
If you’re new to clinical research, or even if you’re not, sooner or later you’ll be tasked with authoring a clinical study report.

These reports are required by regulatory agencies here in the US and globally. They follow standards and guidelines set by an international group to facilitate creating a standard accepted by agencies in multiple countries.

“A clinical study report (or CSR for short),” explains Eli Lilly in a blog post, “Describes the endpoints or outcomes being researched, provides details on how the data were collected and analyzed, and confirms whether the study endpoints were met or outcomes were achieved. They help regulatory agencies determine if a potential new medication is safe and effective.”

The first questions a novice report writer may have, therefore, are “What do I include in the report,” “What’s the report structure,” “How do I write the report”?

The International Conference On Harmonisation answers those questions in a 49 page guideline that spells out the details and includes sample forms.

Even with the guidelines, preparing a study report is complicated work, requiring the collection of data, analysis and making sure it is both accurate and complete.

Fortunately, the Association of Clinical Research Professionals recently published a much less intimidating primer answering those questions and many more. “Clinical Study Reports 101: Tips and Tricks for the Novice” provides an overview of the CSR, giving us a framework for writing and organizing a report.

The author, Sheryl Stewart, goes into just enough background to give a first time author or contributor an understanding of what needs to be in these reports and why. That goes a long way to helping us know what a report must include. She helpfully points to templates, and reassures us that “there are no requirements to follow the template precisely. Not every section is appropriate for every study.”

Her top level discussion tells us the first step is to review the templates she recommends to help you organize the report. Outlining it will tell you what documents and data you’ll need.

The next step is to identify all the stakeholders. These will certainly include the clinical study management team, those tasked with responsibility for the data and others. In a “Tips and Tricks” section Stewart suggests, “Drafting a project charter or scope document to ensure commitment from all required teammates on scope, deliverables, and timelines.”

Each of the stakeholders should be given a time table for their deliverables. “Time management is paramount for clinical trial submissions to regulatory authorities,” Stewart says.

In her section on the writing of the CSR, Stewart briefly discusses each of the six sections, offering insights into the process. Write the executive summary last, she suggests, because it will be easier then.

She also has a few tips about the review process. Have the reviewers initially focus on content. Formatting and grammar errors are much less important at this stage. She also says that once the review team has signed off on a section, discourage backtracking unless something major changes.

How long should you expect the process to take? Experienced writers surveyed at medical writing conferences came up with an average of 17 days from delivery of the final tables, listings, and figures to first draft. And 26 days from first draft to the final draft sent out for review.

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash


Nursing Home Minimum Staffing Rule: Finalized New Mandate

Nursing home staffing is a critical component of resident care and safety. Recent federal mandates have underscored the importance of adequate staff in these facilities, particularly in light of the challenges faced during the pandemic.

The pandemic exposed the vulnerabilities within nursing homes, revealing the devastating consequences of understaffing. Inadequate staffing levels contributed to the spread of infections and compromised resident care. The need for sufficient staff to provide quality care and ensure resident safety has never been more evident.

Key Points of the Mandate

According to a fact sheet published by the White House, “The Nursing Home Minimum Staffing Rule finalized today will require all nursing homes that receive federal funding through Medicare and Medicaid to have 3.48 hours per resident per day of total staffing, including a defined number from both registered nurses (0.55 hours per resident per day) and nurse aides (2.45 per resident per day). This means a facility with 100 residents would need at least two or three RNs and at least ten or eleven nurse aides as well as two additional nurse staff (which could be registered nurses, licensed professional nurses, or nurse aides) per shift to meet the minimum staffing standards. Many facilities would need to staff at a higher level based on their residents’ needs. It will also require facilities to have a registered nurse onsite 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide skilled nursing care, which will further improve nursing home safety. Adequate staffing is proven to be one of the measures most strongly associated with safety and good care outcomes.”

The fact sheet also stated, “To make sure nursing homes have the time they need to hire necessary staff, the requirements of this rule will be introduced in phases, with longer timeframes for rural communities. Limited, temporary exemptions will be available for both the 24/7 registered nurse requirement and the underlying staffing standards for nursing homes in workforce shortage areas that demonstrate a good faith effort to hire.”

Industry Opinions

Some experts raise concerns about the feasibility of meeting the mandated requirements, citing the ongoing challenges of staffing shortages within the industry. According to Skilled Nursing News, “Katie Smith Sloan, president and CEO of LeadingAge, criticized the rule for not including any support for recruitment and training of needed staff. “How can providers hire more RNs when they do not exist?” she said in a statement. “Nurse aides, who are the backbone of aging services, are also in short supply – yet again, the rule does not include support to recruit, train and hire more of these critical workers. By the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) estimate, the rule will add to providers’ financial burden – by $43 billion, over 10 years.”

To address these concerns, the rule will be implemented gradually, allowing nursing homes time to hire additional staff and adjust to the new requirements. This phased approach aims to minimize disruptions to resident care while ensuring compliance with the mandate.

Particular attention will be paid to the challenges faced by rural communities, where recruiting and retaining staff may be more challenging.

The new nursing home staffing mandate represents a pivotal moment in prioritizing resident care and safety. By establishing minimum staffing ratios and requiring 24/7 RN coverage, the mandate aims to address longstanding challenges within the industry. While concerns about staffing shortages persist, the potential positive impact on residents’ well-being cannot be overstated.

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