
An army of workers is being recruited across the US to help “box-in” the coronavirus to prevent its spread and reduce the chance of new outbreaks.

Tens of thousands – 100,000 at least — of these special workers will be deployed to track down and counsel individuals who may have come into contact with an infected person. When they do, they’ll ask them about their health, informing them they were potentially exposed to the virus and advising them about what steps to take.

These contact tracers may also ask them who they’ve been in contact with and then reach out to those individuals as well.

Contact tracing is a key part of how public health officials will contain the spread of COVID-19.

Described in a document prepared by the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, boxing-in the virus involves four tactics: “(1) testing, (2) isolation of all infected people, (3) finding everyone who has been in contact with infected people, (4) quarantine all contacts for 14 days, and (1) re-testing of those people.”

Each piece is essential to containing the pandemic, but success depends first on identifying the infected and who they may have infected, which is why so many cities and states have begun beefing up the ranks of their public health investigators.

“Contact tracing, monitoring, and provision of social supports to infected individuals and their contacts is an urgent priority of local, state, territorial, and tribal health departments,” says the association, “And will require rapid and massive scaling up of existing contact investigation resources in every community in the United States and its territories.”

As recruiting for these positions gets underway, agencies are making a determined effort to recruit from the ethnic and minority communities most impacted by COVID-19, reports Kaiser Health News.

“There are some communities that aren’t going to respond to a phone call, a text message or a letter,” explains Dr. Kara Odom Walker, secretary of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services. “That could be due to health literacy issues, which could be due to fear, or documentation status.”

In Long Beach, California, which has a substantial Cambodian, Vietnamese, Samoan, Pilipino and Spanish-speaking population, the city weeks ago assembled a team of 60 contact tracers and interpreters from among its bilingual municipal workers.

Virginia, which plans to hire 1,300 tracers and support staff, is recruiting speakers of Mandarin, Haitian Creole, Spanish and Bengali, according to the Kaiser report.

Having a tracer who understands the culture as well as speaks the language can make a big difference in how much cooperation – and success – public health agencies will have.

Says Walker, “You need someone to be a cultural broker to say, not only are these policies in place to protect you, but I’m telling you to trust me that this will be OK.”

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash


Don’t Commit the Sin of Overproductivity

Is it possible to be too productive?

The short answer is “Yes.” The consequences of overproductivity can be as serious in white collar work as it is in lean manufacturing.

If that surprises you, consider what it means to exceed expectations and not just by doing more than what is expected, but overproducing to such an extent that you sometimes run out of work and feel guilty if you stop to take a breath.

Laura Stack, a productivity professionals, calls overproductivity a “deadly sin.”

Why would someone who’s written more books on productivity than practically anyone and who regularly speaks at conferences about improving productivity warn about being too productive? Because overproductivity on a sustained basis leads to a poor or non-existent work/life balance, it takes a toll on your body to always be running, managers ding you should you ever perform at “normal” speed and burnout forever looms.

“Too much work,” writes Stack, “Can damage your health in many ways, from cardiovascular disability to too little sleep, a poor diet, dehydration, and more .”

If that isn’t enough, your co-workers will come to resent you, since they’ll be pushed by the boss to perform at your pace. When you need their help on some task how likely do you suppose they’ll be to come to your aid?

“Like a nova that briefly outshines, if you overproduce too long, you may burn out, whereupon you’re useless, not just to yourself but to everyone. And in the modern business environment, an underperforming asset, even a human one, is unlikely to last long,” says Stack.

The point of this post isn’t to dissuade anyone from working hard and being productive. Instead, learn to pace yourself so you can perform well, sustain quality and be as productive next week, next month and next year as you are today.

Image by mohamed Hassan
