
Women’s History Month may be celebrated in March, but supporting women in the workplace should be practiced throughout the year. If you’re looking for ways your organization can recognize female contributions, both this month and beyond, we’ve compiled a handful of ways your company can continue doing so.

Highlighting achievements

Be sure to recognize the achievements and successes of the women in your organization, especially when receiving promotions or significant title changes. Seeing women in leadership positions can have strong influences on the younger generations. Representation is key. While all employees should be highlighted on public platforms, knowing your company supports the growth and opinions of women will reassure potential candidates and consumers.

Donating to women-centered charities

There are several charities focused on women’s issues that your organization can donate to, while also supporting their cause. Many of these charities are intended to raise awareness on gender inequality, discriminatory practices, bodily autonomy, and education for girls around the world. Some of these include the Malala Fund, She Should Run, and Equality Now.

Mentorship programs

Mentorship opportunities are important within any organization or industry. However, it’s especially impactful for women entering the workforce to pair up with women who have achieved significant success and growth in their career. As we mentioned earlier, representation truly makes a difference. Many young women want to know they can follow a fulfilling career, with the possibility of reaching leadership positions, while also maintaining a healthy life outside of work.

To learn more about mentorship in agency recruiting, check out our post Green Key Unlocked: Mentorship in Agency Recruiting.

Women-focused benefits

There are many female-focused benefits your company can offer your employees to maintain an inclusive culture and support the women on your staff. For instance, family building benefits can make a huge difference to women struggling to conceive or start a family. Offering benefits that cover IVF, surrogacy, egg freezing, and adoption opens up those doors. Other benefits supporting women might include paid parental leave for both parents, childcare services, and remote work opportunities.

Jun 6, 2023

Blood Banks Seeking Healthy and Recovered Volunteers

A Red Cross plea last month for blood donors averted what the agency described as a shortage so severe some hospitals were only days from running out of blood.

So many volunteers stepped forward that the Red Cross now deems the supply “adequate.” “We say that cautiously, because we don’t know what will come,” Paul Sullivan, senior vice president of the American Red Cross told the Washington Post.

Now, besides continuing to urge healthy people to give blood, hospitals and blood banks are asking those who have recovered from COVID-19 to donate plasma.

In the tri-state area, the New York Blood Center and Mount Sinai Hospital have issued calls for recovered COVID-19 persons to donate.

“If you had #COVID19 and have recovered you can help save a life. Your blood may contain antibodies that fight the virus and can help critically ill people. Please fill out this form to see if you are eligible to be a volunteer: https://bit.ly/2vTHALk,” the hospital Tweeted.

Friday, the Food and Drug Administration approved plans to test two potential therapies derived from human blood. “These are called convalescent plasma and hyperimmune globulin and are antibody-rich blood products made from blood donated by people who have recovered from the virus,” the FDA said.

The FDA program supplements the National COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Project, an ad hoc effort organized by physicians and scientists across the country to investigate using convalescent plasma against the coronavirus. The project developed guidelines for using plasma and has detailed information for potential donors and Covid-19 patients.

Before the FDA acted, some of the researchers in the project were independently testing the antibody-rich plasma on a handful of seriously sick patients. It’s too soon to know the outcome, but initial reports suggest the therapy may be lessening their symptoms.

Using blood and plasma from recovered patients goes back more than 100 years. Before antibiotics, it was one of the only therapies available. It was sufficiently successful that it’s been used to treat other types of diseases such as SARS and Ebola. Though clinical studies of the therapies are few, a detailed analysis published in 2014 in The Journal of Infectious Diseases concluded, “Convalescent plasma may reduce mortality and appears safe.”

Meanwhile, blood banks across the country are looking to healthy, uninfected individuals to make up for the cancellation of blood drives, which provide about 80% of the nation’s blood supply. There’s still a need for blood, even though demand has lessened as elective surgeries are postponed and accidents and traumatic injuries have declines with fewer people driving.

At Ohio’s Cleveland Clinic, which conducted its own blood drive, emergency physician Baruch Fertel said that as long as donations continue, “We can stay out of trouble. But we’re not out of the woods. Folks who are healthy and recovered should consider giving blood.”

Photo by Testalize.me on Unsplash


Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help

Why is asking for help so hard?

Some people seem to do it naturally; others become a pest because they’re always asking for help when they should know how to do it themselves. But, as research and studies show, the majority of us hesitate to ask for help when we really need it. We wait until we have no choice and the problem has become so much larger.

Yet, people are surprisingly willing to help. Studies tell us that people are 48% more willing than expected to help complete strangers.

Asking for help has proven benefits, writes Wayne Baker, Ph.D., is a professor at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, and author of All You Have to Do Is Ask. In an article for SHRM, Baker lists several including contributing to the success of new hires, relieving stress, better job performance and contributing to innovation and creativity.

In light of all that, why don’t more of us ask our co-workers for help? Baker says there are 8 main reasons:

  1. We underestimate other’s willingness to help. We fear being rejected.
  2. An ingrained sense we need to solve our own problems.
  3. The social costs of asking for help; being perceived by others as weak or incompetent.
  4. The work culture is such that it actually is unsafe to admit you need help.
  5. The organizational structure makes it difficult to know whom to turn to for help.
  6. We’re not clear what help we need or how to ask for it.
  7. We worry we haven’t earned the privilege — built up the “credits” — to ask.
  8. We don’t want to appear selfish.
