
Finding and hiring the right recruiter can be a time-investing process. But with the right set of questions, you’ll be able to spot top recruiters a lot more seamlessly. To help in your search for recruiters who truly knock it out of the park, we’ve compiled a list of questions worth asking during their interviews.

  1. How has your recruiting process changed and evolved? Recruitment is an industry that is constantly evolving. As the job market changes, as do recruiting processes. A smart recruiter will be able to adapt to the trends and update accordingly. Changes such as the Covid-19 pandemic, remote work, and new tech should always be considered.
  2. Can you provide any production numbers or retention rates from your previous roles? Experienced recruiters should be able to back up their success with data and numbers. Take note of their ability to answer this question. You never want a recruiter who struggles with vetting candidates or who rushes to fill roles, rather than focusing on the quality of candidates.
  3. What technology do you use in your recruiting process? As we stated, technology, especially in the world of recruiting and sales, is something that is always changing and improving. You want your recruiters to not only be familiar and experienced with certain technologies, but to remain open-minded to new hiring efficiencies.
  4. What was your relationship like with your previous manager? A successful recruiter is one who builds and maintains strong, long-lasting relationships. This applies not only to clients and candidates, but to team members and managers as well. Be sure to inquire what your candidate learned from their previous manager(s). This will give you some insight on how well they communicate, their ability to give and receive constructive feedback, and how their partnership positively impacted the company.
  5. Tell me about a time when your recruiting process went wrong? How did you handle it and what did you learn from this experience? This is a common interview question in general, but is especially relevant in recruiting. Every recruiter makes mistakes, but their response to those mistakes is where you’ll notice a difference in how they grow and learn from failure.
  6. How do you continue to build your personal brand? Creating a personal brand as a recruiter is essential to success when building a strong community pool. Take note of the way they utilize their LinkedIn platform, including which groups they join, the type of content they post, and how they interact with their connections.

Interested in recruiting for an innovative, tech-forward recruitment firm? Check out the careers at Green Key. Your next step in your recruiting career could be right around the corner!

Tech Team Leadership Takes More Than Coding

You’ve just been tapped to lead a development team on a new project. It’s a sign of the company’s confidence in you and the opportunity you’ve been wanting for a while.

Now that you’re back at a workstation, reality is setting in. What do you need to get your team on board and rowing together?

In a word, it’s leadership. And that has far less to do with your coding skills than your ability to communicate, motivate and collaborate. Your team will look to you for guidance in setting priorities, advocating for them up the food chain, and working with them to solve problems.

“In today’s world,” says The Ohio State Engineer Magazine, “It is essential for an engineer to possess strong communication skills; it is the biggest determiner of success in the modern engineer’s professional career.” This goes double for project leads and managers.

Clear communication starts with knowing the details of the project, defining the end goals clearly, assigning roles and setting expectations. Clarity is essential, so even when you see nodding heads, don’t assume everyone understands. Ask for discussion. A diplomatic way of ensuring your team understands what needs to be done is ask if the process and goals are realistic; does anyone see any potential problems. Invite pushback on the timeline.

Besides uncovering misunderstandings or communication gaps, you’ll demonstrate your openness to disagreement and differing points of view. Creating an environment of psychological safety is the single most important component of team success, according to Google, which exhaustively studied team leadership.

Slack blog post describes how a team lead creates psychological safety:

  1. An empathetic approach – “Strive to read your teammates. Are they content, stressed out or struggling?… Aiming to empathize with their point of view is key to gaining their trust.”
  2. Practice active listening – This means listening to understand what the person is saying rather than thinking of how we will respond.
  3. Avoid finger pointing – Constructive feedback is helpful. But blaming does nothing good. When problems arise — and they always do — focus on how to solve them. Involving the team in finding solutions is often a smart way to find creative ways to resolve problems.
  4. Be humble – When you make a mistake, admit it. When you’ve been short with someone, apologize. Say “please” and “thank you” often.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
