentation: Identifying and segmenting the target market based on demographics, psychographics, and behavior.

Value proposition: Articulating the unique value that the company offers to its customers and differentiating itself from competitors.

Channel selection: Choosing the most appropriate marketing channels to reach the target audience, such as social media, e-mail marketing, content marketing, or traditional advertising.

Messaging and Creative: Crafting compelling messages and creative assets that resonate with their target audience and communicate the value proposition effectively.

Measurement and Analysis: Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of marketing efforts and continuously analyzing data to optimize performance.

In conclusion, understanding marketing strategies, its types, and how it works are vital for business success, enabling companies to drive growth and engagement effectively.