
Welcome to #WeAreGreenKey, where we shine a spotlight on our powerhouse recruiting team. 

We met up with Dustin Bernardi, Technical Recruiter on the Marketing Technology team at Green Key. He elaborated on the hottest roles in the market right now, as well as the challenges he expects his clients to face due to the economy in the next year.  

What are some hiring trends you’re seeing in MarTech right now? 

It started slowing down at the end of 2022. But a lot of smaller companies and agencies are hiring. It’s becoming more important for companies to focus on marketing technology and automation. They have a lot of opportunities in these fields to invest in. This next year it’s going to grow even more. In terms of the demand for certain roles, I’ve been seeing a lot of clients hiring product marketing managers, which is great because several candidates will come through with both product and marketing experience. 

Are there any challenges you see MarTech clients facing this year? 

It can be challenging for clients to keep good talent. With so many jobs being remote, candidates in our field have more jobs to choose from, so it can be hard to keep people in one spot. The way the economy is going, some companies might have to dial back on how much they’re spending on employees, while other companies can spend more. Recruitment agencies are helping a lot right now. Companies can’t always just put out a job description and find good candidates; agencies can help be that bridge. 

What steps would you suggest to a candidate looking to break into the industry? 

I definitely think it helps to work with an agency and build relationships. We, as recruiters, are interested in the wellbeing of the candidate, especially here at Green Key. We know the market really well and what companies need. This will allow candidates to hone in on certain skills and be aware of what the next biggest trend in the industry is. Even if you don’t find a job though an agency, being able to create that relationship can lead to future opportunities and connections. 

In terms of education, the experience I see is so much more spread out than you expect. It’s not just Marketing. I’ve seen candidates with Sociology and Psychology degrees. It’s a field where you can really learn and grow from the ground up. 

What are your professional goals in the MarTech recruiting space for 2023? 

By the end of the year, I want to start working on the business development side of things and creating a pipeline of clients. I see our team really thriving and expanding in 2023.  

What was your professional experience prior to recruiting for MarTech? 

I started my career in technical recruiting, where I recruited software developers and software engineers at a couple different companies. I held a non-recruiting job after that, but really wanted to get back into agency work because I felt like that was where I belonged. I came to Green Key in July 2022.