
Preparing for any interview can be nerve-wracking, as well as time consuming. Nowadays, there are so many different types of interviews that it’s important to get yourself ready and put your best self forward. Ranging from the traditional in-person one-on-one, to video calls and group interviews, we’ve got you covered with tips to prepare for each one.

In-person one-on-one

Your interviewer is going to get the best sense of your personality and potential when meeting in person, especially when it is just the two of you. Prior to arriving at the interview, be sure to interview the company and have several questions and talking points at the ready. To get a sense of what you should ask and talk about, check out our blog post Questions to Ask During a Job Interview. This will help in building a strong connection and give the employer an idea of how you’d perform should you get hired.

Group interview

While this interview may seem less daunting with other people, you also have to find a way to make yourself stand out and sell what makes you unique from the rest of the group. Indeed recommends socializing beforehand. They say, “Be polite and friendly to the other candidates despite the competitive nature of the situation and listen to their input. Some of it may be useful. For instance, another applicant might mention certifications they’ve earned, which could prompt you to share similar information about yourself. They may also have insights into the company that you could use.”

Virtual interview

Virtual interviews have become increasingly common since the start of the pandemic and the rise of work from home culture. Because you are relying solely on technology, the first step to taking is making sure your tools and internet are working properly. Test your laptop, webcam, and audio beforehand. The last thing you want is to be cutting out halfway through.

Additionally, just because you are taking this interview from home, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t remain professional. Dress the same as you would in person and use an appropriate background with minimal to no noise. For more tips on virtual interviews, read through our blog post 5 Tips to Ace your Virtual Interview.

Panel interview

In a panel interview, you will be facing a team of several interviewers all at once. This can seem overwhelming, as multiple people will be watching and listening to you at the same time. Take note of who is asking you which questions, maintain respective eye contact, and refer to everyone by their name if possible. Building rapport during this type of interview will set the tone of your personality and work ethic moving forward.

Phone screening

A phone screening is generally the first step before a formal interview. It can help hiring managers and recruiters get an idea of you interest in the role before they invite you in. These calls don’t usually last very long, but you should still situate yourself in a quiet area away from any distractions. It is also a good idea to have your resume and notes in front of you.

Contact Green Key recruiters!

Our talented and experienced recruiters at Green Key are not only here to aid in your job search, but to prepare for every step along the way. Contact us today and land that dream role with their guidance and preparation advice!