
Pride Month may take place in June, but that doesn’t mean support and acknowledgment of the LGBTQ+ community should stop there. There are many ways that a company can take Pride well beyond June and continue appreciating their employees and customers who identify with the community. We’ve outlined a few different ways your company can continue supporting Pride all year round and maintain an inclusive environment where everyone can be their most authentic selves.  

Donations to LGBTQ+ organizations & causes 

Show your support to the community by donating to LGBTQ+ initiatives throughout the year. This allows your company to give back and make a difference to the cause. Some organizations to consider are GLAAD, The Trevor Project, The Human Rights Campaign Foundation, and The Family Equality Council. Many of these  hold events year-round and are always looking for volunteers.  

Year-round inclusivity in marketing 

Adjusting your marketing and advertising campaigns to include more LGBTQ+ people can be a major factor when clients and customers choose to work with your company. To maintain authenticity, GLAAD has partnered with Getty Images to improve representation and provide guidance on how to do so. Including LGBTQ+ people of different races, races, and identities in marketing images and videos helps to connect with members of the community and assure them that you’re in their corner. 

Host or attend LGBTQ+ focused events 

In addition to the annual Pride parades, there are a handful of events your company can attend or even host throughout the year. For instance, inviting a guest speaker, such as a human rights activist or a known member of the LGBTQ+ community, can really speak volumes and educate your employees on the struggles their queer colleagues might be facing. Be sure to never make events like this mandatory and allow an open space for anyone to express themselves. 

Provide an inclusive platform 

While an inclusivity policy solidifying equality and diversity in the workplace is crucial, the effort shouldn’t end there. LinkedIn suggests providing a platform, such as blogs or webinars, where LGBTQ+ employees are featured and can share their stories. They say, “It can also help employees internalize why anti-harassment policies are so important. If you’ve never experienced a certain kind of discrimination firsthand, it can be hard to grasp how hurtful it is. But hearing how prejudice impacts people you know and respect can make you more willing to speak up when you see something wrong.” This also gives your company the opportunity to highlight stand-out employees, while also celebrating inclusivity and allyship.  

Stay proud 

The most important part of acknowledging Pride year-round is that you remain proud of your LGBTQ+ employees and assure them that you’re listening. Providing a safe place where everyone is comfortable being their authentic self and speaking out when they’re ready makes more difference than you realize. These efforts really make a positive impact on the community, especially your own employees.  

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