
Welcome back to #WeAreGreenKey, where we shine a spotlight on our powerhouse agency team.   

This week we sat down with Karlina Cordero, Human Resources Coordinator at Green Key. Karlina joined the company in 2019 and has since been a key player for both her team and the rest of the organization. She shared her admiration for Green Key’s ability to adapt to changes and listen to their employees, while also setting new goals for herself within the realm of HR. 

How did you first get started in HR?  

After I graduated in 2018 with a Communications degree, I was looking into the field of HR because I knew it went hand in hand. Being involved in the communication aspect of a company was very attractive to me. I was looking into different industries when I found Green Key. Their company mission was a match with how I felt and what I needed in a career. I had never worked at a staffing agency before, but I saw there was a place for me here. In the realm of HR, you’re able to help teams achieve their goals, while also representing a company and their values. So, when I came to Green Key in 2019, I was drawn in by the flexibility of my position and its potential for growth. 

What does the work of an Office Coordinator entail?  

My help is required in many aspects of the company. I assist Angela on projects or requests from other teams. We have the flexibility to participate in different things throughout the year, which I love. For the most part, it’s administrative work and assisting on the movement of different projects. I can be working with the Healthcare team one day, and then Pharma the next. 

What is your favorite aspect of working at Green Key?  

I love that we have the ability to mold ourselves and our roles. I’m never boxed in at Green Key. We keep up with ongoing corporate trends. The way we used to work 10 years ago doesn’t exist anymore, but our management has the mentality to figure it out and change with the times. That adaptive approach is what attracted me to Green Key. We are always figuring out how we can function in a smoother and more productive atmosphere. If you come in with a mentality that things are changing, you will be matched with a company that is also adjusting to those changes. 

Why should someone want to work at Green Key? 

There is no micromanagement. Instead, there is trust. Our employees are what make us, because none of us are just a number here. Management has so many approaches to take care of and support their staff. 

I’m heard and appreciated here. If I suggest changing a certain process, they’ll listen to me. At previous companies, I was discouraged from speaking out my thoughts or opinions. But here I’m validated – that’s the key to Green Key. 

What are your professional goals for the future? 

I see myself leading a team and being part of huge projects. I hope to always bring more value to the company and overcome obstacles. Green Key has so much potential and ability to grow.  

Jun 6, 2023

Proving the Value of Soft Skills Training

In today’s job market, soft skills have become as important — some say even more important — than possessing all the skills and experience a hiring manager might hope for. Leadership, resilience, good communication and teamwork have become so essential for workers that companies spend millions on programs to cultivate these skills.

” HR executives want to ensure their workers — managers especially — have these vital skills,” notes an article on the website of the Society for Human Resource Management.

Are they getting their money’s worth?

That’s the focus of the article headlined “Measuring the ROI of Soft Skills.” It outlines a five-step process to prove the worth of a program.

Interestingly enough, the process begins with answering the question “Why.”

“When determining the ‘why,’ talent development professionals should keep a hard truth in mind: most soft skills programs do not connect to the business,” write the authors Jack J. Phillips, Patti Phillips and Rebecca Ray. They say research shows company leaders ” want to see the business connection of learning, and sometimes the ROI.”

“Having the skills in place is only behavior,” they say. “Most funders, after all, want more than that. They desire impact and ROI, so plan for it rather than waiting for them to ask.”

The next step in the process is “defining the desired outcomes and business impacts and, when implementing a new solution, developing objectives.” Program designers, the facilitators, participants and their managers should all be involved in designing the training to achieve the goals. “All should be aimed at not only learning, but also using these skills and their subsequent impact.”

The next three steps all involve gathering, analyzing and using the data to both demonstrate the ROI and to improve the program in order to optimize the ROI.

“As it relates to impact, data sources can include key business metrics such as productivity levels, customer satisfaction scores, error rates and the number of workplace accidents,” the authors explain. “As such, a teambuilding program may improve productivity, reduce errors, improve absenteeism rates, reduce employee turnover or raise employee engagement levels.”

For behavior change, the authors recommend gathering data from “observation, focus groups, interviews, performance reviews, customer feedback and surveys of both the individual and stakeholders.”

In analyzing the impact data, cleaning it to isolate the effects of the soft skills program from other influences is essential. Then, the authors say, “the impact data should be converted to money to quantify the program’s monetary benefits.”

The data analysis, they observe, is “is probably the most important step from the perspective of executives.”

Communicating the ROI helps build the business case for continuing to fund soft skills training.

This approach, the article concludes, is valuable at any time, however it is especially relevant now given the “vast fallout from COVID-19.

“Both budgetary challenges and interpersonal work conditions will continue to underscore the importance of soft skills. Now, HR has the tools to make that case with the kind of hard numbers that executives appreciate.”

Photo by jose aljovin on Unsplash
