At Green Key, our Pharma recruiters handle a variety of different roles in the industry. Among the most common positions are biometric professionals, which may include biostatisticians, SAS programmers, data managers, and data scientists. In the pharmaceutical industry, it can be difficult to market your skills and experience properly.
Jordan Haas, a biometric recruiter at Green Key, shares his three keys to success in setting yourself apart in these unique careers. You can also view our recent TikTok featuring Jordan’s thoughts on this topic!
Highlight leadership experience
Leadership extends a long way as a biometric professional. Even if you only have a small amount of leadership experience, it’s still important to call attention to when job hunting. Jordan explains, “Even if it was only a junior colleague shadowing you while you learned a new program or wrote a statistical analysis plan. Highlight this on your resume and during interviews. Recruiters and hiring managers want to see leadership qualities in a candidate.”
Showcasing your ability to communicate
Like most industries, communication in the biometric field is key. Because these roles work with extremely complex information and numbers, someone less statistically driven might not understand certain acronyms and jargon. This requires the ability to explain complex information in a way everyone can interpret. Jordan says, “Being able to communicate and translate information into a digestible form for cross-functional teams, such as regulatory, quality, and medical writing, is extremely important.”
Professional organizations & conferences
“Attending well-networked conferences, with the intention of meeting people in person, will showcase your willingness to go above and beyond as a biometric professional. Essentially, you are proving that you can give back to your employer,” Jordan adds. Some of these organizations include the ASA (American Statistical Association), ISCB (International Society for Clinical Biostatistics), and CDISC (Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium). Every year, the ASA holds the JSM (Joint Statistical Meetings) Conference too! Additionally, there are SAS certifications that you can earn as programmers. Making these extra efforts will focus on your eagerness to grow and learn within a competitive industry.
Contact a Green Key Pharma recruiter!
If this career path seems like it’s for you, don’t hesitate to contact Jordan or the Pharma team at Green Key Resources. Your next job in biometrics could be just around the corner!