
Summer brings a lot of exciting changes from the rest of the year, including warm weather, additional time off, and an overall increase in mental health. It also has an ability to cause a bit of a “summer slump” at work, especially if business is slower than usual. To combat that lack of focus and productivity, here are 4 tips to stay motivated during the summer so you can truly enjoy your down time.

Physically recharge during the day

While this tip should be practiced year-round, it’s especially helpful during the summer months, when the weather is nicer and warmer. Try to take walks outside on your lunch break, stay hydrated throughout the day, and eat the right snacks. Consistent movement, combined with energy-inducing drinks and snacks, will help you feel recharged when that mid-afternoon sluggishness hits.

Switch up your scenery and routine

If you’re able, changing up your “office” for the day can help break up your routine and deter feelings of boredom. For instance, heading to a coffee shop or cafe for the day can boost your productivity and eliminate any distractions that might be at home during the summer. The Atlantic mentions that social pressure can go a long way, as professionals are more likely to get work done when they know people are watching.

Socialize with your colleagues

Sometimes, what is referred to as “relational energy,” can positively affect our attitude and performance at work. Socializing and chatting with coworkers, even if just for a quick walk to get coffee, can reduce monotony and help us feel more connected. Managers should also make an effort to check up on their team during the summer and maintain communication even if work itself has slowed down.

Take advantage of the time off

Sometimes, you might just need to give into that “summer slump” and embrace the opportunity to take time off. PTO is provided to you for a reason and you shouldn’t feel any guilt taking advantage of it. This includes Summer Fridays! Enjoy the sun with family and friends, while also recharging your mind and basking in a well-deserved break!