
After a booming phase during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, the tech industry is currently facing a trend of mass layoffs. Companies such as Microsoft and Google have cut thousands of positions in the last few months. In an effort to prepare for a darker economy, there are new layoff announcements emerging from Big Tech every day. Since the start of 2022, over 200,000 tech jobs have been lost. 

Tech jobs remain strong

While the recent layoffs at Spotify, Meta, and Amazon might seem daunting for those working in the industry, this isn’t to say tech opportunities are fading.

“Technology reaches far beyond the big names and is needed in almost every other field. These companies over-hired during COVID, and even with the layoffs, they are still larger than they were pre-pandemic. The IT workforce remains strong,” said Matt Schirano, a newly named Partner leading the Information Technology practice area at Green Key Resources. “Healthcare, finance, hospitality, retail, and other industries all require tech professionals to aid in their online presence and digital platforms.” 

So, despite these layoffs in the tech sector, tech skills will still be sought-after throughout 2023. ZipRecruiter mentions that employees are finding new positions quicker than expected, often in different industries.

They say, “Tech skills are in high demand across the economy, with government agencies, aerospace companies, health systems, and retailers frequently noting shortages of software engineers, cybersecurity professionals, data analysts, and web designers. Had tech companies continued growing at the breakneck 2020-2021 pace, they would have monopolized U.S. tech talent and made it impossible for employers in non-tech industries to hire tech talent. Now, other industries may stand a chance.” 

Opportunities in tech recruiting

This is also a great sign for the staffing industry. Tech recruiters will be able to reassure their candidates that their job opportunities are not diminishing this year. Every company nowadays is, in a sense, a technology company. Positions in coding, data, and AI are always going to be in demand.

The New York Times elaborates, “A lot of traditional industries need tech employees, so this is an opportunity for those companies to scoop up talent. The health care industry, the federal government, private companies in retail or manufacturing — all of them need engineers and other people with high-tech skills. What is Google’s loss could be Walmart’s gain.” 

If you’re seeking a new move within your tech career, the Information Technology team at Green Key is ready to help lead you in that direction. Browse our open jobs or connect with us on LinkedIn to start a conversation and work with our talented tech recruiters. 

#WeAreGreenKey: Spotlight on Jordan Boyd

Welcome to #WeAreGreenKey, where we shine a spotlight on the incredible people behind our powerhouse recruiting team.

This week, we are passing the mic to Jordan Boyd, Senior Recruiter at Green Key Information Technology (IT). After nearly half a decade of working in the industry, Boyd joined Green Key in late 2020. 

Boyd focuses primarily on niche skillsets, including AWS and Azure cloud engineers, database administrators and developers, .NET and Java developers, iOS and Android developers, UI/UX designers, and project management professionals. He has placed candidates in a range of industries, including biotechnology, aerospace, defense, financial services, and government services.

What inspired you to pursue a career in recruitment?

I applied for a sales job with a staffing agency several years ago. During the interview, the hiring manager believed I had the empathy and technical knowledge to work with clients and candidates. After trying my hand at full desk recruiting, I realized I enjoyed matching people with the right job a lot more.

What sets Green Key apart from other recruiting firms?

Green Key is process-driven. We work hard to ensure our candidates are the best fit for the job, providing full transparency about the hiring process and client expectations. We are about finding the right fit for the job—not throwing any and all resumes at a job to see what sticks.

"Green Key is process-driven. We work hard to ensure our candidates are the best fit for the job, providing full transparency about the hiring process and client expectations. We are about finding the right fit — not throwing any and all resumes at a job to see what sticks."  -Jordan Boyd
Recruiter, Green Key IT

Where has Green Key provided service that is hard to match in an internal hiring team?

Green Key works with a diverse range of clients, which means our candidates have several options when it comes to entering new industries. For example, Green Key IT has previously placed candidates in roles for the U.S. government.

What are the next steps for candidates interested in expanding their information technology job search?

Reach out to me or contact my team. Visit www.greenkeyllc.com/area/information-technology to fill out a candidate contact form.

Interested candidates can also browse current openings in IT by visiting the Green Key jobs board