
All year round, but especially during Pride Month, employers have an obligation to demonstrate inclusive hiring practices, diversity efforts, and equality in the workplace. We celebrate Pride Month not only to honor the incredible strides made by those in the LGBTQ+ community, but to continue educating on their admirable history and fighting for unconditional acceptance. 

Visibility & Reassurance

Visibility speaks volumes. Employers should have initiatives in place in order to support those at their organization who identify as LGBTQ+. This all starts in the recruitment process. Company values, such as embracing diversity, should be clearly communicated by recruiters, hiring managers, and even your marketing department. Potential hires should never wonder whether your organization is accepting and supportive of people from various types of backgrounds.

It’s important to remain proactive when recruiting potential new hires. For instance, if a candidate has questions on how their identity might effect their experience in the workplace, you must be ready to answer those questions appropriately. Many members of the LGBTQ+ community, especially those from younger generations, care deeply about an employer’s level of acceptance and equality. Be prepared to reassure, and provide evidence, that your organization will meet their expectations. According to a survey by Handshake Network Trends, 53% of respondents in Generation Z agree or strongly agree that “they would not apply to a job or internship where they find an employer lacks diversity.” 

Director of Talent Acquisition, Brooke Stemen, elaborates on a crucial way that Green Key employs this practice. “We have woven equality into the Green Key Resources fibers by having nongendered parental leave policies,” she says.

Year-round inclusivity

In terms of celebrating Pride beyond the month of June, there are many ways your organization can support the community. For instance, adjusting your marketing and advertising campaigns to include more LGBTQ+ people can be a major factor when clients and customers choose to work with your company. Including LGBTQ+ people of different races, races, and identities in marketing images and videos helps to connect with members of the community and assure them that you’re in their corner. This all comes down to social listening and recognizing how your company conducts outreach to LGBTQ+. 

Demonstrating inclusion year-round, through updated job descriptions, relevant events, and supportive benefits, will prove to candidates that your company is actively making an effort to create a healthy, communicative environment in the workplace. At Green Key, we are proud to support the LGBTQ+ every month throughout the year, while also maintaining a safe space for our employees. Adina Goldman, Principal at Green Key and Head of Corporate Human Resources, mentions, “We’re advocates for participation in the programs that we offer, but we understand that each employee has a different comfort level. This is why diversifying the programs offered is so beneficial. It creates a greater opportunity for employees to engage in whichever way that is meaningful and comfortable for them.” 

If you’re interested in advancing your recruiting career, and joining a firm that values the LGBTQ+ community all year long don’t hesitate to connect with Brooke on LinkedIn and get these conversations started today!

Feb 6, 2024

Essential Strategies for 2024: Remote Training

In the rapidly evolving landscape of work, the necessity of upskilling and reskilling keeps growing. As organizations strive to equip their workforce with the essential skills to thrive in a dynamic environment, remote training emerges as a pivotal solution. Let’s explore remote training and some best practices that can empower organizations to harness their full potential.

What is remote training?

According to the Digital Adoption team, “Remote training refers to any form of training conducted without the necessity for physical presence. This training methodology can take various forms, including synchronous sessions with real-time interaction, asynchronous modules that participants can access at their convenience, or self-paced learning opportunities. The common feature is that participants can engage from disparate locations.”

Remote training transcends the constraints of physical presence, offering a diverse array of learning opportunities accessible from any way. Digital Adoption highlighted, “This training methodology can take various forms, including synchronous sessions with real-time interaction, asynchronous modules that participants can access at their convenience, or self-paced learning opportunities. The common feature is that participants can engage from disparate locations.”

Benefits of Remote Training

Inclusivity lies at the heart of remote training, breaking down geographical barriers and accommodating diverse needs. By recording and sharing sessions, remote training ensures accessibility for all, fostering a more inclusive and diverse learning environment. Scalability emerges as another key advantage, enabling organizations to reach a broader audience without proportional costs increases. Moreover, flexibility reigns supreme, allowing individuals to tailor their learning experience to fit their busy schedules and commitments.

Best Practices for Remote Training

To maximize the effectiveness of remote training, organizations should adhere to a set of best practices. Digital Adoption provided 7 best practices for remote training.

  • Implement appropriate remote training tools: Leverage adaptive learning platforms, communication tools, and learning management systems to deliver dynamic and efficient training experiences.
  • Ensure technology reliability: Prioritize the reliability of technology infrastructure through rigorous testing and robust technical support.
  • Introduce Interactivity: Digital Adoption noted, “If remote learning doesn’t ask for learners to do anything, it will be boring and ineffective. Fortunately, you can enhance the effectiveness of remote training by introducing interactivity.” Organizations can enhance engagement and knowledge retention by incorporating elements such as gamification, testing, and feedback.
  • Use multimedia presentation techniques: Present training material through diverse media formats to cater to different learning styles and preferences.
  • Provide strong learning resources: Develop comprehensive and relevant training materials aligned with learning objectives.
  • Maintain a personal touch: Mitigate the impersonality of remote learning by fostering community and connectivity through regular check-ins and peer support systems.
  • Learn from traditional methods: Draw upon established principles of effective teaching and learning, such as clear objectives, excellent communication, and meaningful feedback.

As we navigate the complexities of the future of work, remote training stands as a cornerstone of organizational success. By embracing the principles and best practices outlined, organizations can unlock the full potential of remote training, empowering their workforce to excel in the digital age.