
After a year of layoffs, furloughs, and record unemployment due to COVID-19, the U.S. saw a record number of job opportunities open in February 2021, according to the Labor Department’s Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS).

JOLTS reported that the number of available positions increased to 7.37 million in February, the highest number the Labor Department has seen since in two years.

With expanding access to vaccinations, employers are increasingly seeking candidates to fill open roles.

“We are feeling extremely encouraged by the recent JOLTS report,” said Andrew Chayut, Managing Partner at Green Key Resources. “Our recruiters have seen an increased demand for hiring in the last few months and have been busy getting people back to work.”


Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Jun 6, 2023

Survey: Diversity Is an Organization’s Moral Obligation’

Diversity has long been a workforce priority, if not always broadly shared within an organization, certainly it is and has been for human resources and recruiting professionals.

HR, and we include the recruiting team here, is the group typically tasked with ensuring compliance with government requirements, historically the motivator behind efforts to have a demographically representative workforce.

Now, that’s changed. Driven by calls internally as well as nationally for fairness and balanced representation, organizations say making diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) a priority has become a moral obligation.

52% of the respondents in a survey of HR professionals and other business leaders said making DEI part of a company’s overall strategy is “the right thing to do.” Of the three reasons respondents gave, moral obligation was the most cited. Close behind were employee expectations and recruitment and retention, both cited by 48% each.

Conducted by the recruitment software provider Workable, the extensive survey probed the details of company DEI efforts, drilling down into the efforts organizations are making, how they measure their progress and who is – and who should be – leading.

Between those organizations that have DEI initiatives and those that have made diversity and inclusion a permanent part of their values, 63% said there is an active effort to promote DEI internally. Another 18% are preparing action or have an interest, but just aren’t sure where to start.

While most efforts go back a year or more, 23.6% said DEI took on importance in 2020; 18.3% acknowledged “it became a consideration for us” last year, while 5.3% said it is now a consideration.

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Workable’s report quotes one of the respondents who wrote, “We have just put some initiatives in place, specifically around racial diversity in response to the [Black Lives Matter] movement.” Another commented, “This started with a walk-out of the company that was organized by an anonymous group of employees, but included a large group of employees.”

Overall, 73.4% of respondents, including those who identified as a minority, believe their company is making progress, though there are differences depending on the specific industry and gender of the respondent. For example, 77% of men believe “meaningful progress” is being made while 71.4% of women and 73.4% of minorities say so.

When it comes to who should have responsibility for an organization’s DEI, there’s agreement that everyone should have some, but a difference between management and team members.

Asked “Who should be responsible for overall DEI initiatives in your company,” 39% of respondents said “everyone.” And the percentage who said that was nearly identical regardless of their position in the company hierarchy.

But in separating respondents by role, Workable found only 22% of those at the executive or director / manager level thought they should be responsible, while 29% of staff thought so.

Workable says, “There are two ways to look at this: first, it could be the tendency to say, yes, it needs to happen, but the actual work should be owned by someone else, or it could be that employees are looking to their leaders to set direction and define the culture of the company.”

“It’s safe to suggest that our respondents wholly believe we’re in it together and that someone should absolutely take ownership of initiatives to ensure DEI progress.”

But, ultimately what Workable found is that HR or a dedicated DEI manager or group is actually doing the work of leading DEI initiatives.

Though the survey was relatively small and select – 788 responses coming from among Workable’s clients with almost a third in the IT and tech sector – the results point to a broad support for diversity, equity and inclusion.

“The commitment is clear,” writes Workable in the conclusion. “The information is readily available. There is work to be done – and it involves every one of us. Real, tangible action speaks louder than words and statements, and your employer brand may depend on it. With time and business smarts, we’ll all get there.”

Photo by Clay Banks


Green Key Unlocked: Why Green Key?

“We are always inviting new, innovative ideas,” says Brooke Stemen, Director of Talent Acquisition at Green Key. As the person responsible for interviewing and onboarding new recruiters at the agency, Brooke has several reasons why someone should want to work and grow here. If you are looking for a different recruiting experience, or simply trying to switch career paths entirely, Brooke has provided a handful of motivating reasons to consider Green Key Resources. 

1. Commission structure 

The industry standard for commission structures is 5%, but at Green Key, *it typically starts* 12%. As this is more than double, the earning potential is unmatched. We also have zero threshold to earning commission, meaning you will make commission on your very first placement. You will never have to hit a spread quota or achieve a number of placements before unlocking strong earning potential. In addition to a competitive commission structure, Green Key also promotes from within. “We push our management teams to develop their internal teams,” says Brooke. “We are very growth-focused and invested in the success of our recruiters.” With a tech-focused mission and access to industry leading sourcing techniques, employees at Green Key have unlimited opportunities to succeed

2. Flexibility 

Green Key was founded on empathetic leadership, where you are treated like an adult and granted full autonomy to build your own day and optimize your time. Brooke reiterates, “We are not driven by arbitrary numbers, like how many calls you make. We’re a results driven firm and focused on net and production, which is a system that cultivates efficiency.” Green Key is also a give and take environment. Remote and hybrid schedules allow for a trusting relationship and higher productivity. We are always centered on quality of work over quantity. 

3. Mentorship 

Because Green Key promotes from within, managers across the organization are more motivated to mentor their recruiters and facilitate growth. Hierarchies tend to break down in these relationships and promote open communication. Mentorship within various teams is a unique aspect that makes Green Key successful. The opportunity to trust and learn from seasoned recruiters leads to goals being met and a healthy work environment.  

4. Diversity & inclusion 

“Prior to Green Key, I didn’t really see myself represented in leadership,” Brooke mentions. “As a woman who wants children one day, I was thrilled to see so many mothers holding leadership positions here.” Brooke emphasizes that Green Key is a place where you can make a substantial life for yourself, both professionally and personally. If you have to attend to personal matters outside of work, that will never hinder your success or growth here. “All we ask is that when you’re here, be present and try your hardest. At the end of the day, Green Key is an agency made by recruiters for recruiters.” 

Contact us 

If you’re considering a career change, do not hesitate to connect with Brooke on LinkedIn or visit our Join the Green Key Team page. With so many opportunities for growth and advancement, this just might be the perfect place for you!