
In a time when the job market is rapidly changing, layoffs are occurring in waves, and times are still a bit uncertain, it’s normal that your staff might need a little extra motivation in the workplace. If you’re an employer or manager, and feel like your staff is working on autopilot, there are ways to keep your team motivated with a clear head and productive environment.

Incentive programs

Reconfiguring bonuses and raises can help keep your team focused on their goals and work quality. For instance, if your organization generally gives bonuses around the holidays, consider splitting up the bonuses into a quarterly earning. Knowing an extra paycheck is coming every few month is an incentive to your employees. This can also be considered with commission structures.

Early communication

Always try to communicate early with your team if you know of any changes or slowdowns in the company or market. Keep an open line with between staff and manager. Employees respond more positively when they know their superiors are remaining empathetic and keeping their best interest at heart.

Growth opportunities

Your team members want to know advancement is in their future. Always be sure that you’re checking in on their performances every quarter in order to remind them of their growth opportunities. Knowing that a promotion or higher position is on the horizon will keep them motivated in the workplace. If possible, it is also ideal to offer employees assistance in obtaining a new degree or licensure to climb in their career.

Accepting failure

Try to support your employees when they have fresh, new ideas, even if you’re not quite sure how they will play out. They want to know their managers are not only listening, but taking them seriously as well. Indeed says, “If you criticize or publicly blast your employees’ failures, they’re going to lose the motivation to try something new. Accept that taking risks comes with some failure. Use it as an opportunity to learn and improve next time, so employees feel comfortable taking risks in the future.”

#WeAreGreenKey: Spotlight on Mike Bosco

Welcome back to #WeAreGreenKey, where we shine a spotlight on our powerhouse recruiting team.  

Recently, we met up with Mike Bosco, Staffing Director on the Accounting & Finance team at Green Key. Mike started his career at Green Key about 10 years ago, first as an intern out of the Long Island office, and quickly climbed the ranks to where he is today. He currently still works out of the Long Island office, supporting both the perm and temp sides of the business.

What do you enjoy the most about Accounting and Finance recruiting?

I really enjoy how fulfilling it is both personally and professionally.  I’ve been doing this for over 10 years and still encounter new situations and challenges.  At the end of the day, we’re the intermediary between our clients and candidates. Besides being able to fill positions for our clients, working with and helping people is very rewarding. Especially when we get positive feedback, or a referral, it feels gratifying knowing you not only made an impact but established a lasting professional relationship.

How do you stay informed about developments in the accounting and finance industry, and how does this knowledge influence your approach to recruitment?

Our team consists of industry professionals. We collaborate a lot as a team, meeting several times a week to discuss various recruitment strategies and target areas.  Particularly within public accounting, we prepare for the natural seasonality of hiring for our clients. Currently in the first quarter of the year, there’s not much hiring in public accounting, so we are more focused on recruiting for clients in the private sector and outside of public accounting. 

What advice would you give to candidates looking to stand out in the accounting and finance job market?

Value every interview you go on and prepare like it’s your dream job.  General preparedness, knowledge of the company, and showing genuine excitement in the opportunity to interview.  I think hiring managers, a lot of the time, are looking for somebody who has a particular interest in their organization, not somebody who’s just looking for a job.  Getting an interview typically shows you are qualified, but how do you stand out?  Personality, enthusiasm, being prepared, and how you can clearly articulate your skills are things that can be worked on prior to an interview that will make a huge impact on a hiring manager’s decision.

Are there any specific certifications or additional qualifications valued by employers in this industry?

As an accounting and finance recruiter, the CPA license is always something that would increase somebody’s marketability for any accounting position.  However, it depends on the individuals and their background. For instance, if I’m working with a payroll individual then perhaps not the CPA, but the certified payroll professional, the CPP certification, or an experienced bookkeeper might just have a certificate in QuickBooks.

2024 marks 20 years of Green Key, how would you describe your experience since starting your career with the Accounting and Finance team?

I started back in 2010, right after the 2009 downturn. I remember being told that things are slow right now, while the year before was a busy market. Fast forward to ten years later, the pandemic happened, and it almost seemed like I was seeing things full circle. Overall, my journey has been really interesting. I started when we only had two offices, the New York and the Long Island locations. We’ve since outgrown the original office space, going from about 5 people to about 40-50 in our current larger Melville office. So even though we were a 10-year-old company, seeing where we are now seems like I started in those infancy stages and now we’re on national basis. I’ve seen not only the growth of the team but also the different transitions of our VMS systems, starting with Encore, then Ultra, and now our newest version of Salesforce. I was able to see these different systems being implemented along with new policies and procedures across the company. I was also able to witness how the team and company adapted to challenges, for instance, through COVID and then have our bounce back year.

So, it’s really been an interesting journey to say the least. I’ve never really felt that the company or I have felt stagnant. It’s been nice to be at a place for as long as I’ve been to always feel personal and company growth. That’s something I’ve really enjoyed about working here and the people that I’ve worked with, I wouldn’t be here as long as I’ve been if I didn’t like who I’ve worked with.

With all that being said, this year we’re aiming to get back on track and continue to grow by cultivating strong relationships with new clients, as well as businesses we’ve worked with in the past.