
In this series, we shine a spotlight on the incredible people behind our powerhouse recruiting team.

We caught up with Jordan Haas, Executive Recruiter at Green Key Pharma. Haas has been a part of the team since 2019 and is passionate about connecting top-notch talent with clients in the pharma, biotech, and device industries.

What inspired you to pursue a career in recruitment?

My admiration for the pharmaceutical industry and my natural gift of gab

What sets Green Key apart from other recruiting firms?

Based on what I know about other firms, Green Key employees go above and beyond to make the recruitment process a personalized experience. We don’t cut corners or take shortcuts; instead, we take the extra time to learn more about our candidates and clients in order to represent them as accurately as possible.

"Green Key employees go above and beyond to make the recruitment process a personalized experience. We don't cut corners or take shortcuts; instead, we take the extra time to learn more about candidates and clients in order to represent them as accurately as possible."  -Jordan Haas
Recruiter, Green Key Pharma

Where has Green Key provided service that is hard to match in an internal hiring team?

Unlike many internal hiring teams, Green Key does a fantastic job of developing deep, long-term relationships that can span upwards of 10 – 20 years! We appreciate our connections to clients and candidates for what they are: true relationships, not transactions.

What are the next steps for candidates interested in expanding their pharma job search?

Get in touch with the team. Visit https://www.greenkeyllc.com/area/pharma/ to fill out a candidate contact form.

Interested candidates can also browse current openings in pharma by visiting the Green Key jobs board

May 9, 2024

Green Key Unlocked: LinkedIn Profile Tips to Attract Recruiters

In today’s competitive job market, having a strong LinkedIn profile is essential for career success. Whether you’re actively job hunting or simply want to expand your professional network, an optimized profile can make a significant difference in a tight market. We caught up with Brooke Stemen, Director of Talent Acquisition to share a few tips to help you boost your LinkedIn presence and catch the attention of recruiters.

Optimize Your Profile

Start by ensuring that your profile is complete and up to date. Use a professional profile picture and write a compelling headline that summarizes your expertise and value proposition. Also, be sure to customize your URL to include your name for a clean and professional look. Stemen elaborates, “Think of your profile as your first impression, you always want to put your best foot forward and present yourself in a professional manner.”

Craft a Compelling Summary

In short, your LinkedIn summary is your opportunity to tell your professional story and highlight your unique strengths and experiences. LinkedIn goes further to say, “It’s an open-ended space (sort of; 2,600 characters max) where you give an overview of your professional life. Your summary or About section is the one place you define yourself in your own words, free of start dates and titles. Whether you use it to put career choices in context, highlight your biggest achievements, or show off your personality, the summary is your chance to put your best self out there. It strengthens your first impression in a way no other Profile section can.”

Highlight Your Achievements

Don’t just list your responsibilities- highlight your accomplishments and accolades. Most importantly quantify your impact whenever possible. Use bullet points to showcase key accomplishments and demonstrate your value to potential employers or clients. Whether you were employee of the month or winning incentive trips, your resume and LinkedIn is not a place to downplay your impact and achievements.

Utilize Keywords

Incorporate relevant keywords throughout your profile to increase your visibility in LinkedIn searches. Recruiters source candidate profiles by using keywords you can list on your profile to find the best candidates for their open roles. Stemen describes it as, “Think of it as optimizing your ‘Recruiter SEO’” by adding hard and soft skills, tools, systems, industry terms, and job titles that recruiters or clients might use when looking for someone with your expertise, and make sure to include them in your profile.

Build Your Network

Connect with colleagues, classmates, mentors, and industry professionals and recruiters to expand your network and increase your reach and network. Not only is this a fantastic way to stay knowledgeable about what is going on in your industry and connect to leaders in your field, it may connect you to your next role. Be sure to personalize your connection requests whenever possible to make a meaningful connection. Recruiters are constantly posting about their hot jobs, by staying connected to recruiters in your industry you may just scroll past your dream job one day.

Engage with Content and Stay Active

Share valuable content, engage, and comment on posts, and connect with others in your network to demonstrate expertise and stay top of mind. Regularly update your profile with new achievements and stay active by posting and engaging with industry insights and celebrating your colleagues’ wins, ensuring a strong presence and ongoing professional growth.

By implementing these strategies, you can elevate your LinkedIn profile and position yourself as a standout professional in your industry. Remember, LinkedIn is not just a digital resume- it’s a powerful platform for building your personal brand, expanding your network, and unlocking new opportunities.

If you’re looking for your next role or to connect with us, be sure to visit our new website and connect with us on LinkedIn.