
As Thanksgiving approaches, we’d like to take the time to thank our amazing Green Key community! This includes all of our incredible clients, candidates, and employees whose continuous support and dedication keeps us going every single day. It has been a busy year and we would not be where we are without the relationships we’ve built.

Reflecting on the year and expressing how grateful we are is always important to us. If your company or organization has clients and candidates, as well as a reliable staff, it’s important to extend your gratitude for their business and hard work. If you’re wondering how to begin, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

Select an appropriate format

For some companies, handwritten notes may be personal and attainable. However, for larger organizations with several connections, this can be difficult and time consuming. Consider a digital note, with graphics pertaining to your business, and a personalized message.

Express your appreciation

Know beforehand exactly what you are thanking your community of connections for. Rather than generalizing, specify exactly why you are grateful, whether it be a purchase they made, a donation, or their corporate collaboration with you throughout the year. Your recipient will immediately feel as though their presence and help was valuable to your company.

Mention the future

To round out your letter or note, always be sure to mention the future and your intention to maintain a strong relationship. This will build a sense of loyalty with your recipient that other companies may not be providing for them. Always express that you would be thrilled to continue working together or supporting each other.

Thank again and close out

Toward the end of your letter, be sure to thank them one last time. When signing your name, try using terms such as “cheers,” “all the best,” or “have a wonderful day…” to maintain sincerity. Always include your name afterwards and provide a way for your recipient to respond if they’d like. For instance, adding a return email address or inbox will give them a direct outlet to contact you.

Green Key is so grateful and appreciate of our entire community! We are wishing you all a happy and healthy Thanksgiving and look forward to celebrating the holiday season with you all soon!

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help

Why is asking for help so hard?

Some people seem to do it naturally; others become a pest because they’re always asking for help when they should know how to do it themselves. But, as research and studies show, the majority of us hesitate to ask for help when we really need it. We wait until we have no choice and the problem has become so much larger.

Yet, people are surprisingly willing to help. Studies tell us that people are 48% more willing than expected to help complete strangers.

Asking for help has proven benefits, writes Wayne Baker, Ph.D., is a professor at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, and author of All You Have to Do Is Ask. In an article for SHRM, Baker lists several including contributing to the success of new hires, relieving stress, better job performance and contributing to innovation and creativity.

In light of all that, why don’t more of us ask our co-workers for help? Baker says there are 8 main reasons:

  1. We underestimate other’s willingness to help. We fear being rejected.
  2. An ingrained sense we need to solve our own problems.
  3. The social costs of asking for help; being perceived by others as weak or incompetent.
  4. The work culture is such that it actually is unsafe to admit you need help.
  5. The organizational structure makes it difficult to know whom to turn to for help.
  6. We’re not clear what help we need or how to ask for it.
  7. We worry we haven’t earned the privilege — built up the “credits” — to ask.
  8. We don’t want to appear selfish.
