
Establishing a successful business requires a lot of leadership qualities, but in particular, boosting and maintaining creativity in your employees is a must. Workplaces thrive on innovative thinking and upward growth. However, sparking creativity in your team can be a challenge, especially around the holidays when minds are a bit more distracted.

To get your employees thinking more outside the box, we’ve collected a handful of tips to encourage creative thinking and new, unique ideas.

Allow failure to take place

The old saying goes “you can’t succeed if you don’t fail.” You want to set a tone that allows for mistakes and failure, which are generally necessary for a road to success. Let your team know that you don’t expect perfection and trial and error situations are to be expected. LinkedIn advises, “If you decide that a business problem is worth solving, then commit to being wrong until you’re right. If there was some shortcut or obvious path to the solution, it already would’ve been traveled.”

Acknowledge success & innovation

When your employees commit to their ideas, celebrate their experimental thinking. Even if they fail, let them know that you appreciate their suggestions. Take notice when those on your team speak up and attempt to lead a project in a productive direction. Acknowledgement and validation are greats motivator to continue forward thinking.

Let anyone lead and speak up

Even if you are the manager, let others take the lead, no matter their position or title. Encourage those in lower positions to share their thoughts and make their own contributions. You may find that people at different stages have varying degrees of insights and creativity.

Allow different formats

If you want your employees to be innovative, you have to be as well. Let them present their ideas in different formats and approaches. Sitting in the past and only allowing one way of presentation will only set you back. If an employee is more artistically orientated, allow them to draw their ideas, rather than using a deck, proposal, or formal slideshow. This will promote an open and encouraging environment where more people are likely to come forward with their thoughts.

Jun 6, 2023

3 Steps to More Civil Disagreement

In these contentious times it’s important to remember that disagreements and differences of opinion aren’t zero sum games, battles to be won at all costs.

“Disagreement stems from differing points of view that may be anchored in deep-seated beliefs that each hold dear,” writes John Baldoni, internationally recognized leadership educator and author of 14 books. “The challenge is to put aside the animus and respect one another as sentient and capable. We can feel, and we can decide.”

Erisology, a term that first made its appearance in The Atlantic last year, is the study of destructive arguments, or, as the term’s creator John Nerst described it, “unsuccessful disagreement”. An unsuccessful disagreement is an exchange where people are no closer in understanding at the end than they were at the beginning, meaning the exchange has been mostly about talking past each other and/or hurling insults.”

These types of unsuccessful disagreements have always existed. In centuries past, they were constrained by the educated classes who were trained in the art of rhetoric and debate. The internet and the anonymity it offers loosened the rules and broadened the reach of zealots. As discussions grew more strident, they also often became more personal and adversarial.

Says Baldoni, “The reasons [for the stridency] are speculative — social media and the abnegation of fact — but the results are people believe what they want to believe and, in doing so, end up in separate camps. Such distancing is not healthy for our culture.”

What’s to be done? Baldoni’s prescription is personal:

  1. Do not pre-judge. See the person as an individual who has a point of view and not as a combatant.
  2. Listen carefully. “Invite the other to speak first. Stay calm, breath regularly and relax your facial muscles. Take a point the other has said and use it as an opening for a new line of discussion.”
  3. Argue dispassionately. Look for common ground. There is almost always something on which the two of you can agree. Then “use that commonality as a bridge to finding understanding.”

Following his advice isn’t easy, he admits, “These three steps, while easy to state, can be difficult to implement when tempers flare and more difficult still when people feel their values are under siege.” But as he says, these are tools that can be used to return civility to our disagreements.

“Our challenge is to put them to good use.”

Photo by Mad Fish Digital on Unsplash


Do We Really Need This Meeting?

Feeling the virtual meeting brain-drain? Get smarter about virtual teamwork with these four tips from Microsoft WorkLab.

2020 was the year of meeting overload with much of the workforce transitioning from in-office collaboration to working from home and collaborating virtually. Having a calendar full of calls and video conferences is not just draining, it can also take away from the valuable time teams could be getting work done instead of talking about work to be done.

Microsoft, with its vast customer data, has been studying how people work and collaborate. What the research says: There are ways to meet less often and still feel engaged and informed.

Let’s commit to making 2021 the year of working smarter, with more intentional meetings. Here’s how you & your team can make it happen:

Tip #1: Ask yourself, is a meeting necessary to get this work done?

If it seems like you’re in more meetings than ever, that’s because you are. According to a Microsoft study of Microsoft Teams activity, between February and August 2020 there was a 55% increase in the number of calls per week. As a result of the shift to remote work due to COVID-19, more meetings were added in an attempt to keep teams connected, but ultimately, this shift was unsustainable.

What’s become abundantly clear for many working from home for the past year: work doesn’t always hinge on a meeting. Collaboration can be accomplished without the need for a video call. Sharing documents for collaboration, communication via chat, utilizing planners and workflow modules, and more can allow for more fluid and ongoing collaboration – and can free up time for the real work to get done.

The best way to let go of attachment to meetings? Encourage your teams to keep asking the question, “Do we have to have this meeting?” Consistently ask yourself if there are other avenues that can move a project forward.

Tip #2: Be intentional about time

If you’ve found yourself distracted and unfocused during a long meeting, you’re not alone. Research from Microsoft’s Human Factors Labs suggests that after 30-40 minutes of concentration, fatigue starts to set in.

When possible, try to cap meetings at 25 or 50 minutes, so people have time to have a break or stretch their legs between meetings. In some calendars, like Outlook, you can set this as a default. If a long meeting is necessary, plan in spots for 5-minute breaks. Give yourself & others a chance to recharge!

Tip #3: Trade large meetings for a more meaningful one-on-one

In a Microsoft Harris Poll of people in six different countries, almost 60% of those surveyed feel less connected to their colleagues since transitioning to remote work. That may seem counter-intuitive given the increase in virtual meetings, but what virtual meetings don’t guarantee is a chance for information interactions and connecting with your colleagues.

Light-hearted office chatter creates trust and goodwill and builds a sense of connection. That sense of connection, according to Microsoft Senior Research Economist Sonia Jaffe, is associated with a range of benefits, including job satisfaction and better overall health.

So instead of cutting right to the chase, allow for a few minutes of genuine connection when you meet one-on-one with your teams. At Green Key Resources, we’ve found that a few minutes of chatter rarely take away from the overall productivity of a meeting and has allowed our teams to feel connected, despite not being in our offices together for the last year.

Find opportunities to check in with the people you collaborate with outside of a typical meeting. And don’t forget to reach out to the new employees who were onboarded virtually and haven’t yet experienced your company’s watercooler chatter. Bring your new hires into the fold now so when you’re all back in the office – or in a hybrid work structure – they already feel like part of the team.

Tip #4: Set boundaries

It can be tempting to accept meetings after hours or skip a lunch break when you no longer have a separation between office and home. However, boundaries are essential in this era of meeting and chat overload. Set hard stops – and stick to them – when it comes to meetings, work hours, and the work itself.

Want more help with creating a culture of intentional meetings? Download Microsoft’s Intentional Meetings Checklist to help train your people, and yourself, how to form a better virtual meeting culture.

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash