
Welcome back to #WeAreGreenKey, where we shine a spotlight on our powerhouse recruiting team.  

This week, we sat down with Judy Holt, Partner at Green Key leading the Professional Services division in Rockville, Maryland. This July marks ten years since Judy first formed her team in Maryland. While the last decade has flown by, Judy has since maintained many faithful clients, taken on many new team members, and become an admired leader at Green Key.  

What is the benefit of being on the business development side at a firm like Green Key? 

We truly care about getting to know our clients and their culture. Clients notice how we take the time to understand their needs because if you don’t do that, it’s a lot harder to find the right people who have the chance to be there for the long haul. Understanding a client’s culture is also vital – we need to know about culture from both the client’s and candidate’s perspectives. This sort of cultural fit – are they laid back or more driven, more flexible or more structured, and so on – is really important in finding a long-term match.

Congrats on ten years in Rockville! How does it feel? 

It feels like we started this team yesterday. We opened the office in July 2013 with three of us, now we’re around eighteen team members. We are so proud to still have clients who have been with us since the beginning. Even when individuals move on for their next opportunity, they take us with them because they know we care, and that we will always strive to match our clients with the best available candidates to meet their needs and budgets.

Of course, this is only possible because of the very tight team we’ve built. We have built a very supportive culture with an open-door policy where we help each other learn, overcome challenges, and develop new relationships with new companies and candidates. This commitment to motivating and supporting each other is essential to our success, and to creating and maintaining our team culture.

Are there any trends you’ve been noticing recently in Professional Services? 

Hiring has started off a little quieter compared to 2022, but there is still an ongoing talent shortage. Work-life balance continues to be important to workers across all industries, and the demand for remote and hybrid work remains strong. We are seeing a lot of companies either reevaluating their budgets or being more conservative due to over-hiring during the pandemic. Equity has also come into question this year because of aggressive competition for the best candidates over the past couple of years.

Candidates are more nervous this year to make moves or changes due to uncertainty about the economy and worry about job security in pursuing new positions. It’s not just about the position and the compensation anymore – while those remain important, candidates want to know where a company is headed, and what is their strategy to achieve both growth and stability. Part of our job is to educate candidates about a client’s strategy and stability and to share relevant industry information to put the client in a broader context.

We’re also learning that we really need to tell a candidate’s story. Companies like seeing tenured candidates and people who have long track records in their fields. But the pandemic prompted layoffs, relocations, and illnesses, and some highly qualified candidates had to take time to care for children stuck at home or loved ones experiencing illness. We must be able to explain gaps in resumes in constructive ways and tell each person’s unique story. We must also teach some companies to look differently at employment gaps than they may have in the past; it is far more common for qualified professionals to have unusual career journeys and varied sets of experiences than was once considered the norm.

Are there any challenges you’re seeing your clients go through this year? 

As has always been the case, the number one challenge is retaining the best talent. But now, employees may look to make a move for greater flexibility with remote work, more comprehensive benefits, and increased PTO. Basically, improving quality of life is now as important as higher pay. Most candidates want to work remotely even while seeking more compensation – and there are some positions that allow for that. But we regularly educate candidates about the way the market is shifting to more hybrid work and even returning to full-time, on-site positions in some industries.

Candidates who want to build careers in certain industries may need to rethink their ideal of a full-time remote position if the industry, company, or position they desire does not offer this. Part of what we do at Green Key is help clients and candidates meet each other halfway and find the right balance between what is good for both the company and the individual.

How does your team maintain culture and connection?  

We have an amazing team – I know lots of people say that, but it’s really true for Green Key Rockville! We hold regular team calls, weekly lunch & learns, virtual games, and team events in the evening or on weekends, including some with our families. Our industry is very demanding and is definitely not a 9-to-5 job, so creating a supportive culture has been a huge part of building our incredibly successful team. Our success is measured in more than the bottom line, however.

First, of course, it’s our shared standard of excellent client service – we all celebrate every placement because it is incredibly impactful to connect companies with great people and to help those people find meaningful work. Second, and perhaps more surprising, are the deep personal relationships we have built both within the team and with many clients over the years. We have shared many personal life milestones, as well as supporting each other through losses and challenges. We nurture a culture of caring for each other, and that leads to a culture of caring for our clients and candidates too.

This is the biggest reason why I am confident and optimistic about the future. Because I know that through the natural ups and downs and up again of our business, the quality of our relationships – with clients, candidates, and each other – gives us a strength that exceeds anywhere I have worked in my more than thirty years in this business!

#WeAreGreenKey: Spotlight on Julian Davis

Julian started the IT temporary and consulting division at Green Key in 2021 and has since grown the team to seven people. He reflects on his team’s ability to address trends in the industry, such as automation and electric vehicles, while also focusing on quality relationship-building and trust.

Feb 29, 2024

Marketing Strategies: 2024 Trends and Strategies for Success

In our last two articles, we delved into marketing strategies, uncovering what they are, the multiple types, how they work, and finally their benefits and how to successfully create one. In this article, we’ll explore the strategies to be on the lookout for this year.

We should take note that 2023 gave way to several foundational trends including AI and Machine Learning, remote and hybrid work, and virtual hiring just to pinpoint a few. With these innovation trends, there is no doubt that recruiters are leveraging technology more than ever. According to MarketSplash.com, “A staggering 99.2% of employers search for potential candidates on social media platforms.”

So, what are the key recruitment marketing strategies that are anticipated to shape 2024? RecruitDaily.com, listed a few of the strategies we should look out for including:

  • “Advanced AI Integration in Recruitment: AI is expected to be the driving force behind recruitment optimization in 2024. Recruiters will likely leverage AI to enhance candidate sourcing, with intelligent algorithms analyzing vast data sets to identify ideal candidates.”
  • “Normalizing Remote and Hybrid Work: The normalization of remote and hybrid work will be a game-changer in recruitment marketing. Companies are expected to showcase their flexibility as a key differentiator in attracting talent, emphasizing the advantages of video conference capabilities in supporting a digital-first approach. With an increased focus on work-life balance, recruiters will adopt and promote digital-first hiring practices, emphasizing the ability to work from anywhere as a major advantage…This has already increased the geographical diversity of applicants by more than 20% as well as the overall competition, meaning that the need for virtual recruitment tools is bigger than ever. Having the right recruitment tools in place is essential for attracting top talent.”
  • Strategic Employer Branding: A strong emphasis on authentic employer branding will be imperative, focusing on values alignment, transparent communication, and consistency across channels to attract and retain top talent.
  • Social Media as a Talent Magnet: Social Media will play a crucial role in talent acquisition, with recruiters leveraging platforms for interactive content, live sessions, and community building to foster transparent and relatable workplace imagery.
  • “Cultivating Inclusive Work Environments: DEI initiatives became more than just a checkbox item. According to research, 76% of job seekers and employees believe that a diverse workplace is important. As the workforce becomes increasingly diverse, recruitment marketing strategies will emphasize inclusivity.”
  • Data-Driven Recruitment Decisions: Recruiters will increasingly rely on data analytics to inform recruitment strategies, enabling agile adjustments and optimization of resources for maximum effectiveness.
  • Enhanced Candidate Experience: Personalized and engaging candidate experiences will be paramount, extending from initial contact to onboarding, leaving a positive and lasting impression aligned with company values.
  • “Video Content Dominance: Video content is set to dominate recruitment marketing in 2024, with a shift towards visual storytelling to engage potential candidates. Recruitment videos can convey company culture, employee testimonials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the workplace. Interactive and live video sessions will also become commonplace, offering real-time engagement opportunities. This medium will be especially effective on mobile platforms, where the majority of job seekers are active.”
  • “Recruitment Automation and Efficiency: Automation will become increasingly sophisticated, with systems handling everything from job postings to initial candidate screening. Recruitment marketing strategies will leverage this automation to increase efficiency and reach, targeting multiple platforms and job boards with a single click.”
  • “Emphasis on Learning and Development: In 2024, the way companies market their job openings will put a strong spotlight on the chance for workers to learn and grow. Candidates will be on the lookout for places that offer good training and clear ways to move up in their careers. Businesses will meet this interest by showing off their training sessions, paths to higher positions, and a culture that supports ongoing learning.”